Love Of My Life - Forum Event

    • Official Post


    Taborea prepares to celebrate Valentine's Day. Every corner looks ornate and beautiful and love can be felt in the air. Everyone wants to love and be loved, show how they feel about their loved one. And what about you?

    Come on, don't be shy! Get inspired by Valentine's Day and show that heroes love too by posting your most romantic (or craziest) love letter to declare your feelings for the person who has stolen your heart and win a forum package for participating. The 3 best love letters will win an additional prize!


    • Participants must be registered on the forum and have a .PlayerNet account.
    • You can post the letter in your native language but please include an English translation below
    • You must post your game character name.
    • The letter must be related to Valentine's Day, the plot must not be obscene, violent, offensive or any subject that violates the Term of Use.
    • Your submission must be submitted as a response to this thread*

    * Note all posts which are not submissions will be removed from this thread.

    Event Terms

    • .PlayerNet Employees reserve the right to cancel, or change the event and/or its rules at any time.
    • .PlayerNet Employees will ensure that all participants comply with the rules of the event.
    • .PlayerNet Employees reserve the right to exclude any who show harmful intentions to the event.
    • Submissions will be accepted until 15.02.20 23:59, any submission after this time will be removed.


  • Oh Cruwu my UwU

    its been only 2 hours but feels like 3 years

    since u have biten my ear

    Ur favorite class

    still kinda sucks ass

    the only way to make it better quality

    is crying for equality

    Kalin Shrine is our garden eden

    before we take off to the wilderness of sweden

    B1 is now so fast

    that you gotta have your skills on quick cast

    The turtle broke the ice between us

    with the power of a milion Rus

    but we hammered us free

    and achieved victory

    The rest of the day we spend leveling for more patt

    so u can finally do more than dmg then the rat.

  • My love Assa!

    When I was eating kiełbasa,

    someone told me "inv asa".

    I didn't know who are you,

    but you became one of my crew.

    When you told me "press on kowadło"

    I knew we will be super duo.

    Now you don't play, I'll be missing!

    It's a pity we didn't do kissing!

    You have stolen not only my heart,

    I must say, that wasn't so smart.

    But still you are my best friend,

    I can't believe it's coming to an end...


    Leszix, First of His Name, the Notbanned, King of the Memes and the Gifs

  • Dear friend,

    should I really call you like this? Friend? I have no idea how else to express our relationship. We both know each other for several years now. To be exact, it was the 29th of May 2016, when we met at first.

    We know each other for such a long time, we had good times, but also bad times. Shared so many moments, had such a good time and after all these years I still have no idea where you live - is it a big house, a basement? In a village? A town? I don't even know how old you actually are. Old enough, that for sure. But that's not the matter.

    Some days ago I found our old pictures. It was literally a ton of them, I looked at every single one and felt so comfortable, since you looked the same almost six years ago, like today. Only a few things changed of course, but your personality and the things that really matter stayed as they had ever been.

    I regretted every moment we were not connected. Cried in my little chamber, when you were not here. You were my anchor for bad days, for rainy days, you made my life more colorful. All the letters and words I typed with you, made me feel happier, even if it was just for a short time.

    I know, I'm not perfect, but isn't spending so much money for you, a message of my love, too?

    Also I'm sure, the last weeks were difficult for us. So many interruptions in our relationship, but in the end things turned out well for us I guess? These days were the trigger for me, to think about our relationship once again and this brought me to this moment, this exact moment, writing this letter to you. I don't want to waste my time anymore, I want to tell you something. Something that was overdue for so long!

    I love you...


  • Once upon a time me and my friend were playing Arcadia, and my friend introduced me to a girl called Ladylu then after that me and Ladylu talked for a bit then we got married in game and real life and then we started living our life together

  • За тебя моя родная

    Я готов идти до края

    И во сне, и наяву

    За тебя я пасть порву!!!

    For you my dear
    I'm ready to go all the way
    Both in a dream and in reality
    I'll tear my mouth for you!!!

  • I love you

    because the Earth turns round the sun

    because the North wind blows north


    because the Pope is Catholic

    and most Rabbis Jewish

    because the winters flow into springs

    and the air clears after a storm

    because only my love for you

    despite the charms of gravity

    keeps me from falling off this Earth

    into another dimension.

    I love you

    because it is the natural order of things.

