Forum Event - Arcadia Legends

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    In this 10th anniversary of Chronicles of Arcadia, we would like to invite all adventurers to participate in a very special contest that celebrates a decade of incredible memories and epic battles.

    This event is an opportunity for each of you to share and celebrate your most memorable moments in COA. Participants must create a screenshot album that reflects the most iconic moments of their adventures in Arcadia. Within this album, there will be one very special screenshot: the one that represents your favorite memory in Chronicles of Arcadia. Was it an epic battle, an unforgettable social event, or perhaps an emotional moment with friends? We want to see it!

    Contest Details and Rules:

    Album Format

    Each player must create a digital album that contains 10 screenshots.


    Your album may include screenshots in the following categories:

    • Battle Moments: The most intense and exciting fights you've experienced.
    • Social Events: Gatherings, celebrations, or any special social moment within the game.
    • Landscapes: The most impressive and beautiful places you've explored in Arcadia.
    • Personal Memories: Any other moment that holds special meaning for you.


    Each screenshot should be accompanied by a brief descriptive text explaining the context of the image and why it is significant to you. We want to know the stories behind these images.

    Event Duration:

    The event will run for one week from today until 13.09 23:59:00 CEST.

    Technical Requirements:

    Screenshots must have a minimum resolution of 1080p.

    Evaluation Criteria:

    Our team will evaluate the albums based on the following criteria:

    • Creativity: How you have captured and presented your moments.
    • Screenshot Quality: Sharpness, lighting, and composition of the images.
    • Album Narrative: The story your album tells through the screenshots and descriptions.
    • Emotion Conveyed: Especially in the image that reflects your favorite memory.


    We look forward to seeing the incredible adventures and moments you’ve experienced in Arcadia over these 10 years! This contest is your chance to show the community what Chronicles of Arcadia means to you. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of our history!

  • Personal memories chronologically:
    1. My first jump event when was not-yet-banable. Did not manage to jump but I was happy I see that many ppl

    2. Random Atlas pic with more than five players there

    3. Running in Logar ended up playing chess game with Devs

    4. Spending my New years eve online, waiting for 300% dias promo

    5. Waiting in line for some free items. Don't ask why there is only one guild

    6. Joining best guild, Cosmo mom invited me, wierd.

    7. First Normal World Bosses Dragons killed by guild

    8. Some random boss kill in DC. My favourite boss tactic ever (not dps)

    9. I was first here over Orkham. Yes it's possible without cheating

    10. Orkham last boss kill. Gather all those ppl again, not possible anymore :(

    What an adventure!

    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • 1. I always happy from beatiful dungeons

    2. Heavenly mystery attracts and beckons to itself

    3. The road that leads us to something high

    4. Mysterious statues that defence underworld

    5. It took a lot of work to put the powerful dragon to sleep

    6. Prepare to fight the magical forces of the other world

    7. Despite the fact that the underground world is dark, there is something to please the eye.

    8. Some natural force has drawn the poor knight into its nets.

    9. Go through barrier and obtain rewards

    10. Look of angels can be changed

  • 1. Gorge 2022, first time.

    2. Orkham 2024, two years later successful in end content!

    3. Special thanks to the most loyal guild!

    4. A few of these great people met in real life last week.

    5. Still a legendary library.

    6. Best maze Zyrex uwu

    7. I think the DEV want to say something.

    8. Happy Birthday Arcadia!

    9. To the next 10 years <3

    10. Only a dead frog is a good frog.

    A great time with highs and lows


  • 1 - Капитан на мостике

    2 - Приобрел новый дом

    3 - Впервые закрыл данж в одиночку который раньше не удавалось пройти

    4 - Стал предводителем грибовиков

    5 - Создал свою РОК группу

    6 - Создал первого легендарного дракона

    7 - Выходной - пик ник на озере

    8 - Закончил большую цепочку квестов и получил элитный навык 70 уровня

    9 - Тренировки, Тренировки и еще раз тренировки

    10 - Совет собран - Король выбран!

  • My memories in almost chronological order:

    Proud dwarf Maniek on his shark:

    Arcadia's seventh birthday:

    Creating a photo for a forum competition:

    Does anyone know how to perform this task? We had a big problem with this:

    Bee on Talaghan from Weekenders:

    My favorite, secret place in Arcadia:

    The wasteland of Celebria:

    In search of the perfect photo:

    My shield collection:

    Kopytku, you remained there forever in our memory †

  • 1. King of Arena

    2. Dungeon of minotaurs

    3. Naga Acropolis

    4. You seen this place?

    5. Even cactus can be cute

    6. Peacefull lake after jump event

    7. Only strongest can win

    8. Magic world

    9. Task, which was solved by mane players

    10. Flying castle of Talaghan

  • 1. Waiting

    2. Sleeping

    3. Ravo in Prison

    4. Core Inferno

    5. Core Tikal

    6. Salty hmmm interesting / all ppl dead

    7. past love

    8. Hi GM, plz back! (annelia bugged)

    9. First time Gorge with Pulse

    10. My start and first week on server

  • Hi! These are my memories from Arcadia!

    1. One of my first tries on Zhargos normal mode. It was one of the hardest part of my CoA experience ^^

    2. Here I'm proud that I decided to trade leather gear and became mage player

    3. My first photo session with great guys

    4. I found final boss of Arcadia :huh:

    5. Here is the bravest warrior I've ever met in game

    6. Here the most important screenshot for me. It was my wedding with my love Leszix <3  <3 <3

    7. Meeting with friends in my castle

    8. Chickenland in Orkham. Thats the reason I'm fat xD

    9. Visiting last boss in Orkham during her vacations

    10. It's me after eating 200 kg cookies from Cruvor


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    Thank you all for your amazing participation in the anniversary contest!

    Rewards will start being sent out in the next days, and the winners will be notified soon.