Hey, me and my Guild want farm new AC . We want spend our Coins for somethings useful .
We wait and wait . Infos ( When , where ) this Week, month Year ... Would be very very nice Thanks

Patch - feedback
- slezanin
- Closed
Failforge servers had TWO Huge reasons why the game died off the way it has... One- Dollar/Diamond/ item shop items was NOT realistic for the "average" working person.. this was probably the reason for number two. TWO- ENDGAMERS charged entirely to much for gear/stats. No 1 piece of gear should cost $100 US dollars....
Arcadia has done their part now it's time for ENDGAMERS to do theirs or else people will quit because you have to spend too much or grind for too long to be viable.. -
Failforge servers had TWO Huge reasons why the game died off the way it has... One- Dollar/Diamond/ item shop items was NOT realistic for the "average" working person.. this was probably the reason for number two. TWO- ENDGAMERS charged entirely to much for gear/stats. No 1 piece of gear should cost $100 US dollars....
Arcadia has done their part now it's time for ENDGAMERS to do theirs or else people will quit because you have to spend too much or grind for too long to be viable..No
Ok. I've noticed Alot of people quitting because ("the grind was too much") "half of disturbed""..... So keep begging for New instance because no one wants to pay 70k for a sneaky treason. And with new ini it will be 100k and more will quit. Good luck selling to noone
Ok. I've noticed Alot of people quitting because ("the grind was too much") "half of disturbed""..... So keep begging for New instance because no one wants to pay 70k for a sneaky treason. And with new ini it will be 100k and more will quit. Good luck selling to noone
It already got so much better with the grinding since the beginning of RoM. In Chapter 1, you got "not good" stats on most of the item drops and you had to farm a lot, just to get one clean stat. Mems, shells, proofs, etc. give you a lot of possibilities to get stats and get ready to farm the instances. And about the prices: if you can't farm the items yourself, you don't need them. This always was a point, ppl didn't understand.And I don't think your reasons are the main reasons for ppl quitting the game, but if you play RoM for a while, you will notice, that it is always the same procedure. Every new Instance, you just make new Equip and then get bored if no new content is coming.
so why do the new players quit once they see how hard it is to catch up????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Here's my thoughts, simply because I occasionally have them.
1. That dinosaur pet is really big, and I think still too big for a pet. I'd like it to be the size of the Aurora goblin. It can still chew my head off. I can't see the point in having a massive pet and working around clicking stuff like when you're near a tower in siege xD
2. Not everybody runs Tikal and higher instances, yet still enjoys the game (eg, me). It's not always based on high end content for everybody. If we only play the game for that reason, then is it really a game. It's a diverse game.
3. If you don't want to pay 70k for a Sneaky Treason, then don't buy one.
4. End-gamers can charge what they want. There's no loaded gun forcing people to buy. If they're awesome enough to run content and charge what they want, then thumbs up to them. I've love to get my grotty hands on a Sneaky Treason. I'll never be super-end-game and heck, if I become one by some freaky occurrence, I'd do the same as what they do. Would you?
Let's focus on the good stuff and play Runes of Magic because it's still alive due to the dedicated devs and GM's on this server. I can't hardly afford my internet, and when I was looking for a game to play, even recent games, I found RoM great because of the dual class system. Let's embrace why we play and not why we shouldn't play.
Let's just be everybody's mate and have fun.
so why do the new players quit once they see how hard it is to catch up????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Maybe their expectations regarding "catching up" is to high or nobody explains them, how to do it right. If someone is new, he does not have to start with high end equip and doesn't have to be high end in a short time. There are so many buffs etc. and the items are exaggerated anyways.
Like I said, enjoy farming new instance for a month and then begging for New content for a year because you "think" there is No reason to run
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