The Patch indeed do deliver a bunch of additional FPS.
But what about ArcadiaUtilities? Is it banned now, or going to be 'fixed'? Because it kinda ran flawless on my Client. I had no issues with it.
The Patch indeed do deliver a bunch of additional FPS.
But what about ArcadiaUtilities? Is it banned now, or going to be 'fixed'? Because it kinda ran flawless on my Client. I had no issues with it.
Disabling AU was a terrible idea. It makes no sense paralyze most of the server running instances again just because you found someone who crash I guess, well we crashed millions of times for years and we were still able to play. It worked perfect for me.
Other addons cause way more problems and we just had to wait for a fix, they weren't disabled.
Disabling AU was a terrible idea. It makes no sense paralyze most of the server running instances again just because you found someone who crash I guess, well we crashed millions of times for years and we were still able to play. It worked perfect for me.
Other addons cause way more problems and we just had to wait for a fix, they weren't disabled.
Yes exactly
Nobody is forced to use AU. If it is crashing your client, don't use it.
It was perfectly fine with me, and others told me the same.
It's just a perfect quality of life Add-On. -> especially LackBuffs
And all the people, that are crying about using AU, are just hypocrites.
I mean they just replace most of the AU-Plugins with the original Add-Ons and even for Boss-Tactics they use their own Macros. Double Standard as always
AU is an addon, right? It's not required to use it so everyone should decide for themselves whether they want to use it or not.
As for me, the game is unplayable without it.
Since switching to a 64 bit client, I have not had any crash. However, in return for AU I can get as much crashes as they give me. It's a small price, not to mention I had thousands of crashes over last 10 years and somehow I keep playing so
AU is an addon, right? It's not required to use it so everyone should decide for themselves whether they want to use it or not
Fully agree with Leazix
ArcadiaUtilities was disabled as this is common recommended addon, which makes new players download it once starting game, which might lead to bad first experiences causing in quick quit. Author was notified what should be fixed and once it is completed, you can use it again, we are not planning any kind of ban for this addon. I also suggested to separate it's modules so if in future it happens again we can disable simply one module instead whole main addon like it was necessary now as the only possibility.
Don't take me wrong, I imagine you guys had your thoughts when you disabled it, and i really hope for the sake of the server isn't the one you just said. Right now you publicly admited that you guys prefer 1 random person who join the server for the first time (and ofc by magic that newbie will want to download au, cose every newbie do that on their first hour of game, ???) that all the hundreds of players who relay on it to play this game.
If the reason you give would be the real one, couldn't you just do a warning on the download of the addon? Stop the downloads until is fixed?
Extended Action Bar, for example, caused a 70% perma fps drop and noone warned about it. Wtb, isn't disabled, you can use it on your own getting terrible experiences.
Imho you really should think more on your current players next time you wan't to do something like this.
Regards, Madoxx.
We got around 10 reports from existing players regarding this crash. Initially we even thought it is caused by wrong fdb conversion so we recommended them re-download whole game, until found out reason is broken texture in addon, that might cause crash most likely on certain screen resolution and ui scale.
Extended Action Bar should be then reviewed as well in near future. As it is not taken by any author, if there will be issue, we will first upload new version, so it can replaced directly once buggy version is disabled.
Display MoreDon't take me wrong, I imagine you guys had your thoughts when you disabled it, and i really hope for the sake of the server isn't the one you just said. Right now you publicly admited that you guys prefer 1 random person who join the server for the first time (and ofc by magic that newbie will want to download au, cose every newbie do that on their first hour of game, ???) that all the hundreds of players who relay on it to play this game.
If the reason you give would be the real one, couldn't you just do a warning on the download of the addon? Stop the downloads until is fixed?
Extended Action Bar, for example, caused a 70% perma fps drop and noone warned about it. Wtb, isn't disabled, you can use it on your own getting terrible experiences.
Imho you really should think more on your current players next time you wan't to do something like this.
Regards, Madoxx.
Thx, but pls don't tell totally wrong things.
Not every newbie is installing AU at first. As my guild switched to CoA, we didn't heard about it, because we have our own addons for UI or something else.
So why should every newbie install AU at first? I saw in last days many ppl crying because AU does not work. Why are ppl totally relying on ONE addon? you can even play this game without any.
P.S. Addon writer are also ppl with more or less time. So if you totally rely on an addon and it does not work anymore -> your problem, or fix it yourself. Just my opinion. That's why I have nearly 100% standard interface^^
ArcadiaUtilities was disabled as this is common recommended addon, which makes new players download it once starting game, which might lead to bad first experiences causing in quick quit.
