Do not penalize the player alone in the dark arena

  • Sometimes, since the enlistment is slow, the player enters the dark arena alone, having to wait 5 minutes without the possibility of reward, and if the player wants to leave the battlefield he gets a 15-minute penalty, if the player is alone, The best thing would be to expel him from the battlefield and restart the matchmaking

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  • Before the latest patch, I was always in the PVP rankings, but as of the last patch, I have never been in the rankings because in the past, even if it was 1v1, we could make matches, throw matches, and get points. Now we need 5 or 6 people, otherwise the match is canceled and we are thrown out.

    • Official Post


    Fighting with less than 5 people was not intended as it was the minimum required amount to start the game, as indicated by the tooltip of this zone. It meant that it was possible for 1 player to get stuck in the zone and be penalised when leaving the arena. We don't plan to revert this change as it was a bug, and was fixed due to this.


  • Dear COA-Team,

    thank you for changing the Talaghan-Soldier Daily Quest <3.

    You think you could find a solution for the Dark Arena PvP (5 Player)?

    Maybe something like this:

    Basically its possible to play the Arena with 2 players and can be played with max of 5 or 6 player.

    Version 1:

    Waiting queue scenario:

    1st player registers -> waiting timer is set endless (until a second player register)

    2nd player registers -> waiting timer is set to 10min -> after 10min the arena will start

    3rd player registers -> waiting timer is reset to 5min -> after 5min the arena will start

    4th player register -> waiting timer is reset to 5min -> after 5min the arena will start

    5th player register -> waiting timer is reset to 5min -> after 5min the arena will start

    .... etc.

    What to do if a player has registerd but did not push the "Join-Button" to Enter the Arena due to AFK etc.:

    All players who push the "Join-Button" will enter the arena, even if a registered player

    did not accept the invite.

    To start the Arena a minimum of two players that are registerd and have pushed the "Join-Button" is required.

    Version 2:

    Waiting queue scenario:

    1st player registers -> waiting timer is set endless (until a second player register)

    2nd player registers -> waiting timer is set to 15min -> after 15min the arena will start regardless of how

    many players joined in the meantime.

    What to do if a player has registerd but did not push the "Join-Button" to Enter the Arena due to AFK etc.:

    All players who push the "Join-Button" will enter the arena, even if a registered player

    did not accept the invite.

    To start the Arena a minimum of two players that are registerd and have pushed the "Join-Button" is required.

    This is just a suggestion,

    the times, number of players, quantity of nero-coins and optionally penalties are details that

    you could adapt as you see fit.

    I like the game <3

    ... enlight me, but don't flame me.


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