german grammar and typo during morrok questline magic reconstruction in "Tergothen Bucht" (Magische Rekonstruktion)
1.[Typo] see screenshot -> "Deshalb" instead of "DeshMlb". pretty sure this was the last conversation before "ein treffen mit rebellen". i did all quest with Madya shioth + bobo scott and asked some questions about the secret guys. during that conversation the last pop up if i remember correctly. i do not think this was technically part of a questdialogue, just dialogue from the character that unlocked after the quest.
2.last conversation with Will Kanches in quest "Fangt Will", you are missing "der" before 'Menschenkönig'. pretty sure during earlier conversations in this questline in the palast this same issue was present too, aka missing articles before 'Menschenkönig'.