Make useless Cenedrils useful

  • Hi,

    I thought about the cenedrils. Right now there are only a few, that are worth to level. A lot of Cenedrils are useless and will never get leveled. Maybe you can think about a special buff, if you have all cenendrils at lvl 100? it would take a huge of time and make cenedril farming for low/midcontent players more attractive again. Something like +dmg and -incoming dmg would be an idea.


  • xLutinex

    Changed the title of the thread from “Make useless Cenedrils usefull” to “Make useless Cenedrils useful”.
  • Moderator

    Approved the thread.
    • Official Post

    We do not plan to encourage players to get all cenedrils to maximum level for such a bonus, therefore not planning to change anything about cenedrils at the moment.
