About the phenomenon that the size of the weapon changes

  • Dear All.

    That's the story since I'd been playing RoM a long time ago, I'm much more concerned about the phenomenon that the size of a weapon shrinks when it's stowed on the back or waist compared to when the character holds it in his hand.

    This phenomenon is not currently fixed in CoA, too.

    Initially, weapons were the same size when held in the hand and stored on the back or waist. This is certain.

    But after that, -- I don't remember how long it happened --, the size began to change.

    At that time, when I told this to an acquaintance player, he agreed that "Come to think of it, maybe you are right." I clearly remember that.

    The size of the weapon in character's hand should change depending on the size of character's hand, but the size of the weapon changes when it is stored on your back or waist.

    (Although I have not confirmed, if the size of the character's hand is smaller than the default, the size of the weapon stored on the back or waist will be bigger on the contrary?)

    Probably the weapon size will change to the default size only when stowed.

    Especially in the case of two-handed weapons (2H-Sword, Axe, Hammer, Staff), since those are a large-sized and carryed on back weapons, this change is very noticeable. Because users most often see the back view of "My Character".

    As a psychology of users who prefer two-handed weapons, I think that many people are fascinated by the enormous size of the weapons themselves and become even more attached to "my character" who wields them.

    (In fact, such opinions are often seen online.)

    Isn't "appearance" a very important factor in games?

    This is hard to notice and may not really be cared by people who don't care, but it is a certain defect.

    This has been left unattended for many years because it is not an event directly related to the game system, and few people may be concerned, but I am very concerned.

    By all means, I hope that this defect will be resolved in CoA.


  • Hey there!

    I believe this "defect" is very hard to fix, not in the technical way, but in a practical way.

    As I see this, there are two possibilities to prevent the change of weapons sizes:

    - Scale the weapon permanently (stoved and drawn) to body height or not at all

    - Scale the weapon permanently (stoved and drawn) to hand size

    Option one would cause the weapon to appear way too big for chars with max. body height and smaller hands, completely occluding the hands when drawn or way too small for chars with low body height and biggest hands, almost disappearing inside the hands when drawn.

    Option two would cause the weapon to appear way too big for chars with max. hand size and smaller body height when stoved, having a 2h weapon for example always extending down into the ground.

    Of course these are exaggerated examples, but they should make my point clear.

    As you can see this issue roots in the possibility to create chars with various proportions independent from each other.

    So the (intended?) compromise is that weapons change their size depending on what state they are in (stoved or drawn) and what body parts they currently are attached to (back/waist or hands) and personally I see nothing bad in this change of size and also cant think of any better way to fix this.

    This might seem kind of unnatural, but after all this is a "fantasy" "game" including magic, so I wouldnt care too much about weapons changing their size and some players intentionally created their chars with certain inappropriate proportions having this impact on weapon sizes for fun.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Just to make sure, I will add it.

    This is a simple suspicion.

    In short, it is a simple thing that "it was normal about 10 years ago, it became abnormal after a certain time, and it was left for a long time, until now".

    Again, there was no problem in the old days. It wasn't unusual from the beginning. That is, "The thing I didn't feel uncomfortable changed from a certain point in time."

    Needless to say, the resizing system for each body part has not changed at all. And the fact that "if you change the size of your hand, the size of your weapon will be resized accordingly" has not changed, too.

    Nonetheless, only the weapons PC have stored will be of a weird size.

    Then, it's natural to think "this is a bug caused by something".

    If so "anything is possible because this is a game", it means that "even if the transformation of the player will be a penguin, a maggot, a mafia, a Yakuza, or whatever, anything ok.

    Appearance is an important factor.

    However, it is understandable if it is no longer possible due to internal programmatic changes made subsequently. If so, I've got no choice.

    By all means, I would like to hear the developer's story directly, I'm sorry to trouble.

    "Now", can or can't it?

    By the way, it used to be done in the past.

    I'm not saying, "Please change it."

    I want to say, "Please undo the change". Cause,it used to be done in the past.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.