I recently tryed to get a Holy Pet egg, i farmed 1 Day straight and didnt got a single one, i know the drop rate got nervt, but i play here since 2015 and the Problem was on that date too.
If you farm Caviars you realise how often you will get a Magical Caviars, to 99,9% i guess im not really sure you will reseave a Magical Caviar and 0,01% a Holy one or more less.
On the other servers you realise its hard too but when you farm long enough for a Day the probability to get a Holy Pet Egg (Golden Caviar) is much higher.
After One Day of intence farming i got 4 Holy Pet Eggs.
Arcadia pls Fix
Holy Pet Egg Drop probability
- Bleed
- Closed
Drop rate have nothing to Cavias drop at all, it is kind of random not affected by server/character buffs.
Cavias drop is only level depend. If you farm on low level zones with main character you can not get it.
On new zones (Korris as example) Cavias do not drop in general, and it should be fixed with in next patch.
I hope after this you will finally find out your Holy Grail -
Moved the thread from forum wbb.board.board79 to forum Not a bug.