A small increase to a new dungeon)

The Recipe of the Dreams
- Quorthon
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Зелье Господства
алхимия 104 лвл
15 х Священные лепестки
10 х Священный песок
1 х Простая эльфийская колба
Увеличивает все характеристики на 35% (включая скорость передвижения) на 1800 секунд. Откат 600 секунд
Potion of Dominance
Alchemy LVL 104
15 x Sanctuary Flower Petals
10 x Sacred Sand
1 x Simple Elven Flask
Increases all stats by 35% (including movement speed) for 1800 seconds. Rollback 600 seconds
Regards, Tonystark
Phoenix Cake Recipe Level 104
10x Sanctuary Flower Petals
4x Achilles Wood
1x simple elven bowl.
Action: Increases the probability of magic critical damage by 1000 and critical magic damage by 20% for 900 seconds.
Regards Marmuletochka
Potion - "Flash Light"
10X Sanctuary Flower Petals
5X Sacred Sand
1X Diamond Shard
1X Simple Elven Flask
The potion is used against enemies and mobs, flash light blinds enemies and all nearby targets and decrease accuracy by 90% for 10 seconds. Recovery 2 minutes
Regards, Kateriina
1. There is really no recipe for removing all sorts of nasty things from yourself)
Recipe - Taborean Balm
Requires: Alchemy(100)
Raw Material:
10x Sanctuary Flower Petals
5x Sacred Sand
1x Simple Elven Flask
Requires Level (104)
Worth; 5.000 Gold
Removes all negative effects and curses.
2. For PvP
Recipe - Moon Sugar
Requires: Alchemy(100)
Raw Material:
10x Sanctuary Flower Petals
5x Sacred Sand
1x Simple Elven Flask
Requires Level (104)
Worth; 5.000 Gold
Increases resistance in PvP by 30% for 180 seconds
Potion: Enjoyable Evening
Requires Alchemy Lv. 16
Ingredients: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast
The crafting process is known throughout the world, yet certain details of production are well kept secrets.
-Drinking this will have various effects, depending on your class, level and gender. Duration also differs for each character.
Repeated consumption may cause strange visual effects.-
"Sit down, have some with your mates and enjoy a good time." - Cynthia, host of the Tavern "The Distillery"
Recipe: Ravenfell Rum
Requires: Alchemy(50)
1X Alchemy bottle
2X Witchcraft sugar
2X Power of pure wind
1X Sinners palm sap
2X Pineapple
Within 20 seconds, increases strength, dexterity, attack speed by 20% and reduces intelligence, wisdom, accuracy by 80%.
Cooldown 60 seconds.
Regards, Agent
Recipe: Awakening Dream
Requires: Alchemy
1X Alchemy bottle
1X Item doungeon (by boss)
2X doungeon mats
1X rune activation
I mean
It would be a potion which its use would be useful to go to the dungeons.
It would be a temporary buff, which would allow you to resurrect in the place of death (in the boss area where it was not activated) this would not modify anything of the current gameplay, so as not to alter the actions and skills of each class and race, It would simply be useful for when the entire party dies in a boss, to be able to resurrect in said boss, and thus avoid the so odious displacement that must be done from the place of resurrection outside the instance, thus minimizing the times of realization of the same .
Regarding the materials, I think that some item would have to be added per instance and boss in addition to the collection of the same within the instance.
There should be a single recipe, with which you would make all the potions, but each potion depending on the materials would be useful for each dungeon.
Greetings Spider
Potion - "Power of Elements"
10X Sanctuary Flower Petals
5X Sacred Sand
5X Lava Dust
5X Ice Dust
5X Earth Dust
1X Simple Elven Flask
The potion gives you the power of the elements, increase elemental damage and resistance by 20% for 15 seconds. Recovery 2 minutes.
Regards, Fikus
Recipe: Fear Immunity Potion
Gives complete invulnerability to fear: lasts 6 seconds. Recovery 60 seconds.Ingredients:
Sanctuary Flower Petals x 5
Sacred Sand x 2
Simple Elven Flask x 1
Regards, Laerto -
Dodge potion Lvl.100
20 x Sanctuary Flower Petals
2 x Achilles Wood
1 x Simple Elven Flask
Action: Increases dodge rate by 65% for a 25 seconds.
