I downloaded the launcher but cant open it sadly, im getting this errormessage.
Can anyone help me?
I downloaded the launcher but cant open it sadly, im getting this errormessage.
Can anyone help me?
Which windows version you use?
Plase click button 'more details' in left corner and paste here more informations.
Windows 7
Try to uninstall Adobe Flash Player and then update to newest version, I had similar problem
We attached adobe flashplayer compatible with .PlayerNet to installer, anyway u cant try too this idea
Here you can download newest Adobe Flash:
Hm didnt take the link first time
Thanks guys
it was the malfunctioning flash player
Have a nice day
ok but now, i cant run this "playernet" on my pc when i want to run PlayerNetApp.exe, it shows me something like that program require flash.ocx.
Uninstall flash player and then re download the latest version. Worked for me
maybe you should mention that you have to install the adobe flash player for internet explorer (activeX)
it will not work if you install the ppapi (chromium) or npapi (firefox) flash player
We use ActiveX, i attached link before.
I also updated ActiveX right now in .PlayerNet installer to Activex v. 20.
ok but now, i cant run this "playernet" on my pc
when i want to run PlayerNetApp.exe, it shows me something like that program require flash.ocx.
I saw ur account ingame so seems like u found way