Patching client - access denied

    • Official Post

    It seems like your game client version is really old.

    Our game client version in download section is

    You should download, install it and start the launcher.

    After that, you will be missing 10 patches, which should be downloaded automatically.

    "Access denied" mean that either laucher or patcher doesn't have enough permissions.

    You may try to install the game directly on desktop, and check in directory permissions if your user has enough privilages.

  • yes, i had the older installer whit the seven's .rar files and the installer, i use that because the new installer gave me the "access denied" message too, idk why, but i re downloaded, gave me the same "acces denied", put the installer.exe and the arcadia.arc in a new folder on desktop and totally works, thanks for your answer, i let my solucion for someone with the same problem, and sorry for my not english xDD

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.
  • Moderator

    Changed the title of the thread from “problems whit patching the client” to “Patching client - access denied”.