Kalin Shrine (Awakened) [Patch]

  • Regarding the new changes for KS:

    I hope you adjusted the boss attributes to higher values instead of lower :).

    And excluding the pets from yusalien is fine, but extent the trigger makes the boss to easy imho...because currently this boss is a challenge and still should be a challenge, also after the patch.


    I agree. Regarding Yusalien, I'm against extenting the trigger. This event, as of right now(!) is 100% playable. Sure, the boss isn't Music-burst-boss is dead. You have to play the event, and you can, it just takes a bit of practice.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Regarding the new changes for KS:

    I hope you adjusted the boss attributes to higher values instead of lower :).

    And excluding the pets from yusalien is fine, but extent the trigger makes the boss to easy imho...because currently this boss is a challenge and still should be a challenge, also after the patch.


    Considering not every team has your power, I hope not. Sometimes I also think about others :)

  • I can absolutely understand your opinion. But I mean, play an event has nothing to do with power or am i wrong?


  • Considering not every team has your power, I hope not. Sometimes I also think about others :)

    I can absolutely understand your opinion. But I mean, play an event has nothing to do with power or am i wrong?


    Of course it does, the more power you have, the easier it is to do. At the moment in the non-top team, the second boss is impossible to defeat.

    The second boss is disproportionately stronger than all the others. Currently, in my opinion, the last boss is a suitable challenge.

  • Considering not every team has your power, I hope not. Sometimes I also think about others :)

    I can absolutely understand your opinion. But I mean, play an event has nothing to do with power or am i wrong?


    The event at b2 is currently pretty random. If you're unlucky he will cast his AoE right as you're frozen, onehitting your party. The fixes and adjustments are probably referring to that. Also, Water cannon often hits the entire party when it's just supposed to be a frontal AoE. After that, Locatha & Adept are pretty boring as you can burst to avoid their (pretty cool) event. :)

    Hopefully the instance has been buffed, numbers wise, and the events changed to a fair (but challenging) state. I especially enjoy the ensia event.

  • In any case, both are valid arguments. I just don't want this boss to be changed in such a way that it is too easy, but remains a challenge and with the announced changes I fear this.


  • I really think all the events should be activated at X % of the boss HP. Having best party allow you to skip most of them and that is not nice for anyone.

    Not everyone can go there, full dps most of the bosses and its done. It shouldn't be the way to do these inis.

    For example b2 freezing. Let's say we do the event every 25% HP. All groups should do it 4 times. Not some op groups 4 times and others 15 because dps is lower or the classes aren't the best broken meta.

  • I really think all the events should be activated at X % of the boss HP. Having best party allow you to skip most of them and that is not nice for anyone.

    Not everyone can go there, full dps most of the bosses and its done. It shouldn't be the way to do these inis.

    For example b2 freezing. Let's say we do the event every 25% HP. All groups should do it 4 times. Not some op groups 4 times and others 15 because dps is lower or the classes aren't the best broken meta.

    100% agree

  • I really think all the events should be activated at X % of the boss HP. Having best party allow you to skip most of them and that is not nice for anyone.

    Not everyone can go there, full dps most of the bosses and its done. It shouldn't be the way to do these inis.

    For example b2 freezing. Let's say we do the event every 25% HP. All groups should do it 4 times. Not some op groups 4 times and others 15 because dps is lower or the classes aren't the best broken meta.

    If you mention that point, then you also have to request that all events from the worldboss be activated at X %...so now with a 20 person raid we already killed the wb in under 2 minutes and skipped the events ?

    Additionally such a change would disadvantage good groups and benefit worse as they could do it in the same time.


  • The fact that the tactic appears 4 times in the weaker group and in the stronger group does not mean that both groups will do it at the same time.

    I thought it was rather obvious. I will notice that in the meantime, apart from the tactics, you have to take 1800kk HP bosses.

  • Worse groups may have to play the event multiple times to a point where barely any damage can be dealt to the bosses.

    The event at b2 e.g. leaves you a window of 15-20 seconds dps after your burst is gone (which was also weaker than in a good party). This can make the fight either drag on insanely long or be outright impossible (as the probability of unlucky oneshots through dumb casts while frozen rises a lot). Forcing at least 1-2 events onto the party wouldn't be all that bad.

  • Since you write about a more difficult instance, repeating the tactic every 25% is more difficult than full dps

  • I really think all the events should be activated at X % of the boss HP. Having best party allow you to skip most of them and that is not nice for anyone.

    Not everyone can go there, full dps most of the bosses and its done. It shouldn't be the way to do these inis.

    For example b2 freezing. Let's say we do the event every 25% HP. All groups should do it 4 times. Not some op groups 4 times and others 15 because dps is lower or the classes aren't the best broken meta.

    I totally agree with it.


