Character Backports Issue

  • Developers will you fix this backport prıoblem in next patch ? It has been 2 months yet i still get backported so often in instances. Cant you just remove your changes 2 months ago ? It is really becoming annoying and its affecting our gameplay in a negative way.

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    Developers will you fix this backport prıoblem in next patch ? It has been 2 months yet i still get backported so often in instances. Cant you just remove your changes 2 months ago ? It is really becoming annoying and its affecting our gameplay in a negative way.


    We were never changing anything related when backports appeared, so there is nothing to revert. Backports have largely already been solved for 98% of players, ones remaining are rare cases and effecting few players more than others (but still massively reduced from original reports), and continues to be investigated further. With next patch these case should be reduced by up to an additional ~75%. But some backports will likely still remain, as low FPS and higher ping can cause them.


  • Hello

    We were never changing anything related when backports appeared, so there is nothing to revert. Backports have largely already been solved for 98% of players, ones remaining are rare cases and effecting few players more than others (but still massively reduced from original reports), and continues to be investigated further. With next patch these case should be reduced by up to an additional ~75%. But some backports will likely still remain, as low FPS and higher ping can cause them.


    Yes that is true, backports of some classes are usually happening when i have like 25-30 fps. But lets not forget that this is all about Non-Global Cooldown skills. When i play with a class which doesnt spam those skills, backports dont happen. When i play with a class which spams those skills every second, i get backported once in every 60 seconds !

    If you dont believe me, just play warlock/rogue and see how it is causing backports. There were no backports in Orkham 2 months ago. We were backporting only in Dark Core. Now its so much annoying to play warlock dps in Orkham. If you want to see how it happens, i can record a video of backports and post here

  • Hello, the problem still persists. While I am playing as both heal and sup, the game throws me back when my team needs me so much and everyone dies because of this. Can you please find a solution to this problem?

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    Hello, the problem still persists. While I am playing as both heal and sup, the game throws me back when my team needs me so much and everyone dies because of this. Can you please find a solution to this problem?


    This seems like different type of backport than previously seen. Please enable Movement Logs by adding to the bottom of your RuneDev.ini file located in your game folder and ensure your game folder currently has no MoveLog.txt existing currently.

    MoveLog = 1

    After you have some backports like this, please send me MoveLog.txt via forum PM.


  • I am posting this video only to show DEVs are wrong about backports. It is not something about low fps or high ping. Its all about non-global cd skills. I was able to play warlock/rogue which is best class to have backports. As you can see in the video i dont have something like 5 fps and 300 ping. Yet i got backported 3 times in 4 minutes. Developers must watch this and understand backport problem still exists and some classes such as warlock/rogue are almost impossible to play because of this problem.

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    I am posting this video only to show DEVs are wrong about backports. It is not something about low fps or high ping. Its all about non-global cd skills. I was able to play warlock/rogue which is best class to have backports. As you can see in the video i dont have something like 5 fps and 300 ping. Yet i got backported 3 times in 4 minutes. Developers must watch this and understand backport problem still exists and some classes such as warlock/rogue are almost impossible to play because of this problem.

    We know this backport issue still exists for some players under certain conditions. Please enable movement log as shown above since you can reproduce it so easily and share results. As this is also other backport type.
