Client update is crashing

  • Hi there, hopefully someone knows how to help me. Today, there's an update so I click the "Uopdate" button, and it works for a while but then crashes at a random number eg 44%, 39%, 63%. I don't know how to fix it other than Disk Cleanup, and have rebooted a couple of times. My knowledge is limited!! Thanks for any suggestions, and have a nice day. I use Windows 11 and it's all updated.

    • New
    • Official Post

    Please check your client version in the launcher.

    Download missing patches from here (2 was released today):

    Move patches to game directory, right click on them starting from lowest, and choose to execute as admin.

    In case of further issues or errors during that process open a ticket in our support:

  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “Trying to update but it crashes” to “Client update is crashing”.