Audio playback issue in specific area (Known Issue?)

  • This is also a sound-related bug that has existed for nearly 10 years. (It was not corrected in either RoM originator ver. or Jp ver.)

    When Player move to some specific areas, any kind of sound fx, such as skill, gathering, ambience, etc. doesn't play properly and those cann't be heard normally.

    (Zone E.g. : Xaviera (around Static Lathrofea), Tergothen Bay (south of Torag Caravan), Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan (around Fallen Throne of Embers), Chrysalia (almost over the entire area), Merdhin Tundra (Around Cadoon), etc.)

    Specifically, the sound fxs when activating skills aren't played (sometimes it is played). And when gathering, the sounds of such as mining ore (clink, clink, clink...) or weeding harb (rustle, rustle, rustle...) aren't heard at all, but sometimes only one phrase (such as "..., ..., clink, ..., ...", or "..., ..., rustle, ..., ...") is heard.

    In addition, the sounds when portal skills are activated aren't able to heard too.

    If player log-in at the above these places and start the game, it will be played normally, but if player moved from another place, the situation will be as described above.

    (However, the same type area, Enoch or Vortis, has never had this symptom. Is it because it is a new area after the technology was improved? Having said that, this doesn't happen in the more older area Autoria Volcano, so it's hard to understand.)

    Anyway, as a tendency, it occur with a very high probability in older areas where NPCs and monsters, or monsters with each other are fighting in a large scale and continuously.

    And, it also occurs in places where many NPCs perform special actions at once, such as Static Lathrofea.

    Also, even if player move to another area or zone in this state, the abnormal state of sound will continue and will not be fixed unless you restart the client.

    Furthermore, when Player enter the residence in this situation, the BGM will not be played for a while, after a while, BGM finally be played after a long time.

    (In some cases, it may not be played at all, no matter how much time has passed.)

    Runewaker has neglected it, but can Players Net sure of fix this?

    Perhaps I think DEVs already know, or is it currently uncorrectable?


    • Official Post

    We have found potential reason of the issue.

    This is most likely caused by limited amount of sounds which can be played at the same time.

    It will be changed with next patch.

    We will be waiting on feedback, if the improvement worked.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.