  • Наша встреча стала для меня настоящим чудом. После знакомства с тобой мир наполнился светом, стал ярким, красивым и безграничным. Это стало возможно благодаря твоему доброму и любящему сердцу. Я люблю тебя и буду беречь эти чувства, как ты бережешь меня от всех опасностей и волнений!

    Our meeting was a real miracle for me. After meeting you, the world was filled with light, became bright, beautiful, and boundless. It became possible thanks to your kind and loving heart. I love you and will cherish these feelings, as you cherish me from all dangers and excitements!

  • Нарисую я картинку,дорогую валентинку,и друзьям всем подарю,знают пусть,как их люблю!

    I'll draw a picture, a dear valentine, and I'll give it to all my friends, let them know how much I love them!

  • Mein Liebesbrief geht an geht an Puffeline, Mistika, Daleone, Liberty und Auris. 5 starke Frauen die mich im Spiel begleitet haben oder noch begleiten. Die Unterstützung und Hilfe von Euch wenn der alte Opa mal wieder etwas nicht geschnallt hat werde ich nie vergessen.

    Starke Frauen haben aber auch einen sehr starken Charakter ;) also sie sind eine geballte Ladung Frauenpower und da gibt es (leider) auch mal Zoff untereinander.

    Doch jede von Euch ist etwas besonderes und für mich werdet Ihr immer mein Dreamteam bleiben.

    My love letter goes to Puffleline, Mistika, Daleone, Liberty and Auris. 5 strong women who accompanied me in the game or still accompany me. I will never forget your support and help when old grandpa didn't get it right again.

    But strong women also have a very strong character ;) well, they are a concentrated load of women's power and there (unfortunately) there is sometimes bickering with each other.

    But each of you is something special and for me you will always be my dream team.

  • Любовь нас ведет и вдохновляет,

    Высот желанных добиваться помогает.

    Любовь, как воздух, как искусство,

    Пусть будет вечно это чувство!


    Love guides and inspires us

    Heights desired to achieve helps.

    Love is like air, like art,

    May this feeling last forever!


  • <3 I look into your eyes and understand, <3

    <3 That there is nothing more dear to me. <3

    <3 I'm drowning in your care, <3

    <3 I can't imagine a day without you. <3

    <3 I thank fate, my beloved, <3

    <3 That love gave me. <3

    <3 Let all sorrows pass by, <3

    <3 I look into your eyes again and again! <3

    <3 In them is the ocean, in them is space, in them is hope. <3

    <3 And strength, and care, and a dream. <3

    <3 It's good to have you around as before. <3

    <3 I hope we will always be together! <3

  • ____ <3 <3<3___

    Winter’s last month is breathtaking.

    It will bring you warmth and love.

    Valentine again is making

    Wonders that can make you laugh.

    Share your mood with dear, honey,

    Show your interest to all.

    Friendship’s better than the money.Listen — it’s St. Valentine’s call!

    Валентин святой приходит

    К людям, любящим людей.

    Снова чудо происходит:

    Мы становимся добрей.

    Поделись улыбкой с другом,

    Мамой, старшею сестрой,

    Сыном, дочерью, супругом —

    Праздник близким ты устрой!

    Пусть тепло любви согреет

    Дом твой, где не гаснет свет

    Того чувства, что не тлеет,

    Оставляя добрый след.
    ____<3<3<3_good evening to all!

  • Saint Valentine’s Day has come,

    For friends and lovers party.

    Let life be sweet like sunny palms,

    And let all live in beauty.

    Sweet hearts and flowers, lovely songs,

    And fairy feast is ready.

    Let Angels save you from the toss,

    And let your dreams be steady.

    Greetings, Akvo

  • my darling

    There have been many moons that we have seen spend together, sharing adventures, learning and smiles. watching people go by, some stayed and still accompany us, others have left us a beautiful memory that we will never forget.

    I can only thank you for sharing so many hours here with me, for the words of encouragement, for the effort, for allowing me to get closer to you and be part of my life.

    I love you, you broke all the barriers that I had built in my heart... now you live in it and I know that nothing would be the same without you.

    Happy Valentines Day

    ~ Karito ~

  • this will not be a beautiful story about love,

    our relationship is still at the very beginning.

    in fact, the level of our relations is even lower than

    the beginning.

    we are now just a lovers,

    but I really want to believe that

    this will be fixed in soon and we will

    legitimize our relationship as a full-fledged couple.

    my dear lover, the meaning of my virtual existence,

    my best and lovest tank, will you marry me?

