Rental Golden Gear (Final Form Set from RoFL)

  • Hello, i am opening this suggestion to help new players and people who cant run instances because of their low gear. New players currently cannot join any instance because their beginner set is not enough to run high instances. And also this server doesnt have so many tank and healers. We are always having difficulties to find tank and healer. So, my suggestion is you to bring a new feature to rent gear from NPC Royal Knight Jovena (ID:162728). Players should choose their rental items from Final Form Sets. They should also choose stats, runes and tier of their items. And their price should be scaled with gear score of items. For an example if our total gear score of items is 1700 , then price should be 3400 diamonds for 1 week.

    Dear developers please consider my suggestion to help new players and rest of community in whole server. We would like to see more people running instances. New players are giving up this server because it takes months to make gear, at least you can help them like this. Please think about it. You may help a lot of players with this way.



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  • Great suggestion (sarcasm). I don't believe that new players want to rent gear for 3400 diamonds for a week to run ROFL. That's the equivalent of around €20. The problem is that the server has only focused on high-end and now no new players are coming. The high-end guilds also don't accept new players. So the problem is homemade. Now you have managed to break the server. Now you're all crying because no one wants to play here anymore. Your own fault.


  • Great suggestion (sarcasm). I don't believe that new players want to rent gear for 3400 diamonds for a week to run ROFL. That's the equivalent of around €20. The problem is that the server has only focused on high-end and now no new players are coming. The high-end guilds also don't accept new players. So the problem is homemade. Now you have managed to break the server. Now you're all crying because no one wants to play here anymore. Your own fault.


    Everyone can talk about problems, few can come up with solutions.

    Regarding OP:

    I think allowing this rental full ROFL-Gear to be free for verified new players for two weeks is a great way to help beginners. I would just add a requirement of reaching 105/104.

    After the initial free rental for verified beginners, additional rents will cost the regular price.

  • Great suggestion (sarcasm). I don't believe that new players want to rent gear for 3400 diamonds for a week to run ROFL. That's the equivalent of around €20. The problem is that the server has only focused on high-end and now no new players are coming. The high-end guilds also don't accept new players. So the problem is homemade. Now you have managed to break the server. Now you're all crying because no one wants to play here anymore. Your own fault.


    It is not our fault, i am trying to help newbie players if i can. Yes endgame guilds dont want to accept new players, this is really bad. Developers should also focus on newcomers. But new players dont need to buy gear with real money, they can just farm their gold with quests and they can rent these items. Nobody needs to spend real money to buy diamonds. I hope developers bring more features to help newbies

  • Quote

    Nobody needs to spend real money to buy diamonds.

    Nobody has any intention of building a wall (sarcasm).

    The game is aimed at P2W, remember. How long does a new player have to farm gold before he can exchange gold for diamonds? Very long. As a casual player you have no chance of really making any progress. In the AH you also pay for the item with diamonds. So don't tell me you don't have to buy diamonds.


  • Nobody has any intention of building a wall (sarcasm).

    The game is aimed at P2W, remember. How long does a new player have to farm gold before he can exchange gold for diamonds? Very long. As a casual player you have no chance of really making any progress. In the AH you also pay for the item with diamonds. So don't tell me you don't have to buy diamonds.


    Yes this game is p2w and if a player wants to farm gold and make some gear for beginning, he needs to be patient for a few weeks at least. I know this server is so difficult for newbie players. They need a lot of help from other players. And developers need to change this situation. A lot of things must be updated and things should be easier for new players.

    In my opinion starter set also must be upgraded to run some instances. This rental gear is a good option for newbie players. But this will not be enough. Developers must put a lot of effort to help newbies.

  • Quote

    Nobody needs to spend real money to buy diamonds.

    Nobody has any intention of building a wall (sarcasm).

    The game is aimed at P2W, remember. How long does a new player have to farm gold before he can exchange gold for diamonds? Very long. As a casual player you have no chance of really making any progress. In the AH you also pay for the item with diamonds. So don't tell me you don't have to buy diamonds.


    I don't really get why you argue like that,tarsq came up with solution in Order to solve this problem so calling out to him about it being bad isn't really of any help,your only complaining about it being bad but where is your own solution for it. If you don't have a solution or idea and just want to complain I do rather write nothing tbh

  • Yes new players have a hard time and guilds that play for years and consider themselves as high end don't want those players,but it's not the fault of those high end players since they worked very long for gaining the strength they posses and it's more.of a server problem that there isn't much help for newbies in terms of systems.I can understand why higher guilds don't want newbies because the amount of time those need in Order to be able to do like anything that benefits the guild is around 400-500hours of ingame playtime even if they get a lot of help from those and therefore it isn't much of a surprise that no one wants to spend so much time for them.Therefore Tarsqs idea of a GM controlled guild is a good idea and also rn no one can buy something on the market for dias since everything is draining so much dias out of the game even if people would farm for memos all day what proly no one does the amount of dias gathered by this is maybe 1/100 of dias that leave the server everyday.So i would recommend that The amount of Dias or Memos is doubled,so that higher players could have a way of helping newbies by running inis for memos tho get them some starter dias.The starter gear from the lvl 91 npc is way to outdated and if you ask me I would just give out red rofl gear for free from this npc,so that new players can easily start to do content that is over 4 years old,no one should complain about that since this would match very good with lowering the amount of cores needed for creating gold rofl gear.Even after reaching gold gear from rofl there is a very long way until reaching end gear so i would recommend doing that as well.

  • Okay, here's my suggestion.

    Why not do it like in other MMOs. The high-end guilds have 2 players designated to take care of the offspring and new players. They then created a twink guild and recruited them. Or a partner guild that then had the task. In return, the partner guild received priority items or were taken on a farm run. That would be a win-win situation for both sides.

