and advice for cb is that at the beginning, as in every game, it is difficult, the basis is a well-chosen style of play or farming is not talking about farming anything just for the beginning brutnuch tierow good earnings 1 month is hard but you need 8 characters to get 91 lvl for kaslayan bottles and do 200 tokens daily, that's 100 top-ups, so every 2 days you have 800 top-ups 81 top-ups is the equivalent of 1 dirty t10 t calculate yourself but in my opinion, every 2 days you are able to take out about 600 dias times 15 let's say you have some dias and it's only 1 month after a month you buy pure stones from IS and multiply these dias from 1 month times 2-3 depends on how much you spend on clean and after 3 months you already have eq at the gorg 2 level of the latest instance but the base is 104/104 desirable sub classa a nice guild and alts are useful if you do not want to spend diasov on the start of adding weapons because the wheel every day something falls for free greetings, go ahead to me in the game the same nickname.
PS: sorry for english

For New Players How to got EQ and Dias
Good point
but for further posts I would recommend using more than only one sentence
However, your english improves with every post.
Good point
but for further posts I would recommend using more than only one sentence
However, your english improves with every post.
Thenks sooo much i try be good
didn't understand hardly any of that can someone elaborate on this?