Posts by Makhi

    Due to personal circumstances, the distribution of the latest version of NewXBar & Xbar III TimeFix for Chronicles of Arcadia, is made by its developer (Nelisa) and players belonging to the Nocturnuss guild.

    - Last version -


    XBar III TimeFix-1.88_COA-2

    The latest version of the launcher crashes on windows 7 without displaying the window. I think it has to do with the loading of the news content.

    If for some reason it has to do with the "browser" it may be helpful to look at the forks of chrome (aka Catsxp, thorium-legacy) and firefox (aka r3dfox) that are compatible with windows 7.

    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.84

    + Agregados materiales de nivel 100

    + Arreglado capacidad de contar Moneda de coraje

    + Added level 100 gathering materials

    + Fixed Courage Coin

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.80

    + Agregados materiales de nivel 100

    + Arreglado capacidad de contar Moneda de coraje

    + Añadida la clase Bardo

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon

    + Added level 100 gathering materials

    + Fixed Courage Coin

    + Added Bard class

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files

    Thanks for the effort!

    We also have the problem that when the skill changes, or you activate specific skills that overwrite another, it is automatically replaced in the slot. The icon remains the same, but the skills are different, in execution, as well as in the description of the skill.

    I was able to reproduce the problem with the skills of the old VIP pass. When the game loads and fails to load the professions and you restart, the VIP skills in the bar become unusable and the profession buttons change to another ID. It did not affect the skills in the other tabs. All the times that the problem occurred I was without changing classes.

    I think it is a problem of the game itself, than of the addon. To mitigate the problem when changing class vActionbar saves (warning you) the skills you have in all action bars.

    Fixed in Patch

    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.83

    + Añadido acceso al Pase de Batalla de Prestigio desde el menú principal

    + Añadida Moneda de corage

    + Arreglados colores de divisas

    + Added access to the Prestige Battle Pass from the main menu

    + Added Courage Coin

    + Fixed currency colors

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.79

    + Añadido acceso al Pase de Batalla de Prestigio desde el menú principal

    + Añadida Moneda de corage

    + Arreglados colores de divisas

    + Added access to the Prestige Battle Pass from the main menu

    + Added Courage Coin

    + Fixed currency colors


    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.82

    + Añadida la clase Bardo

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon

    + Added Bard class

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia

    V. 1.78

    + Añadida la clase Bardo (omitido)

    + Independizadas las llamadas a _glossary e incluidas en los archivos de idiomas del addon (omitido)

    + Added Bard class (skipped)

    + Independent calls to _glossary have been made independent and included in the addon language files (skipped)

    I think the latest version is working fine again in CoA Although this weekend I will try to release a new version to make it look like before.

    There's still couple of errors but UI working fine.

    There is already the following thread dedicated to Xbar in XBar Fix. I see unnecessary the version that you have uploaded.

    It was enough to report in the dedicated thread the problem and the line you modified that anyway I do not know what fixes if until the penultimate patch called a line that supposedly did not exist and now with the latest pache versions that were already (Xbar III TimeFix 1.81H and NewXBar 1.77H) return to work as before although you can add the lines of _glossary to those who call the language files of xbar without this being a problem.

    Of course, development must come first, but also in some cases it is good to find a compromise between game development and add-on development so that the game experience is as satisfactory as possible for both simple and advanced players.

    About addons, we can classify it in 3 types:

    Type 1: If an addon stops working, you stop using it, reporting the problems to its page on curseforge if it exists and on the forum in case some samaritan fixes it.

    Type 2: Some addons even if they lose functionality can be reported as type 1 but still remain useful with the part that still works but must be used responsibly understanding the limitations or else you have to stop using it.

    Type 3: Those that work well regardless of when they were last modified.

    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - v. 1.81H

    + Añadida Moneda Nero

    + Ahora todos los contadores de divisas funcionan

    + Añadido un par de addons complementarios (puedes borrar las carpetas addon complementarias a xbar y los addons que hay dentro de la carpeta bonus si no lo vas a usar)

    + Added Nero Currency

    + Now all currency counters work

    + Added a couple of complementary addons (you can delete the addon folders complementary to xbar and the addons inside the bonus folder if you are not going to use it)

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - v. 1.77H

    + Añadida Moneda Nero

    + Ahora todos los contadores de divisas funcionan

    + Añadido un par de addons complementarios (puedes borrar las carpetas addon complementarias a xbar si no lo vas a usar)

    + Added Nero Currency

    + Now all currency counters work

    + Added a couple of complementary addons (you can delete the addon folders complementary to xbar if you are not going to use it)

    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog


    myob unchecking "activate" box button on the Guild tab on Xbar and save, should be enough, and so should any such button. It works for me

    Xbar III TimeFix para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    NewXBar para / for Chronicles of Arcadia - Cambios / Changelog

    <3 Last version:!: Click here

    1. Language: ES

    2. Client version:

    3. Problem description / suggestion: Some pet crafting tools have wrong description.

    Azada pequeña (Small Hoe in english). The description is correct so it stays as it is.

    Hacha pequeña (Small Hatchet in english)

    Una herramienta de producción de tala de árboles para mascotas. Capacidad máxima: 99

    Pala pequeña (Small Spade in english). The description is correct so it stays as it is.

    Azada grande (Big Hoe in english)

    Esta herramienta permitirá a tu mascota recolectar recursos de Minería de nivel 63 a 96. Máximo apilables: 99

    Hacha grande (Big Hatchet in english)

    Esta herramienta permitirá a tu mascota recolectar recursos de Tala de árboles de nivel 63 a 96. Máximo apilables: 99

    Pala grande (Big Spade in english)

    Esta herramienta permitirá a tu mascota recolectar recursos de Herbalismo de nivel 63 a 96. Máximo apilables: 99

    Azada ligera (Lightweight Hoe in english). The description is correct so it stays as it is.

    Hacha ligera (Lightweight Hatchet in english).

    Una herramienta de producción de tala de árboles para mascotas. Capacidad máxima: 999

    Pala ligera (Lightweight Spade in english).

    Una herramienta de producción de recolección de hierbas para mascotas. Capacidad máxima: 999

    Azada fuerte (Heavy Hoe in english)

    Esta herramienta proporcionará a tu mascota a trabajar en recursos de Minería de nivel 63 a 96. Máximos apilables: 999

    Hacha fuerte (Heavy Hatchet in english)

    Esta herramienta proporcionará a tu mascota a trabajar en recursos de Tala de árboles de nivel 63 a 96. Máximos apilables: 999

    Pala fuerte (Heavy Spade in english)

    Esta herramienta proporcionará a tu mascota a trabajar en recursos de Herbalismo de nivel 63 a 96. Máximos apilables: 999

    Azada mágica dorada (Magical Golden Hoe in english). The description is correct so it stays as it is.

    Hacha mágica dorada (Magical Golden Hatchet in english)

    Esta herramienta dispondrá a tu mascota para trabajar en recursos de Tala de árboles desde el nivel 1 a 96. Máximos apilables: 999

    (Reduce el tiempo de recollección en un 50%.)

    Pala mágica dorada (Magical Golden Spade in english)

    Esta herramienta dispondrá a tu mascota para trabajar en recursos de Herbalismo desde el nivel 1 a 96. Máximos apilables: 999

    (Reduce el tiempo de recolección en un 50%.)


    StatRating r150 with your fix + spanish translation fixed by me: download

    PD: your StatRating is v1.03.146_stable