Druid İtem Set skill

  • hello there have a druid İtem set skill name (life seed) giving %100 hp restore but when we use that drop seeds to backpack its useless because we cant trade someone when we fight or if we send with mail ther when we fight cant get easyl i just want , this skill can be restore %70 hp and when we use for player seed will go to target backpack. i think like this more usefully. thanks

  • Stranger@@

    Changed the title of the thread from “Druid elit skill” to “Druid İtem Set skill”.
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    Approved the thread.
  • I agree that the skill in its current state has a nice mechanic, however is practicly just laborious and unpleasant to use.

    I dont think that any reduce in healing from 100% is necessary, but having the seed drop directly into your targets inventory would be an improving change to make this skill more attractive and used more often.

    It should stay unbound and unique, to still be able to send it via mail to someone who is not in casting range while not making it too strong.

    I appreciate this suggestion!


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.