Macro Collection

  • I still can't get this right. I have the macro

    /run CenedrilHelper.UseComboSkill(1,15)
    /wait 1.0
    /run CenedrilHelper.UseComboSkill(1,15)

    I increased wait to 1 and it doesn't make a difference.

    What's happening is after clicking, my cenedrils change to Alis and Forensa to equip Burning Aggression skill. The skill is only triggered about 30% of the time (after cooldown, of course).

    The original cenedrils are not re-equipped after using the skill. I don't know how to:

    1. trigger the event 100% of the time after cenedrils change, and
    2. is there a macro to change cenedrils back

    To change cenedrils back, I use cenedril helper minimap. When I click the combo created (Mayi, Solar) It switches to them and immediately switches back to Forensa and Alis. I click the button again, and it goes to Mayi, Solar. I don't know why!!

    Hope all's good. Thanks for reading.

  • apologize for the late response :whistling:

    macro does not work if the ComboSkill is on Cooldown, i captured a clip for you to see it is working.

    click me

    at the clip you can regonize the cenedrils are switching back, after pressing the macro.

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • I can't find macro to trade golden eggs for enhancement potion @ Miller ranch.

    I remember having it back in the day.

  • I can't find macro to trade golden eggs for enhancement potion @ Miller ranch.

    I remember having it back in the day.

    Here post 16

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    Edited once, last by Nadaná ().

  • change the color of you Equipment into deep black or bright white


    /run for i=0,7 do CoolSuit_SetItemColor(i,2,1,0,0,0,0) CoolSuit_SetItemColor(i,1,1,0,0,0,0) end


    /run for i=0,7 do CoolSuit_SetItemColor(i,2,1,1,1,1,0) CoolSuit_SetItemColor(i,1,1,1,1,1,0) end

    how to use it: open the costumeframe, select your equiment and then press the macro.

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • Haidon Buff - NPC ins Target nehmen und Makro klicken

  • Pfeile herstellen u. ausrüsten mit dem Bogen "Feuer-Kriegsbogen" aus der Ini Göttliches Inferno

    /run for i=1,BAG_MAX_ITEMS_ALL,1 do index,_,name=GetBagItemInfo(i); if name=="Feuer-Kriegsbogen" then EquipItem(11,(index)); BagSlot=index; end end
    /wait .1
    /run UseEquipmentItem(10)
    /wait 1
    /run EquipItem(11,(BagSlot))
    /wait .1
    /use Feuerdorn

    At the request of the community here the english Version:

    /run for i=1,BAG_MAX_ITEMS_ALL,1 do index,_,name=GetBagItemInfo(i); if name=="xxxxxxxx" then EquipItem(11,(index)); BagSlot=index; end end
    /wait .1
    /run UseEquipmentItem(10)
    /wait 1
    /run EquipItem(11,(BagSlot))
    /wait .1
    /use yyyyyyyyy

    x= Name of the Bow
    y= Name of the Arrows

    many thanks@Nadana

  • Macro to show you an ingame Warning, similar like you come close to a Worldboss

    /script SendSystemMsg("Kaviar-Sandwich");

    for example you can use it to remind you to rebuff some food or similar things


    /use Kaviar-Sandwich
    /wait 60
    /script SendSystemMsg("Kaviar");

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    Edited 6 times, last by Nadaná ().

  • pretty nice macro for the can throwing game from "Waysie Fleckstein" (Flower Festival)
    works also great for the andor training game or similar event games

    /script UseExtraAction(1)
    /script SpellTargetUnit("mouseover")

    spam the macro and move your mouse to the target.

    you can also use this one, but it may happen you hit the cavias from other players

    /script UseExtraAction(1)
    /script TargetNearestFriend()

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    Edited 5 times, last by Nadaná ().

  • if you are to lazy to walk around the map you can use a waypoint macro

    /run WorldMap_AutoMove(2, 0.4, 0.4);

    2= Zone (Varanas) if you want to know in which zone you are just press ctrl+x
    0.4 and 0.4 are the x, y cords

    for example: Zone Varanas and cords 44/52 then it looks like (2, 0.44, 0.52) for your macro

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • smoothest way to do walu daylie

    ger Version.

    /script local ii=0;repeat TargetNearestFriend(); ii=ii+1;until (UnitName("target") == "Walu-Pilz" and UnitBuff("target",1)=="Insektenbiss") or ii > 100;if UnitBuff("target",1)=="Insektenbiss" then UseItemByName("Batchie-Gras");end

    engl Version.

