Orkham Guide a Birthday Present by Ascension

  • Hello fellow Arcadians,

    Today I want to share my Orkham Guide with all of you.

    Since I already wrote alot inside the Video I will make it short inside this Post.

    This Guide is meant to be a Birthday Present even tho it's a little bit late for it.

    My apologies but I worked on this guide for close to two weeks and it took me longer than I planned originally because I wanted to make the guide as good as possible.

    Also big thanks for Querton to review the Guide before the official release to give me feedback :)

    If you have questions or you feel that something Is missing you can always DM me inside the Forum,discord or ingame.

    The link to the video will be edited inside this message later because I am not home yet,

    but I wanted to already tell people about it.

    Expect the video to be inside this Post a little bit later in the evening.But you will know since I will also post it on Discord and ingame.

    Feel free to share the link with as many people as possible to make sure than every person that wants to clear Orkham will be able to.

    Link to the Guide:

    Greetings Miraiyu