Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

    • Official Post

    Tbh it is waste of time to write with this brontes. First he writes you can get artefact without doing full ini. Now he writes this things xD. Man, are you drunk?

    That is not a very nice comment.

    You theoretically can obtain the artefact without the bosses, though one full clear is required to end the quest and be able to actually do it. This is not a hard concept to grasp - beyond this first clear it is not necessary to do the bosses for the base artefact.

  • Tbh it is waste of time to write with this brontes. First he writes you can get artefact without doing full ini. Now he writes this things xD. Man, are you drunk?

    That is not a very nice comment.

    You theoretically can obtain the artefact without the bosses, though one full clear is required to end the quest and be able to actually do it. This is not a hard concept to grasp - beyond this first clear it is not necessary to do the bosses for the base artefact.

    It was supposed to not be nice.

    Ye sure, you can buy recipe, you can buy mats. BUT you can't use it. So what is the reason to do this?

  • It was supposed to not be nice.

    Ye sure, you can buy recipe, you can buy mats. BUT you can't use it. So what is the reason to do this?

    If you can buy the recipe, you don't need to do any boss in KS to get the artefact after the next patch

  • It was supposed to not be nice.

    Ye sure, you can buy recipe, you can buy mats. BUT you can't use it. So what is the reason to do this?

    If you can buy the recipe, you don't need to do any boss in KS to get the artefact after the next patch

    Where is it written? Could you please point your finger at me? My English is not perfect, maybe I missed something. Or maybe you know something we don't know?

    I remind you that KS must be done to dress any artifact.

  • If you can buy the recipe, you don't need to do any boss in KS to get the artefact after the next patch

    Where is it written? Could you please point your finger at me? My English is not perfect, maybe I missed something. Or maybe you know something we don't know?

    I remind you that KS must be done to dress any artifact.

    If you can buy the recepie you already have completed the quest and therefore don't need the endboss anymore since you can farm the materials at thr frogs.

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Where is it written? Could you please point your finger at me? My English is not perfect, maybe I missed something. Or maybe you know something we don't know?

    I remind you that KS must be done to dress any artifact.

    If you can buy the recepie you already have completed the quest and therefore don't need the endboss anymore since you can farm the materials at thr frogs.

    Other player can sell you recipe. You can't buy it without quest done.

  • What I don't get, and maybe that is because the last "end content" was just free for all, is why ppl think that the current "end content" should be clearable by EVERY PLAYER. That is not what "high end-content" is. If you can't clear the ini with your group, think about ways to improve (group adjustments, buff timings, class changes). There are so many ways to improve a group in different directions (less damage taken, more damage dealt).

    But from what I see, everyone expects to be able to run the instance with a Knight/Mage, 3dps, a wl/m and a druid/p.

    If this were the case, this instance should be Abby niveau and not the current high end.

    So maybe try to look if YOU can do something different/better to make sure you can run the instance.

    If you still can't...gett better equip or look at other classes that are maybe new to you. Try out different things but don't expect every new content to be as free as rofl was (an example).


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Who says we can't clear ini? :)

  • So:

    1) Some people have had trouble doing that one clear before, so you made it even harder.

    2) They still have to do ini to wear the artifact.

    3) They can buy the artifact, but they don't take it.

    My conclusion:

    It doesn't make sense.
    They have to ask a strong guild to make them q. So they must pay. This isn't fair. It is not fair, since before that others could have done it themselves.

    Again, why don't you introduce the RT solution?

    And why should it be made even more difficult, if others had it easier before (including you)?
    In my opinion, for the first artifact, the difficulty shouldn't increase. It is fine for an upgrade.

    Edited once, last by Aresta10: Połączono post napisane przez Aresta10 do tego postu. ().

    • Official Post

    The obtaining of artefacts through the questline (including defeating Regin) is intended as it is, requiring a full clear. As you mentioned, it doesn't make any sense to get the artefact while not being able to use it. But the concept behind does make sense indeed. ;)

    The instance is intended to be difficult. Much more difficult than most other content in the game. It's a group content, so group setup is more important than ever before. If a guild or group is not good enough yet to succeed in there, they simply need some further progression before attempting the challenge again.