Regards, Pantherrra
Мammoth recipe
5 Shell Flower Juice
1 Shell Flower extract
5 Sea Crystal Nugget
Transforms the user into Mammoth for 15 minutes
Regards, Slonyara
Pie of Excellence
30 x Sanctuary Flower Petals
6 x sacred Sand
2 x Simple Elven Flask
2 x Simple Elven Bowl
Action: Increases Physical and Magical Defense by 25% for 15 minutes.
Regards, Lordalf
Fragrant Mushroom Stew
Draw 1 hostile mob to you. The mob must be in direct line of sight.5x Sanctuary Flower Petals
2x Achilles Timber
1x mushroom
1x garlic
1x Activate runeRecovery 1 minute
Not working on bosses
Regards, Serg -
Illusion potion
Potion creates a doppelganger with 30% of your stats that will fight on your side for 30 seconds.
- 5x Sanctuary Flower Petals
- 2x Sacred Sand
- 1x Simple Elven Flask
- 1x blend rune
Recovery 5 minutes.
The doppelganger have and use your skills and spells.
Regards, Helly
Recipe - Penguin
x1 Diamond Shard
x1 Robust Wooden Plankx3 Weakened Metal Ingot
Cost 1000 Gold
Allows you to create a statue of the penguin boss from the gorge by analogy with other recipes.
The cost of the recipe 15000 Arcadia Coin
Requires carpenter 104 level
Recipe - Zak'vix1 Diamond Shard
x1 Robust Wooden Plank
x3 Weakened Metal Ingot
Cost 1000 Gold
Allows you to create a statue of the Zak'vi boss from the gorge by analogy with other recipes.
The cost of the recipe 15000 Arcadia CoinRequires carpenter 104 level
It would be nice to make such recipes for each new boss from a new dungeon.
Recipe - Hero Chronicles Potion
х3 Sanctuary Flower Petals
х2 Sacred Sand
х1 Simple Elven FlaskAll character stats increase by 25%, duration 1800 seconds
Requires alchemy lvl 104
Cost of manufacturing 10,000 gold
The cost of the recipe is 15,000 Coin of Arcadia
This item will be used constantly and when creating it should be 3 items of such a potionRecipe - Magic Attack Potion
х5 Sanctuary Flower Petals
х2 Sacred Sand
х1 Simple Elven Bowl
Magical attack increased by 30%, duration 900 seconds
Requires Cooking Level 104
Cost of manufacturing 10,000 gold
The cost of the recipe is 25,000 Coin of Arcadia
When creating, you should get 2 items
Recipe - Holy Healing Potion
х5 Sanctuary Flower Petals
х2 Sacred Sand
х1 Simple Elven Flask
Healing points are healed by 5000 and also 5%, duration 900 seconds
Requires alchemy lvl 104
Cost of manufacturing 10,000 gold
The cost of the recipe is 15,000 Coin of Arcadia
When creating, you should get 2 items
Recipe - Energy Recovery Potion
х3 Sanctuary Flower Petals
х2 Sacred Sand
х1 Simple Elven Flask
One-time restores 30% of HP and MP, then within 30 seconds restores 2% of HP and MP every second, 180 seconds recovery.
This potion should replace the effects of the Firius potion.Requires alchemy lvl 104
Cost of manufacturing 10,000 gold
The cost of the recipe is 15,000 Coin of Arcadia
When creating, you should get 3 items
respect Eneler
Чесночные крекеры-увеличивают лечебный эффект на 10% в течение 120 секунд.
Вам нужно 100 уровней приготовления пищи, и 104 уровня персонажа.
1. 5 шт. священных лепестков.
2. Дерево Ахилла 2 шт.
3. Простая эльфийская чаша 1 шт.рецепт от Ledismert
Garlic crackers-increase the healing effect by 10% for 120 seconds.
You need 100 cooking levels, and 104 character levels.
1. 5 PCs of sacred petals.
