Bank space

  • As we know sotrage chest has 20 inventory spaces and cost 160 dia without promo .. also the bank has 5 pages each page has 40 inventory spaces ..
    so why not make it able to buy more bank pages for 320 dia for example and make it able to expand to 10 pages at least or 14 as
    transport book ..

    looking forward to your respond
    best regards

    • Official Post

    Thank you for this suggestion.
    With one of last patches we already increased amount of slots in houses for storage purposes.
    For now there are no plans for adding additional spaces to bank.

  • Hi,
    you can't compare bank space and storage chest space like this. It is way more different. There are methods to access Bank space while you are running an instance. To access storage chests you have to enter the house and would then be out of the instance. So bank space should stay as limited as it is now and not get expanded. If you sort your stuff a bit, the current bank space is already big enough for all that stuff you might want to access while running an instance.

  • Int's just saying they've already considered it, and they've already increased house space. I can't see where he's comparing; he's merely saying they've done one thing but don't want to do bank space at this time. Perhaps consider setting up an alt that can send you stuff with portable mailbox. At least you've suggested it for the future, I think we all want more space. mmm spaaacceee.

  • Well, runewaker already gave us more bank space.
    Once upon a time, you had no itemshop bank space and had to have it in your normal bank space.

    Once upon a time, on a real pvp server we even had to put our 5 most important items into transmutor space to keep it save in case of pvp drop. Back then, we had to rly manage our space and not just get more and more.

  • Each Housekeeper has 10 spaces (plus full gear slots without weapons), so it is like 3 more storage chests and 6 mannequins overall per toon that you can get for mere 12.6 mil gold.

    I was not aware that there is more room in house, at present I am just starting, but gives me more motivation to run run quests in Ravenfel to atune for TT. :)

    Not sure why do you need more space. IMHO it is just adequate space on each toon, and if you need more, that is what backpack alts are for. In case you need more room, just create more alts, or perhaps alt guild and get as many guild vault pages as you can/need.

  • i had bad experience with storage chests in many servers in the past where i lost lots of expensive items that times and couldn't return them back .. also i lost house maids so i don't keep items there ..
    in these bad experiences which i lost all items except the items were in the bank pages i only trust bank pages anyway
    ty for responding
    best regard

  • That was long time ago that anyone lost anything on server due to server side errors. I remember taking screenshots of everything I had, and only lost 1 chair, that later I got back (and few more things).

    I don't recall ever loosing anything again, on any servers.

  • So many chest in my house, all bank pages and back pack page open, alt guild etc. I work on all crafts, so I utilize a lot of them as well as farming for mana stones. I like it the way it is as it helps keep me from being overly lazy and letting crafting stuffs build up in my house etc..

  • Cheers guys,

    since it is possible to have more relationships than usual can you maybe think about adding more pages for backpacks and the banking system?
    Would be nice if you farm for example tier stones, 180 items is simply not enough space for the stuff that drops in instances plus normal tierstones and maybe some buff food you need.

    Thanks for thinking about it and greets.