Funny fact#1. Think about how many players moved here thanks to this addon which is a must-have for more than 10 ppl i believe
Funny fact#2. No crashes with AU, 1 crash per hour without AU
ArcadiaUtilities was disabled as this is common recommended addon, which makes new players download it once starting game, which might lead to bad first experiences causing in quick quit.
Funny fact#1. Think about how many players moved here thanks to this addon which is a must-have for more than 10 ppl i believe
Funny fact#2. No crashes with AU, 1 crash per hour without AU
Please keep in mind that 10 reports means only people who reported it. There might were way more people who also were experiencing this crash, but never reported. We are supporting addons, but can't promote addons over base game development and experience. As it was said it can occur only during certain conditions, but that's already enough reason to temporary deactivate it. Hopefully addon author will be able to add checkers for certain plugins of this addon so in future there will be no need to deactivate whole addon at once in case any important issue is found.
Display MoreDisplay MoreDon't take me wrong, I imagine you guys had your thoughts when you disabled it, and i really hope for the sake of the server isn't the one you just said. Right now you publicly admited that you guys prefer 1 random person who join the server for the first time (and ofc by magic that newbie will want to download au, cose every newbie do that on their first hour of game, ???) that all the hundreds of players who relay on it to play this game.
If the reason you give would be the real one, couldn't you just do a warning on the download of the addon? Stop the downloads until is fixed?
Extended Action Bar, for example, caused a 70% perma fps drop and noone warned about it. Wtb, isn't disabled, you can use it on your own getting terrible experiences.
Imho you really should think more on your current players next time you wan't to do something like this.
Regards, Madoxx.
Thx, but pls don't tell totally wrong things.
Not every newbie is installing AU at first. As my guild switched to CoA, we didn't heard about it, because we have our own addons for UI or something else.
So why should every newbie install AU at first? I saw in last days many ppl crying because AU does not work. Why are ppl totally relying on ONE addon? you can even play this game without any.
P.S. Addon writer are also ppl with more or less time. So if you totally rely on an addon and it does not work anymore -> your problem, or fix it yourself. Just my opinion. That's why I have nearly 100% standard interface^^
Please read my comment again. Grox said the reason of disabling au was because new people get it as the first thing to do on this game. I know for sure that is not true, thats why I was being sarcastic, new people do not need au. So no, im not telling wrong things.
P.S. addon isn't broken or not working anymore, it was 100% working. Author is a friend of mine and im sure he isn't happy when all his work go disabled because 10 people reported a MIGHT (yes might, not always lets keep this in mind) crash when who knows how many conditions get together. Well those people shouldn't use it until fix it (i repeat, for them. For the rest of humanity it has no problems).
Disabling an addon because 10 people have a problem with it when rest of server don't, makes no sense. Stop pissing us off.
Btw Grox, fps problem isn't solved at all, its worse every day. Even doing mirror world is becoming a challenge nowadays. Every patch we get with "improved fps" on notes make us lose even more.
Without Au, CoA in my Eys is not worth anymore to play. It gaves Runs of Magic all what is missing, it is one of the reasons why i choose this Server and not switch to an other. In my Eys is something should be implemented in the Server and not Disabeld. I never ever had any problems with this Addon, it feels like with the addon even fps and performance was better. Since 64 clint so many more Crashes and less fps as with the 32 bit one. I hat like 0 dcs and around 120 fps with old one with new i have like 3x dc per day and like 50-70fps (on same settings). And i think i need to make a break till the addon is working again. In my eys Revenant is a kind like a God what he made with the addon, he made the game turn 100% and made is playabel. Why have many coind dias gold or rubis or fps when u cant link them. How to make a race with weapon lvling with some other guys if u cant link the weapon lvl and dont know how long till next one. KItty i have around 45+ written if im switching to old visoin of KC i need to writte all new alone this is a fully 1 week or work. Some wih the Actionbars i know there is an addon but it dont save the settings from au so i need to make all /xxx classes new and i had a tons of own differnet interfaces 1 week of work there also.What about Dynamic OSV, DN Indicator. lack buffs what made u not searching 5min which buff is missing. The nice CD what makes i Huge number in the middel of your window for starting boss fight like in each other mmo. Switching ppl in the raid. Automatic switch to right cenidril. Multi buy, damge lock and i can say so many more function. I know some of them could be replaced with other addons but not all. and even the ones u can replace dont think that u will have from the most of them a 64bit working vision...
(i dont care in stuff like Math event most guild ( see Sâcrêd ) have for this stuff own one
- Fixed some FPS issues.
