I understand the issue you are having, but:
The investment is extreme (8-9 new pieces of gear) for a mediocore outcome. One could just play a champion and be able to tank in damage gear without having specialized equipment.
This is why classes that want to play as tank should be able and partially even forced to wear plate armour IMO.
...statements like these dont go with each other. If you want to force tanks to wear (partially) plate, whats wrong with wearing tanky accessory, wings, offhands etc? There it does not even matter if you already own that sort of gear or if you have to build new pieces, as you can use them on any class the same.
The statements go together fine if you take them into context. The investment for chain-tank-gear is way to big as you already agree for its mediocore outcome. And I've tried the Wd/Ch as a tank with tank wings and accessory. It's not good. The class doesn't have the tools it needs to have to be able to compete with other tanks.
The word partially in that sense is confusing, just to be clear: Some of the tanks should get the option to wear plate or be forced to play plate if they want to tank, not only need plate gear in parts. Wd/W already does this and it works fine (though the class isn't played for other reasons).
That being said I can only repeat myself, as wd/ch in its current state is not unplayable:
I loved the original idea for this class and I hope our devs can find a solution for the issues they encountered with this aggro-transfer. Until they had the opportunity to give it another shot I am fine with leaving the class as it currently is, which is I reckon a "temporary solution".
And if you look into the forum, the rework of a whole core mechanic is neccessary (aggro formula) as you can see here.
Changes should be made to accomodate the class in it's current form. The class is technically playable but why the hell would anybody throw rocks in their own way. Play Ch/K with the same gear and have much better results.
And once the aggro formula is reworked we may see master of aggro return to what it's supposed to be. For the meantime the class should be made viable because it's skills are really cool. It would be my favorite class if it worked properly.