Punching bag as house item?!

  • I was wondering if it would be possible to have Punching bag, same Item we use to level weapon skills, as an item that you can purchase and add in your house, with the same effects, if used to level skills.

    IMHO it would be awesome and would help offset another populated area of the game.


    D!sturbed !nd!s

  • Yes, as furniture, but if you still can attack it for the same benefit of rising weapon level skills.

    Would be nice to have option to get it for different levels, or being able to change level somehow.

    • Official Post

    This is not possible for house furniture due to two reasons:
    1. all house furtnitures can be only friendly
    2. your character can not and should not interact with enemies in your house (buff)

    Also we would not like to have all players spending they away time in houses, for make zones empty :)