
  • Hello,

    I'm new to this but I saw that there is no post about Collectibles. I think there should be a common post for those who find Collectibles like me. I will share all the Collectibles I find here.

    I will try to update this place frequently.

    640002[Scroll of the Lost Paths]İtem ID: 163748 (50.7,44.6) [Howling Mountains]
    640003 [Scroll of Elemental Knowledge] İtem ID: 163749 (41.3,29.1) [Howling Mountains]
    640004 [Scroll of the First Wanderer] İtem ID: 163750 (29.9,23.7) [Howling Mountains]
    640005 [Bones of the Ancient Guardian] İtem ID: 163751 (18.0,63.3) [Howling Mountains]
    640006 [Fossilized Serpent Skull] İtem ID: 163752 (45.8,95.8) [Howling Mountains]
    640007 [The Warrior's Remains] İtem ID: 163753 (41.5,52.6) [Howling Mountains]
    640008 [Ceremonial Ash Vessel] İtem ID: 163754 (14.3,41.8) [Howling Mountains]
    640009 [Vase of Eternal Rest] Item ID: 163755 (21,4,16,4) [Howling Mountains]
    640014 [Riverstone Fern]İtem ID: 163760 (26.8,79.5) [Howling Mountains]
    640015 [Scroll of Eternal Night] Item ID: 163761 (55.5,72.9) [Silverspring]
    640016 [Mystic Runes Book] İtem ID: 163762 (54,5,57,1) [Silverspring]
    640017 [Book of the Celestial Dance] İtem ID: 163763 (28,2,66,0) [Silverspring]
    640018 [Book of Nature’s Balance] Item ID: 163764 (70.6,17.6) [Silverspring]
    640020 [Tombstone of the Ancient Warrior Item ID: 163766 (35,4,57,3) [Silverspring]
    640021[Beastlord’s Crown]İtem ID: 163767 [66.3,23.0) [Silverspring]
    640022 [Horn of the Lost Prophet]İtem ID: 163768 [44.3,16.7) [Silverspring]
    640023 [Vase of the Eternal Flame] İtem ID: 163769 (71,4,66,9) [Silverspring]
    640025 [Starbloom Flower]İtem ID: 163771 [26.4,80.3) [Silverspring]
    640026 [Ghostcap Mushroom] Item ID: 163772 (60,8,10,2) [Silverspring]
    640027 [Starlight Daisy] İtem ID: 163773 (67,1,53,5) [Silverspring]
    640028 [Twilight Bloom] İtem ID: 163774 (34,4,35,0) [Silverspring]
    640029 [Evershade Orchid] İtem ID: 163775 (37,4,33,0) [Silverspring]
    641440 [Specklecap Delight] İtem ID: 163808 (31.9,33.4) [Fungus Garden]
    640045 [Scroll of Forbidden Knowledge]İtem ID: 163791 (14.4,7.9) Forsaken Abbey
    640046 [Scroll of Lost Hymns]İtem ID: 163792 (74.9,37.0) Forsaken Abbey
    [The Traveler’s Guide]
    İtem ID: 163793 (35.4,49.6) Forsaken Abbey
    640048 [Scroll of Ancient Spells]İtem ID: 163794 (92.0,47.8) Forsaken Abbey
    640049 [The Archivist’s Journal]İtem ID: 163795 (59.169.7) Forsaken Abbey
    640050 [Hoard of the Golden Era]İtem ID: 163796 (34.1,29.4) Forsaken Abbey
    640051 [Portrait of the Forsaken Sanctum]İtem ID: 163797 (34.1,29.1) Forsaken Abbey
    640052 [Ewer of the Forgotten Ritual]İtem ID: 163798 (69.8,75.6) Forsaken Abbey
    640053 [Crest of the Forsaken Guardian]İtem ID: 163799 (77.9,55.0) Forsaken Abbey
    640054 [Ashes of the Lost]İtem ID: 163800 (24.0,40.8) Forsaken Abbey
    640055 [Heartstone Crystal]İtem ID: 163801 (14.4,29.8) Forsaken Abbey
    640056 [Sunstone Fragment]İtem ID: 163802 24.4,26.5) Forsaken Abbey
    640057 [Bloodcap Fungi]İtem ID: 163803 (40.9,39.4) Forsaken Abbey
    640058 [Celestine Crystal]İtem ID: 163804 (44.6,55.8) Forsaken Abbey
    640059 [Nightfall Gem]İtem ID: 163805 (59.4,41.1) Forsaken Abbey
    641447[Scroll of the Forgotten Hymns]İtem ID: 163815 (48.7,17.2) [Barren Caves]
    641448 [Map of the Barren Caves] İtem ID: 163816 (57.3,73.1) [Barren Caves]
    641449 [Fallen Warrior's Skeleton] İtem ID: 163817 (80.5,20.2) [Barren Caves]
    641450 [Shattered Chest] İtem ID: 163818 (24.5,58.5) [Barren Caves]
    641451 [Prismroot Crystals] İtem ID: 163819 (74.1,41.3) [Barren Caves]
    641452 [Bloodspire Crystals] İtem ID: 163820 (36.3,61.3) [Barren Caves]
    641453 [The Veiled Codex] İtem ID: 163823 (43.4,32.2) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641454 [The Savage Lore] İtem ID: 163824 (55.8,55.4) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641455 [The Corsair's Chart] İtem ID: 163825 (43.6,17.0) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641456[The Forgotten Archives]İtem ID: 163826 (38.0,58.8) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641457 [The Fragments of Echoes] İtem ID: 163827 (27.7,64.2) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641458 [The Jewels of Eternity] İtem ID: 163828 (62.0,33.0) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641459 [The Storykeeper’s Vessel] İtem ID: 163829 (57.2,73.9) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641460 [The Woven Chronicles] İtem ID: 163830 (52.2,42.8) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641461 [The Wounds of War] İtem ID: 163831 (35.4,55.0) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641462 [The Stone of Eldritch Whispers] İtem ID: 163832 (46.9,66.3)[Varanas Nightmare]
    641463 [Earthbinder Vine] İtem ID: 163833 (33.5,54.0) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641464 [Spiralroot Fern] İtem ID: 163834 (54.1,43.7) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641465 [Sunflare Bloom] İtem ID: 163835 (44.1,82.3) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641466 [Moonlit Blossom] İtem ID: 163836 (43.4,41.8) [Varanas Nightmare]
    641467 [Verdant Shards] İtem ID: 163837 (42.2,55.6) [Varanas Nightmare]
    640030[Scroll of Lost Incantations]İtem ID: 163776 (73.8,67.3) [Windmill Basement]
    640031[Tome of the Elders]İtem ID: 163777 70.2,46.9) [Windmill Basement]
    640032[Book of Forbidden Rituals]İtem ID: 163778 (43.8,59.3) [Windmill Basement]
    640033[The Explorer’s Journal]İtem ID: 163779 (37.1,22.3) [Windmill Basement]
    640034[Chronicles of the Abyss]İtem ID: 163780 (14.4,13.3) [Windmill Basement]
    640035[Remains of the First Guardian]İtem ID: 163781 (15.2,53.6) [Windmill Basement]
    640036[Ancient Knight's Shield]İtem ID: 163782 (44.1,38.9) [Windmill Basement]
    640037[Sigil of the Ancient Dual Pact]İtem ID: 163783 (27.6,63.5) [Windmill Basement]
    640038[Jar of Preserved Shadows]İtem ID: 163784 (32.1,87.5) [Windmill Basement]
    640039[Mystic Essence Vessel]İtem ID: 163785 (19.6,89.5) [Windmill Basement]
    640040[Bloodstone Crystal]İtem ID: 163786 (50.9,95.1) [Windmill Basement]
    640041[Celestial Quartz]İtem ID: 163787 (81.5,14.4) [Windmill Basement]
    640043[Eclipse Crystal]İtem ID: 163789 (67.8,8.3) [Windmill Basement]
    640044[Dreamstone Fragment]İtem ID: 163790 28.2,36.6) [Windmill Basement]

