Patch - feedback

  • This time there are quite many changes and im lazy today, so here are my thoughts:

    • Added new "Atlas Scrolls" currency. --- I'm wondering what we will be able to get for them, maybe the PvP-gear? :>
    • Added learnt Item Set Skills ranking. --- Not very useful, but gives me motivation to farm even more ISS! :D
    • Added pet visual transformation food. --- Hopefully there will be some neat skins!
    • Added game window borderless mode. --- Maybe the best change, which I absolutely did not saw coming <3
    • Added "Weapon Trainer Soul" pet eggs. --- What's this?!
    • Fixed Costume Flasks transformation sizes. --- Very comfy
    • Fixed missing title from Enraged Manakaza. --- Finally...
    • Added "Next update" countdown to rankings. --- Like it!
    • Integrated AdvancedAuctionHouse into client. --- Mixed feelings, I like addons to stay up to date AND customizeable by myself, told you already :D
    • Increased rune stacks to maximum 100 items. --- 1, GGWP! xD
    • Decreased "Stuck Report" delay to 15 seconds. --- Will safe me much time "exploring" the world!
    • Adjusted diamonds and gold npc exchange rates. --- I dont really care.
    • Added maximum stack size value to item tooltips. --- Nice feat.
    • Added possibility to see details of one-sided friends. --- Like it!
    • Increased maximum house name length to 16 chars. ---Pure love... <3
    • Added possibility to transmute stacked items in a bulk. --- Same here!
    • Added "Golden Monoceros" mount for VIP general spells. --- In my opninion being that an instant cast unlike all other mounts, it seems too strong =/
    • Increased food and potion stacks to maximum 100 items. --- Pure love as well!
    • Added plant pots allowing increase Maximum Plant Count to 20. --- I dont do planting, but surely very nice for those who do.
    • Added 20 buyable pages to both mounts and pets in Partner Bag. --- What for??!! :D
    • Moved items 243896-244277 to new item range 1200000-1299999. --- What for, whats coming?! :>
    • Improved wait time and attack buff chance from Fresh Ostrich Feast. --- Positive change, but not very relevant.
    • Adjusted physical defence of Salifus and Hall of Surviors (Hard) bosses. --- Long overdue, but makes Champions' balancing even more urgent!!!
    • Increased chance for true elementals phase at Melte in Gorge of the Ice Giants. --- I would have taken another approach to this "problem", adding a (lower) maximum possible number of wrong waves spawned...But I also welcome this.
    • Fixed World Boss Sismond event was sometimes spawning stone inside another object. --- This was bugging me for a long time! ;)
    • Added new Atlas Defence 6-man minigame available at saturdays and sundays in Atlas. --- I look forward to see what this is very much, sounds interesting.
    • Fixed Shield Form and multiple hidden quest buffs, including Arcanium Chamber resource buffs, were removing Invisibility Potion. --- Finally!^^

    All in all, again a very welcomed patch.


    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

    Edited once, last by melodic ().

  • Hello everyone, I would like to draw attention to one of the changes from the last update - the price of the charges of the magic converter. An increase in the cost from 200 to 300 will bring down the economy and make 1 of the most affordable types of earnings for donation not liquid. Even all this was done after a large influx of players that, as for me, will greatly affect the speed of pumping and getting normal things. Please pay attention to this.

  • Cheers folks!

    Nice patch but the drop of gold from Agnes is not really useful.

    We have Lv X Guild Towers and one buff costs 6kk Gold so it's 12kk for hp and patk/matk buffs, maybe you should've even raised the amount of gold to 6kk instead of lowering it.

    Thanks and keep going!!

  • Nice patch but the drop of gold from Agnes is not really useful.

    We have Lv X Guild Towers and one buff costs 6kk Gold so it's 12kk for hp and patk/matk buffs, maybe you should've even raised the amount of gold to 6kk instead of lowering it.

    First of all the increase of the gold price was an usefull change. There are to much diamonds on the server and maybe it helps a little bit to solve this problem.
    But Devain is right. I run 2-3 times gorge a day which costs me 24-36kk gold. As i said the price change is good but we need more gold. Otherwise you just "force" us to create multiple accounts to "exploit" the npc Agnes.

    Best regards,


    Edit: You raised the price of charges by phirius tokens by 50%. With this change you lower the income of free to play players by 50% (farming dirty and clean tierstones).

    Is it possible to progress without paying for diamonds ?

    Here i told players how to start without or with a low amount of diamonds.

    I guess i need to edit my post and need to write that playernet makes it to hard for new players.

  • What you did with this patch really is alienated all your free to play players. And as much as I understand that you earn from those who pay you must also realize that if all free to play players go, this server will hold just a few paying players and since they're not always gonna be on at the same time they will lack free to play players in their possible groups and the game will die out.

    What I mean is, even though you do not profit from free to play players you should concentrate on those the most because when they go, the game will die.

  • We have even started to return the players who have not played for a long time, so they liked the update ..

    Of the changes I liked everything very much, especially everyone liked packs of food of 100 each.

    The appearance of pets can be evaluated when it is introduced under the share, but the fact that you made me very happy, the appearance of all the bosses in the game will be gradually added.

    Let's wait for the weekend to take a new mini game, I wanted to know more about this game now, this also applies to the new currency.

    As for VIP, it’s good that you improve it, but it’s still far from ideal.

    We made a balance for the physical classes on Salifus and in the Survival Hall is very good.

    We returned the Cyclops' Den to normal mode, which is also very good, now you can knock out the maps and appearance of equipment from there.

    Now about the bad, today while I was at work, I saw how the game chat in Discord just exploded with indignation when everyone noticed that you changed the prices for charges of 300 Firius token = 100 charges, such changes will lead to the departure of new players who are not so easy to bring here I categorically do not approve it and I hope that you will fix it back.

    It turns out that farming is not profitable at all for the daily task coupons, and new players still need to pump skills and accumulate gold, how will they do it?

    I played on different servers, there was a server on which they added mana stones to the store, after which it was immediately closed, all the players left it.

    You probably know that the Russian servers of the game were closed and half of the people came here, there are many reasons for their closure, but one of them was charged; there were 200 Firius tokens = 10 charges, and the prices of diamonds are 12 times higher than in Arcadia, imagine what was there, everything was done there so that the players could only get worse and finally the Russian dump was closed, do not turn into them and do not make hasty changes that will affect the server’s economy so much, one not significant action can quickly ruin everything, a good example of a server about which I wrote above, which added mana stones to the store.

    For the withdrawal of Diamonds, add new game items for which they will pay for diamonds, and the more they will be, the better.

  • Same here, since last Patch my FPS got way worse and today i had SEVEN Crashes while doing the Event ... i even turned down graphics etc to min but i´m still getting a massive amount of crashes without changing any settings

    • Official Post


    Same problem for me, Varanas is as bad as before. Crits in 3/4 trys of the current event there

    Current crashes are about Masked Festival, you can try lower graphics settings or especially disable effects until festival is over.

  • Good day. After the runes of magic, I really like playing this game and I do not want to repeat like runes. But the changes in the patches in relation to the currency with the Fiarius tokens, that is, in the raised prices for the Fiurius tokens - 300 tokens. Therefore, a great request to return to the 200 tokens before these changes.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.