Change Title System To Help New Players

  • Hello everyone, i have a suggestion to help new players. As you know, to be an endgame player you need to use titles in focus character. Without using titles you cant have enough damage to run endgame instances.

    I think new players are struggling to make their title system lvl 5. Leveling up your title system from 4 to 5 requires 45x level 4 titles as i remember. New players cannot find party for some instances

    or world bosses to get their challenge or hunting titles. You should decrease this number of required titles from 45 to 20. And you should decrease required number of titles for other levels also.

    In my opinion it should be like this.

    From 1 level to 2 level it should require 5x level 1 titles

    From 2 level to 3 level it should require 10x level 2 titles

    From 3 level to 4 level it should require 15x level 3 titles

    From 4 level to 5 level it should require 20x level 4 titles.

    And you should also add a lot of quest titles in game. New players should get their titles only by completing their quests.

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