2. Tree of Achilles 2 PCs.
3. Simple elven bowl 1 PC.
recipe from Ledismert
Recipe-potion " Red dragon"
- 5 х Sanctuary Flower Petals
- 2 х Sacred Sand
- 1 х Simple Elven Flask
allows you to call mount to any level in the underground zone with a speed increase of 25%.
Recovery takes 2 minutes.
With respect, Niznekamck
potion of slow time
rattan preparation1
the juice of wormwood 3
salt 1
Recipe - Transforming book potion
50 x Life Crystal
50 x Illusion Crystal
50 x Tough Crystal
30 x Spirit Essence
30 x Study Essence
30 x Mirror Essence
60 x Minotaur's Soul
40 x Harpy Holy Spirit
250 000 Gold
It is using items that are forgotten because everyone do elite on hefner or IS so dungeons meybe will run again.
you can use this on player and change him into book (chronicles of arcadia logo on it). while he is changed he can not move and is starting to write jokes (you can just put few in a loop) about himself. You can not use potion in battle or in dungeon. it will take 4 minutes and player can debuff himself by clicking on buff.
The recipe for the potion is Freud's Luck.
You will need:
potion pot - x1 (if you do not have your own pot, then you can also use the alchemical machine in any city of Taborea) Freud's tear - x1 (can be obtained during a dialogue with Freud in Stokes)
Sirlot's infernal pen - x10 (can be obtained during the battle with the demon lord of Sirlot in the dungeon Hall of the demon lord of a difficult level)
red feather of Raishak - x5 (can be obtained during the battle with Raishak the Destroyer)
crushed dragon scale - x1 (dragon scale can be obtained from any dragon, for example, in the Temple of Equilibrium, and then grind it on an alchemical machine in any city of Taborea)
add salt and pepper to taste
(can be purchased from any culinary dealer)
Add all ingredients one at a time, as they are listed, except for Freud’s tears. Add Freud’s tear last, and then stir the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Done! Having tasted this potion, you will not only increase the value of luck that you already have, but you will also notice that in battles with various monsters - they will drop treasures that have never been dropped from them before!
Рецепт зелья - "Удача Фрейда"
Вам понадобятся:
котелок для зельеварения - х1 (если у вас нет своего котелка, то можно также использовать алхимический станок в любом городе Табореи)
слеза Фрейда - х1 (можно получить в ходе диалога с Фрейдом в Стоках)
адское перо Сирлота - х10 (можно получить в ходе сражения с повелителем демонов Сирлота в подземелье Зал повелителя демонов сложного уровня)
красное перо Райшака - х5 (можно получить в ходе сражения с Райшака Разрушителем)
измельченная чешуйка дракона - х1 (чешую дракона можно получить у любого дракона, например в храме Равновесия, а после размельчить ее на алхимическом станке в любом городе Табореи)
соль и перец добавить по вкусу
(можно приобрести у любого торговца кулинарией)
все ингредиенты добавлять поочередно, так как они указаны в этом списке, за исключением слезы Фрейда. Слезу Фрейда добавить последней, а после, получившуюся смесь помешивать 10 минут. Готово! Отведав данное зелье, вы не только повысите уже имеющееся у Вас значение удачи, но и станете замечать, что в сражениях с различными монстрами - с них будут выпадать сокровища, которые ранее с них никогда не выпадали!
Recipe - Forbidden knowledge
1 x Simple Elven Flask
1 x Lava Shard
2 x Shell Flower Extract
1 x Kandi Tree Plank
A potion that increases the power of fire magic and dark magic by 5% for 15 minutes. It is produced in quantity of 5 pieces. -
Зелье " Мой храбрый питомец"Для этого вам понадобится:
2Х свитка храбрости
1Х родниковая вода
1Х бусинка силы
1Х капля ловкости
Варить на медленном огне 5 минут и зелье готово!
Повышает навыки вашего питомца на 30% на час.
Potion "My brave pet"
To do this, you will need:
2Х scroll of courage
1Х spring water
1Х force bead
1Х a drop of dexterity
Simmer for 5 minutes and the potion is ready!
Increases all your pet's skills by 30% per hour.
The event comes to an end. Thank you all for participating with your ideas for wonderful recipes!
Closed the thread.