    I watched groups attempting the instance several times, spending hours or even days on bosses, but in the end succeeding over them. That's the actual way how this instance is supposed to work. And by the way, the difficulty wasn't increased by fixing bugs that made players die oneshot randomly and so on. It simply was fixing of bugs, exploits and mechanics that made life worse than intended or even broke certain mechanics. We never had the intention to exclude players or groups from anything or to disadvantage anyone. But if something isn't working as it was designed to be, it's fixed until it works as it should. ;)

    Cheers. <3

  • I see writing here is a complete waste of time and nerves.

    I see a complete pouring of water here, and I have the impression that I am reading the same thing all the time.

    I wrote once before that if you have a vision, you will not move away from it. Cards are a perfect example, you don't care about the reputation of players and you spit in our face with the next patches, not coming any much closer to improving our experience.

    The hypocrisy I see here is beyond my mind. When players who write about objectivity, looking at others, looking at the problem from other sides, they cling to one point of view and their guild interest. How can you claim to be fighting for the general welfare of players and enjoy every patch that increases the monopoly of the strongest players and makes it harder for the weaker to play, and raises the entry threshold for new ones. Such a policy will crash this server, I am sure about it and I am furious with this policy.

    You officially admit that your goal is to make the game as difficult as possible. In addition, you officially acknowledge that you want the instance to have as few team combinations as possible. This is, again, pushing the weaker players away and focusing only on the best, increasing the disparity between players. I just don't understand the whole class balance, increasing player abilities, now adding more classes, since with each successive instance the player abilities are getting more and more limited. This is a totally outrageous policy.

    If the guild is too weak to make an instance, the best thing to do is to top up dias, or even better ... Top up dias and buy everything from LL ... I can see that this guild has got used to the monopoly ... when I see it shaking hands and the PRO_LL policy taking effect.

    I would like to add that I did not notice that I was killed by one unknown hit. Anyway, I have not seen any complaints about such changes, I have seen and wrote complaints about obstruction of the instance, so do not wash our eyes with the bugs that you removed that allegedly made the instance difficult.

    Whether or not you were going to put someone at a disadvantage does not interest me, since you do. It's as if someone said "I didn't want to steal your wallet", it doesn't change the fact that your wallet was stolen.

    The fact that something works differently than it was supposed to ... A professional team fixes it before someone takes advantage of it, and does not fix it after it has already been used, makes it difficult for subsequent players and at every step lies about some imaginary equality.

    I will do my best to make this my last post in this thread. So for the last time, I am expressing my ABSOLUTE NO RESPECT for the policy taken with all my strength.

    • Official Post

    You officially admit that your goal is to make the game as difficult as possible.

    Not the entire game, but yeah, the instance was intended to be pretty difficult. According to most feedback I received in the past days, we got that done well.

    I always appreciate any kind of feedback and discuss any serious idea with my team. I'm sorry that we can't come to terms here, but thank you for your feedback, we will consider it in further updates of nostalgia content.

  • I couldn't resist writing one more post :)

    According to most feedback I received in the past days, we got that done well.

    I wanted to ask "do you have an account on the forum?", But of course you do, so I ask, "are you reading the forum?". Although no, you are reading, I will ask otherwise. Do you read the forum and what players from different guilds write here? I have the impression that the voices of admiration come from only one, known side.

    Greetings :)

    • Official Post

    I was not speaking about the forum. About 90% of the feedback I receive ingame. From different guilds and groups of mixed guilds. I watched most of them for a long time, asked some for specific feedback. I am well aware that feedback gathered from forum only might be falsified due to one-sided feedback and lead to polarisation. ;)

  • I am well aware that feedback gathered from forum only might be falsified due to one-sided feedback and lead to polarisation

    Writing something like this is outright mockery.