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

  • if the content will be more difficult as it is you can play in a few month alone on this Server.

    we tried yusalien for hours but dont get very much dmg on Boss after playing event. For us this Boss will last 20 mins+ and we have to play like 100x event(we dont killed we got him on 70%) one mistake and ppl are dead. It is a big diffrence if you have very high dmg in grp and play like 10x event.

    B1 is also strong to beat for lower dmg groups.

    it is a kind of gearcheck.

    Not every Player deal the same high dmg in goldgear. I think sometimes this game focussed to much on high end gamers here.

    If its to easy for you guys Devs can think about Ultramode with loot x2 from Boss. ;D

    For us this ini is challenging enough.

    Good Morning idhril


    No Guts No Glory No Legend No Story.

    Edited 3 times, last by Idhril ().

  • Hi,

    In my opinion some bosses should like they are right now. If you want a good gameplay for most ppl, there should be playable events and the possibilty to skip events with good damage. Otherwise why should ppl so high gear and weapons? Playable events= for all; skipable with damage = for high end good players. But there should also be non skipable bosses like the endboss regin. Endbosses should always do events at a certain Point.

    If you want events at fixed points for every boss, look at rofl and tell me how fair the endboss is. It is only depending on luck with low groups.

    In my opinion most of the instance is fine as it is. Maybe b1 can do a bit lower damage for lower players (don't know the values of boss, but with strong dps a red gear tank with few dps Chain parts is enough. But I think at a certain Point even gold gear is not enough)

    Following the logic, we want a more difficult instance for others but not for ourselves ... Bravo!

    Just saying I would prefer an ultra hard instance for myself. For example rofl: Endboss should not be possible to kite and mob phases should be 20 times (every 5%). Would be cool and hard in my opinion and for me, but not possible to do the boss for most groups.

    Just get in mind that players like us want a very hard challenge or the benefit of skip some time/event if you do good damage. I prefer to not waste to much time in an instance, otherwise everyone don't need to use any food and other things o.o

    @b2: the most difficult part were the pets I guess, bcs ppl didnt know that pets didnt exist at lvl 50 and yusalien includes pets in the event.

  • I propose to add a buff like the exp modifier but instead of reducing/increasing the exp you obtain reduce/increase the dmg you deal from a 100% to 1% so with that all the players can play on their own level of difficulty xD. So with that even Ancalon would be a challenge if you want.

    Edit: And another for dmg received from 100% to 1000% why not

    Go hard or go home

  • i dont have problem when something is hard i have problem when something is stupid

    when 6 ppl is frozen this is stupid

    about 1st boss

    i dont like him bcs this is old RTD tactic;/ few sec for aggro and run bcs i can have 45654kk deff 654645654kk hp and he still oneshot me... ;x

    for this boss no need tank;/

    regin is ok but when he spawn mobs i have fps drop and not only me

    ensia also ok for me not full dps we must do something

    locatha /art disciple full dps i think they are easy even for ppl with golden eq t10/weapon t14

  • I propose to add a buff like the exp modifier but instead of reducing/increasing the exp you obtain reduce/increase the dmg you deal from a 100% to 1% so with that all the players can play on their own level of difficulty xD. So with that even Ancalon would be a challenge if you want.

    Edit: And another for dmg received from 100% to 1000% why not

    Go hard or go home

    Yes and with no benefit in loot. Nice, makes sense.

    There is always a gap between high and low players. There is also always a gap between highend and highend players. I rly don't see a big problem right now. Several groups of several guilds cleared SK (in less than 3 days... Imagine you need months). So it cannot be to hard. Be honest ppl. If we have had the situation, that only 1 group is able to do after several weeks, then you can say it is to hard. Where are we going if ppl saying to hard and give up after less than 1 day? I have no words for such behavior. Nobody said such things about the worldboss. The guilds needed several months to do it

  • when 6 ppl is frozen this is stupid

    This shouldn't happen anymore because they excluded pets. Before the change, you just had to play without and there would always be 1 person who wasn't frozen.

    regin is ok but when he spawn mobs i have fps drop and not only me

    When the mobs spawn its fine for me but when, at Regin, the 2 previous bosses die, you have massive lags when many ppl hit the bosses in the moment they die.

    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

  • Regarding the artefacts, there are "a few" bugs.

    1) The artefacts seem to have a hidden durability. While the one from a guild member of mine has the "normal values" (2500/1250 attributes and +150 per level), mine seems to have values as if it has a 120 durability (20% more than normal values). So either fix that (so its the same for everybody) or let it be affected by golden repair hammers (so its the way it is with your other gear parts).

    2) At least for the dps artefact, the passive doesn't work. Couldn't test it for the other 2.


    It's time again for CoA - Chain of Arcadia

    Edited 2 times, last by Laisha ().