Nero coins

  • Could you implement a different way from Arena of Darkness to earn Nero Coin since they are mandatory to progress in Engineering crafting ?

    At this stage, the only way to earn this currency seems to be AoD, and reaward in this PvP event are very rare when you are a newcomer player. Indeed, it is impossible for a newcomer to earn any reward in AoD when facing experienced player full stuff. This issue will discourage newcomer player to participate to AoD event since their participation is only to make experienced player stronger ...

    It might be interessant to implement some kind of leagues in PvP part of the game mabe based on player gear, number of victories, and so on.

    Another way might be to reward participation in PvP events with a minimal reward (maybe conditioned by activity in the event to prevent from "alt-boting")

    Whatever, PvP in AoD is very frustrating for the moment.


    • Official Post


    First of all Thanks for your Input!

    - AoD PvP removes all your Gear/Titles/Cards upon entering Zone (everything essentially that can give you an unfair Advantage against other Players in some way). And its soley done with Skills you "pick up" from the Ground with always the same Scaling.

    - If you have trouble accquiring Nero Coins i would suggest you try out AoD PvE (accessed through Marcus Dixon NPC in Talaghan, Arena of Darkness) as it also Rewards Nero Coins and materials for Engineering.

    - otherwise when you feel lucky with the dice , try our AoD EvE (Same NPC as AoD PvE) where you can bet on the outcome of a NPC vs NPC Fight with (among other currency) Nero Coins as reward.


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  • Hello,


    But, there is something I don't understand : during the matches I have experimented in AoD, I was unable to make any damage to other players while they killed me in one or two strike.

    Are Cenedrils active during this event ? or artefact or robots ? or any prestige advantages ?

    I can only notice that the matches are clearly unbalanced.

    What about implementing some kind of leagues I suggested before ?


    • Official Post

    Are Cenedrils active during this event ? or artefact or robots ? or any prestige advantages ?

    AoD PvP removes all your Gear/Titles/Cards upon entering Zone (including prestige / cenedril passive buffs. Robot/Artefact counts as Gear which is also removed on zone entry temporarily)

    But, there is something I don't understand : during the matches I have experimented in AoD, I was unable to make any damage to other players while they killed me in one or two strike.

    There is some rare Mechanic with one hit possability, this is intended.
    Some / alot of Skills are Melee, where you in range ?

  • In fact, there are two different topic that I address in my post :

    1/ Engineering recipes that are only buyable with nero coins

    2/ unbalanced AoD between experienced players and newcomers.

    For the first point : could you make engineering recipes buyable with gold pieces ? or make nero coins easier to get ;)

    For the second : As far as I can see, you can buy potions, titles or badges dedicated to AoD. When newcomer, you cannot afford those benefits. That creates the unbalance I'm talking about. It might be interessant to implement a league mechanism creating matches thus increasing the challenge between equiped players (let's say platinum league) or between newcomers without any buffs (let's say bronze league). At this stage, a newcomer is the privileged target for all other player which is very frustrating ;)

    • Official Post

    1. At the moment there are no Plans to change how Nero Coins are acquired / Recipes are acquired.

    2. Potions from Marcus Dixon are only for AoD PvE and are not usable in PvP.

    3. As i wrote above , all Game Mechanics that could give a Player a disadvantage/advantag in AoD PvP ( Cards titles , cenedrils for example) are all deactivated thus giving everyone the same fair Chance.

    Yes, I was close to my opponents and the strike hits but no damage

    I will contact you via Forum Conversations for further checking about this issue.


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