  • I want to tell you my story, most recently I plunged headlong into the world of beautiful exploration of Taborea.

    Many new acquaintances, wonderful evenings of spending time together in unknown places gave me a lot of new impressions.

    But most importantly, I discovered the wonderful worlds inside each person with whom I spend my free time.

    But this story is not about that at all. This story is about you, my dear DD.

    Our acquaintance was very spontaneous and unexpected, which gives this story a certain color.

    Although our journey is just beginning, I am very glad for every moment spent together.

    Fun, sadness, delight, sadness and joy, no matter what state you are in, I will try to help you and be there.

    Every moment spent together gives us strength to move on and on.

    My dear DD, I agree to be with you in joy and sorrow.

    Let's write a beautiful and legendary love story with you.

    With love, your devoted Cilar.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            <3Today I like you ;)
                                                                   <3 Tomorrow I Will love you :love:
                                                   <3Let kind Cupid always drives your loneliness away :*
                                                                    <3 Happy valentine’s day! <3

  • My good, dear girl!

    Having felt your love, I will now give up paradise!

    Not to experience something like this again!

    And I will strive for pleasure! To you, my soul delight!

    Let me enjoy your love!

    After all, I don't need anything more from life!

    Don't think that I'm writing pathetic, tasteless!

    I write from the heart, and it sings!

    I write with hope, if it becomes sad,

    My letter will come to the rescue!

    See you soon, my love! See you to new happy moments! Always remember that I love you!

  • This is not for one special person, but for many.

    Years ago, we played together for a very long time.

    At this time real live and game were pretty mixed and I often got a whatsapp msg to join in and kill something... a worldboss or players of another guild or something like that^^

    We sure were no angels and our Leader Battle needed to join other guilds ts/Discords to appologize for his members from time to time.... but we had a great time.

    Sure, we also had our troubles between members - but as soon as someone wrote something in word chat about someone of us, we stand together as one.

    I miss this time. I miss you.

    Live came between us - family, job, and so on ... and most of you quited the game. We are still in touch via whatsapp, but I miss you ingame.

    So, this love letter is for all of you:

    Battle, Claudi, Aohla, Fubi, Joa, Brummi, Steffi, Lines, Flieger and all the others

    With love, Ghee

  • My days are filled with yearning;

    My nights are full of dreams.

    I’m always thinking of you;

    I’m in a trance, it seems.

    You’re all I ever wanted;

    I wish you could be mine;

    And so I have to ask you:

    Will you be my Valentine? <3

    Yours truly,


  • Alone

    I am alone

    and fine with it

    i enjoy my mascarpone


    I pop the lid

    and enjoy my beer.


    If i want to be with others

    i wish i had a Clone

    to be not alone.

    - Idhril, learn to love youreself :D

    Happy Valentinesday :D


  • It’s all I have to bring today –

    This, and my heart beside

    This, and my heart, and all the fields

    And all the meadows wide

    Be sure you count should I forget

    Some one the sum could tell

    This, and my heart, and all the Bees

    Which in the Clover dwell.

  • Für meinen Anduvel <3

    Wenn in Taborea der Tag anbricht,

    erleuchtest du den Himmel, denn du bist mein Licht.

    Mein Tag wird einfach wunderbar,

    denn du bist immer für mich da.

    Komm her und setz dich zu mir hin,

    lass uns gemeinsam questen, danach steht mir der Sinn.

    Lass uns dann zusammen durch Inferno ziehen,

    denn so können wir dem Alltag entfliehen.

    Wenn spät abends dann die Nacht beginnt,

    komm in meine Arme und wir schlafen geschwind.

    Bis am Morgen der Tag erwacht,

    Ich liebe dich Hasi, du bist für mich gemacht.

    In Liebe Deine Shanith

    For my Anduvel <3

    When the day breaks in Taborea,

    you light up the sky because you are my light.

    My day will be wonderful

    because you are always there for me.

    come and sit with me

    let's search together, this is what i'm looking for.

    Then let's go through Inferno together

    because that's how we can escape from everyday life.

    Late in the evening then the night begins

    Come into my arms and we will sleep quickly.

    until the morning dawns

    I love you Hasi, you were made for me.

    With love your Shanith