Thx for that . Can finally run ini without any big problems
Can confirm. Also the fact that you can capp your fps now helped improving my performance, since now I hardly have any fps drops and hence no laggs, so thank you for that option.
Guys, u dont need AU to have seperate skill bars there is vActionbar on curse
But thats true that some of parts of AU are useful, like kitty (which is much better than normal one) and lack buffs which is good for some ppl bcuz they like to want keep their buffs always up and dont forget anything.
So it would be good if those addons could be installed separately
Well, even i would appreciate if it was possible to put addon like vActionbar/separate skill bars into client (like it is with AAH).
(i dont care in stuff like Math event most guild ( see Sâcrêd ) have for this stuff own one
oh boy^^.
I have own/custom/curse addons for all your things you've written, not only math. And with less than 1/3 of the size of AU. just my opinion and my choice to use my own code. You can use AU, but you need to live with problems, if there are some, like me if there are some issues on my addons.
I don't know the problem to use all addons as separate. Sure for you now, it is a problem. But think about you've done this at the beginning of coa. That's why some ppl here are laughing about some problems and some ppl are helpless now. Even if there is only 1 little bug in AU, you cannot fix yourself because you don't have the code. That is in my opinion not a good decision. #opensourcesoftware
P.S. and Kalypso (Pulse, your guild) seems to not use AU too. So it is playable for minimum 1 of your guild mate. maybe ask him/her
Fine for you but not everyone can code own addons for all stuff. you can use your own ones i cant
some can repalced but u still ned to make settings new and so one. Like i said i never had any probelms with this addon.
And the way u talking is kinda disrespectful Not everyone can code like you . And you can do it sure but dont help us
AHHHHH now i see ty Kalypso dont saw this Sure this guys/guild dont complain and laughing about us. is becaus of this one "because we have our own addons for UI or something else." . In other words they have Au to just only written by them self. Kinde funny
. In other words they have Au to just only written by them self. Kinde funny
Not in othwer words , in Your words . Please stop making stuff up if you have no clue how we do for example rofl events
Fine for you
but not everyone can code own addons for all stuff. you can use your own ones i cant
some can repalced but u still ned to make settings new and so one. Like i said i never had any probelms with this addon.
And the way u talking is kinda disrespectfulNot everyone can code like you . And you can do it sure but dont help us
AHHHHH now i see ty Kalypso dont saw this
Sure this guys/guild dont complain and laughing about us. is becaus of this one "because we have our own addons for UI or something else." . In other words they have Au to just only written by them self. Kinde funny
Display More(...) because we have our own addons for UI or something else.
(...) Why are ppl totally relying on ONE addon? you can even play this game without any.
Perfect example for double standard
Also people, that were using AU will be pissed, for what was taken from them.
And there are alot of ppl. In the end it could be huge own goal.
I did not said all is customized by me. 95% is used from curse. official runes addons I used since years.
And sorry, but the disrespectful person here is you Mela. read your text and read between the lines...
And look here Priest & Druid
You can see in my streams that I use totally standard interfaces. Some ppl using SlimUI, some ikarus dont know the addons or what they do. I just heard of them and they are NOT written by me or some guild mates.... "we have our own addons" is just said that we don't use AU. we use other addons.... this topic is kinda...
Again. There are (i hope) a lot of players (not in my guild) who haven't any problem playing without AU the next time (and if you didn't got it, it will be repaired at any time)
You have your opinion i have my. For me it is sure that many ppl are rly sad / hurt. And the kinda you talking is like stab in to the wounds of many many ppl. So is a rly bad day anyways for many and u dont need to rub things under the nose of ppl. And is enoth now!! You dont need to start a war
It was just a hint. Wait for fix (it is still said that it will be fixed) or use other addons
or take a break
Personally, much better option would have being to directly reach out to the AU author (who devs obviously know) and ask him to fix instead of banning it till the author fixes it - that would save all the drama
I suggest moving this discussion on AU and addons in general to another location.
The last posts have lost the purpose of this thread and I think many players would be helped, if we find a solution for the main problem AU users might have: If one part does not work, everything does not work and every user has to rely on one person to be able to play the game again.
I agree with Grox that being able to use all modules/plugins independent from another would be the best solution, outsourcing them from AU.
The addons' author can upload the included Kitty, seperated Actionbars, cenedrils, OSV, etc. as standalones to curse and even I might reconsider using some of them. What would be the downside of this?
AU as it is is an absolute no-go for players like me for various reasons, closed source and (previous) security issues being just two of them.
From what i saw link to new AU version was already posted on worldchat by it's developer.
We are waiting now on approval on our curse page