Auction house - no cards with $notowned

  • Hi there, sorry. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I sometimes go to the auction house and type in $notowned in the filter and search for monster cards I don't own. I only have about 55% so I expect cards to show up but none do. Today there's almost 2,000 cards and I can't get the filter to work. I downloaded the new yaclt and ah addons after the patch. If someone has time to explain what I can do it'd be appreciated thanks :)

  • Gargoyle

    Changed the title of the thread from “Auciton house - no cards with $notowned” to “Auction house - no cards with $notowned”.
  • Hey there, $notowned command stopped working for me months ago. If you see a card you dont have, you will see a sentence in red. You need to type that sentence as filter. I dont play in english so i cant tell you exactly which one is but is easy to check.

  • Thanks both for the help. Using those filters does not provide the intended result. I tried a combination. Although using the filter "You don't" produces results, it also gives cards owned. The filter "$notowned" does not work. Using both filters together does not show only cards not owned. I may have to do it manually. For a minute there I thought it worked.

  • Moderator

    Closed the thread.