Suggestion for Card-Stardom-"Upgrade Items"

  • With the latest Prestige Update a few weeks ago, you implemented new Items to upgrade the stardom of Monster Cards.

    This was a great idea.

    As I saw in the possible loot list, there are several items, and in general they grant a jump to a certain level of stardom, like jump directly to 4 star stardom.

    My suggestion is to introduce another item that grants to add one star to the stardom. So if the stardom is 4 you can advance to 5, if it is 3 you can advance to 4.

    Reason: If I use the "jump to 3" or "jump to 4", i will still miss a step, and should rather wait and use "jump to 5", which makes most of the items not extremely useful for me.

    So, having the opportunity to get just one star would be a great complement to the set of items you implemnted.

    Second suggestion:

    You culd make these items available in the mirrir-shard shop, as this shop has mostly outdated items at offer, and recently the mirrorworlds git added to the new card system.

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    There are already stones that are giving guaranteed increase:

    They are more valuable than ones you posted. They are already giving what you are willing to, there are no plans for making universal one for 1 stardom. You can just use V tier stone to upgrade card of any current stardom in exactly same way.

    Ones you posted are giving you random value of 1-4 in this case, however descriptions weren't very clear, they are corrected for next patch.

    About Mirrorworlds we are not planning adding card stones for it's currency.


  • My point is, if we want to upgrade a card to 5 star stardom, than any other item is quite useless, beside the ones, that give the "5 star" stardom. Because there is no point in upgrading to 3 or 4 star, if you cannot go to 5 star.

    Or, on the other hand, don't unse any of these items and wait for the 5 star item.

    My suggestion is simply, to have an item you can use to make just 1 stardom on top.

    But i see what you are referring to, so never mind....

  • Seriously ? Now you start to downgrade mnster cards ?

    And I still don't get the exact idea of that card.

    Does it upgrade an orange 1-star card (if successful) to 4-star ?

    And in unsuccessful try it will do what exactly ? downgrade to zero ?

    Or does it randomly upgrade/downgrade a random amount of stardom, like a 3-star card can go to 5 or can go down to zero ?

    Also the translation is english, for german client...

  • From what I understand is:

    You can use that Item for an orange card. After the use, it will have a random stardom level between 1 to 4.

    So a zero stardom card will change to a 1, 2, 3 or 4 stardom card, while using it for a 2 stardom card can also downgrade to 1

  • I just tried one similar item, and it works like Lutine described.

    Also, it gives a "warning" message when the max stardom is reached, that could be achieved with this item


    Item says can increase 1 to 2.

    It was possible to go to stardom 2, but not further, additional try gave message "cannot continue / max stardom reached".

    So the only way to get to stardom 5 is actually having an item which can upgrade to 5, any other items will not work/help.

  • About Mirrorworlds we are not planning adding card stones for it's currency.

    You could add these items to the monster card dust / soul stone shop

    It is related to monster cards by design, and it would limit the possibility to get these items, by the amount of soul stones in possession. Also, it could help new players to get ingame currencies, as they can farm monster cards from day 1 and sell soul stones. Actually the prices are quite low, but this could boost the demand a little bit.

    And there is a huge imbalance between availability of same colour cars.

    Some cards are farmable, just takes a lot of time, but others are almost impossible to get at all, and green cards require 65 cards to enchant to get to 5-star doing it the regular way.

    Some blue cards are only available through missions, and unless you have 800-100 alt chars to repeat the quests, or constantly abaondon/start new quest for these mobs/cards it is really not reasobable to get/farm these cards.

    e.g. Kasumille and rage goblin in aslan /red eyed bear in logar

    In other regions you replaced these cards with "red level" cards, but these are still blue cards...