    /script local ii=0;repeat TargetNearestFriend(); ii=ii+1;until (UnitName("target") == "Walu Mushroom" and UnitBuff("target",1)=="Insect Bite") or ii > 100;if UnitBuff("target",1)=="Insect Bite" then UseItemByName("Batchie Grass");end

    reload your Interface

    /run ReloadUI() 


    /run local buff=0 for i=1,100 do local _,_,_,d=UnitBuff("player",i) if d==625652 then TargetUnit("") buff=1 break end end if buff ==0 then CastSpellByName("Angreifen") end
    /script ChoiceOption(2)
    /wait .1
    /script ChoiceOption(2)

    625652 = ID from patk Buff, so you can just change it to the one you need

    Gorge last Boss Catapult-macro

    /run UseImplementAction(1) 

    if you wanna leave the cata via macro just change the (1) into (10) its for us lazy players xD

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    Edited 2 times, last by Nadaná ().

  • for Rogue/Mage

    /script local i=1; x=0; y=0; while(UnitBuff("player",i)~=nil) do if(UnitBuff("player",i)=="Enchanted Throw") then y=i; x=y; end; i=i+1; end; if(x>0) then CancelPlayerBuff(x) end;
    /script CastSpellByName ("Day of Rain");
    /wait 0.5;
    /script CastSpellByName ("Enchanted Throw")

    Enlivended Blade

    /script CastSpellByName("Enlivened Blade")
    /wait 0.1
    /script SpellTargetUnit("target")

    Class-change Macro

    /script CastSpellByName("Attack"); 
    /script if (GetZoneID()==400) then ChoiceListDialogOption(1); else ChoiceOption(3); end; 
    /wait 0.3; 
    /script ExchangeClass(4,4);

    (4,4) is Rogue/Mage for example. you can change it as you want and if you also want to add to swap your gear while changing class. Just add following lines

    /wait 0.3
    /script SwapEquipmentItem(1);

    (1) is your Equipslot

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

    Edited once, last by Nadaná ().

  • summon Dracopets directly from your Partnerframe, works also for all other Pets in your Partnerframe

    /script PartnerFrame_CallPartner(1,12)
    /wait 2.2
    /script PartnerFrame_CallPartner(1,13)

    12 and 13 is the Slotnumber from my pets, so you can just change it. Used a 2.2 Waittimer because of the 2sec Casttime

    Never underestimate what you do for others.

    Things that seem small, even meaningless or pointless to you,

    might mean everything to the person you interact with.

  • Code
    /run if (GC_GetLButtonCameraRotateEnable() == true) then GC_SetLButtonCameraRotateEnable(false) SendSystemMsg("OFF") elseif (GC_GetLButtonCameraRotateEnable() == false) then GC_SetLButtonCameraRotateEnable(true) SendSystemMsg("ON") end

    Toggle that switches between LMouseCameraRotate on/off (Look around by pressing Left Mouse)

    By default I play without LMouseCameraRotate, but i like it activated e.g when using the catapults at Gorge last boss

  • Good day everyone,

    Regarding the Cenedril Skill, I've tried using the CenedrilHelper addon with the following macro:

    1. /run CenedrilHelper.UseComboSkill(SkillNumber,ActionNumber)
    2. /wait 0.40
    3. /run CenedrilHelper.UseComboSkill(SkillNumber,ActionNumber)

    It work like a charm like it always used to do. The only problem is that for some reason, each time I leave the game,

    the cenedril skill i place on my bar as well as the macro I've created to use it get deleted.

    The fuction seems to be working just find but I get the follow message in the chat when I use that Macro:

    Is there any "Arcadia friendly" way to use the cenedril skill?


  • Thanks for the info Luac :) It does work but only if I have the right combination of Cenedril equiped (physical + magical to unlock "Prayer of Destruction" but since I cannot use the Cenerdril helper to swap between having both Magical equiped (I'm a mage) and having the right combination to have the "Prayer of Destruction" unlocked and available, this don't really solve entirely my problem here.

    Since we're talking about Macros, Is there any ways to do a macros that swap Item Set skills (that can target one of the 5 spot specificaly and remove one skill and remplace it by another one of the item set skills ?)


  • Since we're talking about Macros, Is there any ways to do a macros that swap Item Set skills (that can target one of the 5 spot specificaly and remove one skill and remplace it by another one of the item set skills ?)

    SkillPlateReceiveDrag(num, num)

    this don't really solve entirely my problem here.

    PhantomEquip(Slot, PhantomID)


  • Tired of having to talk to your maid all the time by clicking ?

    then this macro will help you :)

    (this macro is only for "talk" only, change dialog number into () to chose your desired option).