Druid - Stats / Overview

  • Hello Guys :)!

    I have a quick question about the stats and the wisdom cap.

    If i remember correct the druid dont have a wisdom hardcap. There was a softcap around 30k wisdom or so.

    My druid is @ 45k stam/ 31k wisdom/ 350k hp unbufft. Where are the requirements for george for a druid?

    Also i maybe want to restat to 15k wisdom/ 460k hp unbufft, but its maybe to less wisdom. Do the druid need so much hp?

    Whats your experience or how do u stat the druid?

    Sry my written english is not so great :)

  • Hello Lemontium,

    If i remember correct the druid dont have a wisdom hardcap. There was a softcap around 30k wisdom or so.

    As far i know the Priest wisdom cap is at 8500 points and the druid cap is at 12500. everything above will just impact the heal by your wisdom above the cap. for example if your heal does 100k heal at 12500 wisdom, with 12501 wisdom ur heal would be 100001.

    My druid is @ 45k stam/ 31k wisdom/ 350k hp unbufft. Where are the requirements for george for a druid?

    Also i maybe want to restat to 15k wisdom/ 460k hp unbufft, but its maybe to less wisdom. Do the druid need so much hp?

    Yes, everything else than health is useless on this class.

    Whats your experience or how do u stat the druid?

    Stamina/LP but you could also go for Stamina/pdeff.

  • Just as Cathy said.

    You might want to have as much sustainability as possible for last parts of Gorge, since thats the only area where it sometimes(!) would make a difference as heal. Anywhere else it would not really matter if you have 300k hp/def or 1kk hp/def...

    Dead heals always heal less than any other ones ;)

    Think! It's not illegal yet.

    I'm just here for the drama.

  • Well thanks for the advice :)

    I already started to rework my eq. I will go for a 5/1 sta sta , sta/hp , maybe also a sta sta sta/hp sta/def 4/1/1 budget ratio, but i will see.

    A dead Heal is not helping anyone for sure:P

    Well I dont know that the cap for druid is so low :00 But health is much more viable, because just the eq take u to the cap more or less.