TargetNearestFriend/Enemy Usage Limits

  • Pls if possible give players the ability to turn this off with a setting, never had problems with this in the first place and now i get a waring every few seconds while farming and standing infront of monsters spamming button also i think this leads into tanks getting problems with taking aggro of very big group mobs via macro to attack different monsters q-q

    Its just very annoying change tbh and i hope players will get option to turn this off if they dont have performance issues :)

    Greetings Miraiyu

    • New
    • Official Post


    This was causing performance issues not only for player using it, but also players around the user. Currently it's not planned to remove this block from macros, however usage limits may be adjusted, you may also manually use it from tab keybind as much as you like, change is just to block excessive use inside macro loops.


  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.
  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Added usage limits to TargetNearestEnemy and TargetNearestFriend when used from macros due to performance issues.” to “TargetNearestFriend/Enemy Usage Limits”.