    I don't think a GM has the time to worry about that.


  • Okay, here's my suggestion.

    Why not do it like in other MMOs. The high-end guilds have 2 players designated to take care of the offspring and new players. They then created a twink guild and recruited them. Or a partner guild that then had the task. In return, the partner guild received priority items or were taken on a farm run. That would be a win-win situation for both sides.

    I don't think a GM has the time to worry about that.


    Look in my post above it's the system that makes this impossible. You can't just say gift them everything,what happens if they quit? What happens if they decide to leave the guild after u presented them stuff over 100h +

    You can't tell people to use their free time inside the game that they want to enjoy by doing something like that that's just hilarious we are in a game not a working station XD

    I played a lot of MMOs from TESO until BnS for close to 15 years now and not even once had I heard about something like that. The devs need to introduce systems that make it possible for newbies to get into the game and get to a point where it's possible for them to catch up and play on a lvl where they can go into instances,it's not the Players that should be in need of doing that

  • newbies getting into the game and seeing they can rent equip for Diamonds / € will just scare them away.

    What about letting them experience the game first , and then they can farm their own gear? For example the Phirius Shell Gear.

    Atleast old set was close to rofl gold gear and the new one they added seems even more powerfull + new stats :/

    i see no mention of the shell gear here as an option , feels like no one even knows about it or read Patchnotes about new one ? :D Maybe promoting it better would be an idea?

    Edit: the new lower body set is equal / partly better then rofl gold set , set boni are slightly worse but nonstats on gear are better and you get % stats on the legs .

    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited 2 times, last by Cruvor ().

  • Your right with that,but still idk if it is the best option since it would be better to give people rofl gear instead since it is the gear that is used to build the other gear,with Orkham,rofl,dark core and other stuff like robot artifact ,corruption system etc a lot of gear needs to be build and I can't see how it should be nice for a newbie to tell them oh yeah first you build shell gear then you build rofl gear then u build dark core out of it then u change oit rofl lower set or new shell set for Orkham set then u need to farm hoto and other inis for Artefakt and Accessories its just to much for people that nit want to spend 100days+ of ingame days or even dont have the time for it in the first place its just way to much to do rn for a newbie until they can realy do something in game regarding ini content and stuff,i think for a lot of newbies it is just overwhelming at this point and looks like a second live job

    But anyways I think what we all agree on is that it's just to hard for new players to catch up and enter the game in any way. I love this game and I am really grateful for everything that the devs do for this game. But at this point I really need to ask the devs if they could give us a answer about this problem and what concrete plans are there to help new players in the future since obviously the systems that are inside the game Rightnow are not enough

    Edited once, last by Yukki: Ein Beitrag von Yukki mit diesem Beitrag zusammengefügt. ().

  • I dont think that newbie players would be scared of renting gear if they earn diamonds . Of course this is not enough. More features should be brought to server to make new players farm diamonds easily. But imagine that if a new player can farm 10k diamonds every week, then 3k-4k rent price will not be a great problem for him. And a few months later these players will have their own gears. This rental gear system should be supported with other things.

  • In WoW, something like this was a must for high-end guilds. This is how they got new players. My work colleague was in such a partner guild and he told me a lot about how it works there. By the way, I've been playing MMO's for almost 20 years and I was in a semi-progress guild in WoW myself.

  • You cant compare WoW with CoA. WoW hast such an highe player base. There is no Reason to build an second lower guild u allready have 350 slots in one guild which almost be never filled up. You do this in WoW because the Number of Players is diff.

  • You cant compare WoW with CoA. WoW hast such an highe player base. There is no Reason to build an second lower guild u allready have 350 slots in one guild which almost be never filled up. You do this in WoW because the Number of Players is diff.

    It was just a suggestion and how you ultimately solve the problem is another matter.

    The fact is, as I see it here, no one wants to take responsibility. It would be better for the developer to do that.

    If I, as a high-end guild, need new players, then I have to take care of it myself. Then I have to bite the bullet and train and support new players so that they can later help the guild.

    There needs to be a lot more initiative. From nothing, comes nothing. I see the problem much more in the community than with the developer.


  • its not the high end players that have problems with guild members,its the generel playerbase that is a little bit scared that no new players will enter the game because its to hard for them to catch up and stad their ground inside this game. Also in any case its not the responsiblitity of the high end players.It always is and was the responsibility of the puplisher and this conversation and discussion is about providing feedback to devs and give them our feedback what we are scared about and how we would think this problem could be fixed. Its not a discussion about wether or not its the responsibility of high end players to help new player get into them game,gifting them stuff over the moon and carry them 100+ hours .....

  • Hello. Want to say it's not just about equipment, there are also many other things to do on the server to reach the level of old players. Let's be honest, what adult, even with a lot of free time, would want, in a MMO RPG from 2009, on a server where a couple of hundred people play, to increase the level of crafts by doing boring crafting, to collect resources for a robot for weeks, to try to assemble a group in IDK or SoK, where no one goes to make an amulet, try to figure out the quests in Talagan yourself, in which there are no clear instructions on what to do? Who wants to spend weeks leveling the title system, who, of their own free will, will be interested in collecting and improving monster cards? If we talk about gear, who wants to run as a support for months and use one skill to get new sets from dungeons and then spend hours farming to buy one stat for it, not to mention the other 5 stats, tiers and runes?

    There is only one solution to attract new players and create conditions for newcomers - this is a serious simplification of character development and its capabilities. As long as the game continues to target old players and create new opportunities for them to improve their character, it will further widen the gap and the reluctance of anyone to start playing on this server. I myself encountered such a problem when I tried to invite my friends to play on Arcadia - I was told that no one wants to spend months on some uninteresting things before finally starting to play. Thats it.