    About 90% of the feedback I receive ingame. From different guilds and groups of mixed guilds

    The feedback I have received in the game is different, could you please tell us what guilds think it is fantastic? I'm not accusing you of lying, but what you say has zero credibility for me.

    asked some for specific feedback.

    Did you ask some? I don't remember you asking me or someone in my guild. My conclusion is, did I hear positive feedback because you asked the right people?

  • Hi !

    I think that a end game content who is not cleanable by wearker players is a kind of equality with the stronger players who spend maybe more money/time in the game, so for me SOK is ok like it is.

    I had my artefact without farming the first mobs, and most of the FULL runs were without peoples who have t13/t14 gear and without t17/t18 weapons.

    Maybe some people who are complaining here and who can do the ini with their guild "try to take the defense" of the poor weaker players, but Merkur you wrote 90% of the complains of the last 5 pages, you don't think there is a problem ?

    I don't think that you are in the best position to talk about LL.


    Edited 3 times, last by Tenzo: Merged a post created by Tenzo into this post. ().

  • Omg WTF! I have never seen so much text with so tiny content in this entire forum :pinch: Stop complaining about the existance of MMORPG-aspects in this game, which - surprise! - IS an MMORPG. I really thought, there were consistant information regarding the patch waiting on the last 2-3 pages of this thread, but all I see is complains about lately released bugfixes and how barbarous a specific endgame guild would be. :rolleyes: Please go clear up those things somewhere else, I don't care what stands between you guys.

    Can't we just appreciate the content we got (which is totally fine in my opinion)? &) We were one of these guilds fighting through the instance really much and hardly (turtles still trigger my PTSD) and we managed to clear it multiple times already, but imho the instance is awesome! ROFL was just a joke, Hoto had good ideas but the only difficult thing about it was, not to pull the entire instance with a wrong auto-tab. And Kalin finally contains both, complex mechanics and rewards depending on playstyle. The better you play, the easier the instance is. And that's everything to be said about it. Keep it up Devs, we're finally on a good track! :thumbup:

    btw: Am I wrong or are there actually Devs speaking to us and asking about feedback ingame, that is actually being implemented? :huh:

  • "Reworked tank and dps artefact effects."

    There is indeed a change on tank one description , but the dps one is exactly the same as it was before patch or am I wrong ? I don't remember exactly the values before patch, maybe it was dmg dealt on mobs with less than 10% hp ? If not, then what's suppose to be this reworked effect ?

  • If the guild is too weak to make an instance, the best thing to do is to top up dias, or even better ... Top up dias and buy everything from LL ... I can see that this guild has got used to the monopoly ... when I see it shaking hands and the PRO_LL policy taking effect.

    You must be confused. You mean fallen I think, like fallen sell WB title. LL give it for free afaik :)

    Also if I see my top up history, thousands of €. Where is the problem having better gear while spending more money? Some ppl need to pay that others can play for free.

    And I don't know why so much complaining about last patch. The ini is not harder than before. Yes you can't kite b1 anymore but thats it. As I said as a knight you have Minimum 40 seconds without a struggle as knight. That are 20 seconds of full dmg at boss of the dps. If tank dies after 40 sec, every dps can tank 6 seconds. This time is enough for red gear + t14 weapon and I think, nearly all have golden gear.

    Ppl should focus on their self, if they failed on something and try to improve themself (class, playstyle, dmg rotation or buffing, Timing) like it is everywhere in real life. I have the feeling that everyone want to get all with Starter Gear? Imagine rofl is possible to do with Starter Gear! (Except healer, bcs no heal bonus in starter gear)

    I btw don't like the change of the artefacts, bcs I wasted thousands of phirius coins for +6. But I have to live with it, bcs I made it to fast.

    Did you ask some? I don't remember you asking me or someone in my guild. My conclusion is, did I hear positive feedback because you asked the right people?

    My feeling is, they asked ppl who needed very long time for KS. They did'nt ask us all too.
