Arena of Darkness [Patch]

  • Hi, i just realized that we cant buy Arena of Darkness titles again if we already have them. How can we sell these titles then ? I have 5k nero coins but sadly they are useless now. Please change these title items to be obtainable even if we have them.

  • Hello,

    I have two questions and one suggestion.

    1. In Arena of Darkness, the boss 139598 [Öncü] sometimes uses a skill called 1502973 [Antihex], and when he uses this skill, he always kills me because he deals at least 8,000,000 damage. Is this normal?
    2. If 139598 [Öncü] uses the 1502973 [Antihex], skill, is there a way to avoid it? Because, as you can see in the video below, I died after losing my 201141 [Anka Kuşunun Kefareti] first, even though I stayed as far away from him as possible instead of fighting it.
    3. As a healer, I progress as slowly as possible in the Arena of Darkness because I don't have a strong enough DPS, and if I encounter 139598 [Pioneer], I can't move forward anymore. Is there anything you can do about this?

    Thank you.

  • Sandıkları açmaya başladığımda ve bu süreç devam ettiği sürece hep ekranımda bir uyarı çıkıyor "Aynı Nişan Ünvanını yeniden al"

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    Sandıkları açmaya başladığımda ve bu süreç devam ettiği sürece hep ekranımda bir uyarı çıkıyor "Aynı Nişan Ünvanını yeniden al"

    This error happens when swapping ATF titles with same ID, so caused by some addon swapping them automatically. (Probably AU)
