Nightmare Androlier

  • Hello,

    With +1,000 DROP, I have been entering 750208 [Varanas Nightmare] almost every day for about a month. There are 3 cards I need here. Despite spending so much time and effort to obtain these cards, I have not been able to obtain them yet.

    Could the DROP rate of this map and these creatures be low? Or could there be another problem? I'm just curious.

    Thank you.

    • New
    • Official Post


    With +1,000 DROP, I have been entering 750208 [Varanas Nightmare] almost every day for about a month. There are 3 cards I need here. Despite spending so much time and effort to obtain these cards, I have not been able to obtain them yet.

    Could the DROP rate of this map and these creatures be low? Or could there be another problem? I'm just curious.

    Thank you.

    These cards aren't part of the new system, meaning they have much lower drop chance then new system cards, as well as having drop rate reduction due to being higher level than the monster you're killing.
