Posts by grox

    We would rather add option to optionally disable "Current equipment" tooltips if there is such will from other players.

    It will not be changed to be as default.

    Regarding your screenshot, there appears to be logical issue since item on left and right is the same one, so should be displayed only once. It will be handled in future to display just once.



    New Item Shop items are always added with slight delay of a few days.

    New craftings will be available to use with further updates.

    Crafting limits might be increased along with it.


    These are 5 issues related to animations/addons/other code on zone change. We possibly fixed 3 reasons for next patch, but initial issue is more likely about some addon triggering in wrong time.



    High exp rates makes new players get up to maximum level within a moment without learning game mechanics during regular gameplay. It ends that they are on maximum level quickly (which is not even rewarding) and have no idea what to do, what to run or how to play tactics or use special class skills. They are lost and mostly ending their journey. We analyses many cases.

    We are starting large process of making game more understandable for new players, which will cover many aspects. New introduction, easier start, more information, better guiding through game.

    There is already exp modifier that allows you to decrease gained exp to x0-9, but it is not default yet and still brings same issue since availability of high exp rate without effort makes it too often chosen without thinking about long term consequences.

    As well, with upcoming patch containing this change, leveling to 104 and 105 is easier as of fixed house bonuses. And now you can still fill many exp orbs before patch.

    Please don't forget that there is dozens of exp potions of buffs that were basically useless until now as of total caps. After change, with their usage you will be able to reach same speed.


    When attacking boss 3 randomly the game of some players closes. They have no crash reports. Some players don't have that problem and for others its only some time.


    Any news regarding that? Cause its really annoying if 2-3 ppl just crit (not to mention that its really fun if your interface crashes during that)

    We are unable to currently do anything as lacking crash reports or detailed information.

    We received one crash report so far, which was not possible to debug sadly.

    We suspects that it might be related to effects settings since it appears to occur only to players with higher graphics settings and enabled effects.

    Are you able to guess if it happens in certain tactic phase? Or when getting certain buff/executing skill?

    Can you please show screenshot of your graphics settings?

    We need to find a way to reproduce it, since no one from team was able to experience it so far. If we can reproduce it, we might take an attempt to fix it.

    If you crash in every run and have all effect enabled, could you please try run with all effects disabled, and if it not crashing then, try next runs with enabling one effect per run? Then we could easily find out which of it might be related and easier check all of these in area.



    Your feedback for Patch - PvP Rework, Tank Rework, Crafting Festival may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for PvP Rework.

    For Tank Rework and class balance please use Class Balance [Patch] & Bard thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

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    Quest NPC cards were always supposed to be not modifiable. It was known as issue in between some patches.

    Is the card 777767 (mob id: 139556) obtainable? Cause the mobs just disappear which is why they don't have loot.

    Generally speaking, there are some cards in dc where we dont know if they are obtainable. Maybe you can check that also.

    Thanks in advance.


    Card is obtainable under certain conditions.

    Card ID 777757

    ( Is called in German Client " Dunkler Tintenfisch" , eventho it is more like a Jellyfish then a tintenfisch/ Squid . So correct would be "Dunkle Qualle"

    Greetings xD

    Forwarded to translator.

    Any news on the new card system ? Maybe you will add a new zone to the system with the upcoming festival change. I honestly would like to see the entire first continent in this system, not just a couple of zones. Greetings

    Next zones will come slowly in meantime to ensure current system is stable.



    Changed card star upgrade requirements for non-killable minigames NPCs to disenchanting only.

    The cards 777655 and 777654 still require monster kills even though they are NPC cards.

    It is known and already corrected for next patch. Mistakenly two other cards 777765 and 777764 were changed who's monsters are killable and already reverted.



    Your feedback for Patch - Dark Core may be posted within this thread.

    Please provide us with your thoughts and opinions while keeping all respective rules in mind when you click the reply button.

    Please use this thread only for Dark Core.

    For Talaghan please use Talaghan [Patch] thread.

    Feedback should be constructive and provide detailed information, thoughts, and ideas.

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