Economy in Paradise

  • Hi it's me again.

    Was browsing Auction House, and I am suprised to find most transactions required diamonds. And if some items selling for gold, they are selling for millions. I have never seen anyting like this in my last ROM game (which was probabably like 4 or 5 years ago)

    Where do people get those millions of gold? Is everyone buying diamonds now? There is no place for F2P in this game? Or is there some secret place where you can get free diamonds? ;(

  • Hello, Yramrag.

    You can buy diamond buy exchanging Ancient Memento's at the merchants found in varanas central plaza:
    500 - 10 diamonds
    1000 - 200 diamonds
    up to 5000 - 100 diamonds

    You may also transfer 10,000,000 gold for 10 diamonds. You can get guild quickly by doing quests or doing dailies in balu village
    10 dailies = 1,000,000 gold

    Besides that, farm mirror world daily in a party (Increases loot rates) for mirror shards. Exchanging 250 will give you 1 PoM (Proof of Myth) they sell for around 150-250 depending on the day.

  • Also You can do malatinas and gobes and sell stats You get from Phirius Shell merchants. I think they will give You nice amount of diamonds when You sell them on AH :)
    When You'll have better gear You can farm tiers too. selling tiers is also a nice source of diamonds.

    • Official Post

    Paradise is indeed Free to Play.
    Main difference which you noticed is due to this server is diamonds, not gold based.
    Price of diamonds depends of quests gold rate - it's higher here than on other publishers, and every new zone bring more and more gold from Daily Quests.

    A lot of things (included diamonds) you can obtain without investing money.

    - you can obtain diamonds for ancient mementos
    - you can obtain diamonds for gold from Auction House
    - you can obtain diamonds for gold from NPC
    - you can obtain diamonds for selling items in Auction House
    - you can obtain IS items spinning Wheel of Fortune
    - you can obtain IS items and gifts from our event NPC's located in Varanas
    - you can obtain IS items from several of minigames
    - you can obtain IS items from our regular festivals
    - you can obtain IS items from community events

    Additionally you can get VIP member which allow you to receive daily gifts every day or meet Travelling Merchant who will sell you high valuable items for attractive price.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.