    Edited 9 times, last by kleos: kleos tarafından oluşturulan bir mesaj bu mesaj ile birleştirildi. ().

  • Gestern gefunden im Windmühlenkeller:

    (leider ohne Koordinaten, weil ich den Thread erst heute entdeckt habe)

    Chroniken des Abgrunds


    Siegel des uralten Doppelpakts

    Gefäß der bewahrten Schatten

    Gefäß der mystischen Essenz



    Himmlischer Quarz

    Leuchtender Splitter

    Schriftrolle der verlorenen

    Beim Durchlaufen achten Sie auf Gefäße, Kristalle und Platten an Wänden etc.

    Höhle des Wasserdrachen:

    Buch der vergessenen Reiche

    Hort mit schimmernden Juwelen


    Schriftrolle des arkanen Flüsterns

    Krone des grünen Lichts


    Buch des himmlischen Tanzes 28,2/66,0 Abby 1. UG Empore scrollen
    Schriftrolle des verbotenen Wissens 14,3/48,2 1. Nekromant 640045 scrollen
    Herzsteinkristall 14,0/30,1 163801 Natur
    Sonnensteinfragment 24,6/26,4 163802 Natur
    Blutkappenpilz 41,0/39,3 163803 Natur
    Proträt des verlassenen Heiligtums 34,1/28,7 163797 Relikt
    Hort der goldenen Ära 34./29.5 2. Nekromant 163796 Relikt
    Der Reiseführer 35,4/49,6 3. Nekormant 163793 scrollen
    Himmlischer Kristall0 44,9/56,3 Ghul-Herzog 163804 Natur
    Nachtfall-Edelstein 59,4/40,9 163805 Natur
    Schriftrolle der verlorenen Hymnen 75,5/36,9 Leere Hülle 163792 scrollen
    Wappen des Verlassenen 77,6/55,3 Gräuelfresser 163799 Relikt
    Schriftrolle der alten Zauber 91,8/48,2 Ancalon 163794 scrollen
    Asche der Verlorenen23.9/40.9Relikt

    Edited 2 times, last by Elfentrampel: Abby Buch des himmlischen Tanzes 28.2/66.0 Abby 1. UG Empore scroll Schriftrolle des verbotenen Wissens 14.3/48.2 1. Nekromant 640045 scroll Herzsteinkristall 14.0/30.1 163801 nature Sonnensteinfragment 24.6/26.4 163802 nature Blutkappenpilz 41.0/39.3 163803 nature Proträt des verlassenen Heiligtums 34.1/28.7 163797 relic Hort der goldenen Ära 34./29.5 2. Nekromant 163796 relic Der Reiseführer 35.4/49.6 3. Nekormant 163793 scroll Himmlischer Kristall0 44.9/56.3 Ghul Duke 163804 nature Nachtfall-Edelstein 59.4/40.9 163805 nature Schriftrolle der verlorenen Hymnen 75.5/36.9 Leere Hülle 163792 scroll Wappen des Verlassenen 77.6/55.3 Gräuelfresser 163799 relic Schriftrolle der alten Zauber 91.8/48.2 Ancalon 163794 scroll ().