Feel free to leave feedback and discuss about patch 10.0 in this thread.

Patch - feedback
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Soul Seal 30% Damage output increase seems too imbalanced and unfair as duration for classes except scout. It might be 15% for 10 sec or so, regards
Soul Seal 30% Damage output increase seems too imbalanced and unfair as duration for classes except scout. It might be 15% for 10 sec or so, regards
Greetings,This Lv 70 elite skill for the class combination is more balanced than the previous Lv 70 elite and it cannot be abused.
The problem is movement inside ini. Add transport portals and just disable sigils inside ini, or something like: if player entered ini with sigil, cancel this buff. Because walking from the start of the ini is annoying a lot.
Today we have lost 5 hours trying to test a new instance and not even a stupid word sorry for having to close it. Or maybe it's players fault?
Good idea for future Developer-Players relationships. -
Please reapir drop cards from new ini. It is the same problem what on tikal and cl. You less drop rate on sigil and cards. Now we need about 100 runs on 1 card. U can off drop sigils but cards should drop normal.
Sorry for my bad English.
And what about portals?
Please dont add any Portals, if you do it all will be faster and at the end, the content will be faster boring. We dont need get geared in a Week - Thank you.
Btw today we have lost 5 hours trying to test a new instance
Sorry - but what do you expect. Do you even know how long Player was testing new instances in the past?
Formerly held instance was a few days in order not to lose progression?
This is a lost progression due to the exemption of the instance. -
What's wrong with the portals located behind the bosses like on the HOS?
if u do not want add portal to bosses maybe add 1 portal after kill 3 boss. It would be nice i think.
About instance. I see that you have taken some of ours note comments from the server test. I would like thanks for it. And I hope that the instance will be open as soon as possible because it promises to be excellent
I have to say as a player, that played on the testserver and made suggestions, that the design of the new rings are pretty bad. I share Sandstorm's opinion
Please dont add any Portals, if you do it all will be faster and at the end, the content will be faster boring. We dont need get geared in a Week - Thank you.
It will be the same. But boring will be walking from start to the for example 3rd/4th boss after party wipe or if healer will die.Sorry - but what do you expect. Do you even know how long Player was testing new instances in the past?
My guildmates was on beta server just like you and some other ppls. So they now how long players was testing.
They gave propositions to open 2nd beta server. To remove all bugs and shortcomings. So we have right to complain about it. -
Pls do sth so the cards will drop
On the topic of the boss cards from Inferno - these are intended to have a rare drop rate.
You have a chance of looting these rare monster cards from the bosses meaning they are not be a guaranteed drop.
It is supposed to be a discovery for me and learning experience and FUN!!!!!! Instances were never intended to be EASY!!!
So people wanting portals in instances so they don't have to run through??? kinda make me laugh
I am happy with the patch and hope they resolve the issues with the new instance for those who can run it already. I just hope we get Korris zone open soon Thor!!!!! that would really be awesome, tyvm
Sorry - but what do you expect. Do you even know how long Player was testing new instances in the past?
My guildmates was on beta server just like you and some other ppls. So they now how long players was testing.
They gave propositions to open 2nd beta server. To remove all bugs and shortcomings. So we have right to complain about it.I don't think Nadana is talking about the time ppl tested this ini on test server, but about how long ppl needed to try new inis like grafu castle, before they cleared it, way back in the good old times.
first of all, well done. Some Bossevents are really fun, like the fourth boss and the instance is nice too.
But we thought, that the trash is too easy. They stun and some got a huge dot, but thats it. E.g. If the tank made a mistake and an damage dealer receives aggro the dd should die, but he still lived. So maybe let the trash do more damage, but you got to lower the dots a bit then, so dds will die and the tank doesnt receive too much damage. (just a suggestion).
And one thing, which bothered us^^ Through the whole instance you sometimes enter a fight, leave it, then enter again. This is kinda annoying for the healers to resurrect dead players.
Anyway, good Job guys! -
Okay. Firstly I have to say you do a good job with boss-events. Some tacs are dificult and you need to think what to do, not only spam 111111.
I was away at 5th boss so I cant say about "ending" But 4th boss have very long and good tactic. About new gear was here drama so I dont want to dig it again
I heard about new weapon from last boss so I made research in Charplan and found this:
So It will be comeback to xbow for scout? Or maybe this is the... "nerf" ? of scout. Or mistake?
Because with xbow shot will have cooldown. Please to quick response about this. -
Well, the scout will deal more damage when hes bursting with the new crossbow, because you lower youre attackspeed very hard while bursting so it doesnt matter.
Without burst he wont deal that much damage, but now you´ll get 15% attackspeed through the set, so it kinda equals itself i would say. And maybe hes a bit stronger. -
I wanted to give feedback on the new instance. The first impression is good, I think the design is nice. Our group hasn't had the chance to clear the whole instance yet so I will focus on the first 3 bosses.
The first boss has a nice, playable event and from worldchat I can tell that it is allready farmed by random groups. So far I just had one inconvenience, a hole next to the mountain where I was feared into. But that could have been avoided if I had reacted faster
The second boss is also nice and the event works well. It just sets really high standards for the tank, but thats fine. New instances shell require good equipment^^
After the second boss we had a lot of frustration with the path to boss 3. I guess with some more trys our approach will improve but for now the trash is annoying. Is it a bug that sometimes the fear doesn't end when a Gargoyle is killed? If I go first as tank I can sit down as much as I want, I have to leave the instance because of a neverending fear.
Then there's the third boss. For now I think I have understood his event and how his shield dissappears. But we have a big problem with a onehit that doesn't show up in the battle log. I had a little time and did further testing but I couldn't figure out when and why it appears. It just seemed random. For me, a person who tries to understand the events and tries to figure out what went wrong after a whipe, it's frustrating when nothing shows up in the battle log. So maybe you could look into it, and figure out if this hit is intended and if it is, give it a prober name. Thanks in advance
When we manage to kill the next bosses I will give more feedback.
After the second boss we had a lot of frustration with the path to boss 3. I guess with some more trys our approach will improve but for now the trash is annoying. Is it a bug that sometimes the fear doesn't end when a Gargoyle is killed? If I go first as tank I can sit down as much as I want, I have to leave the instance because of a neverending fear.
We did not noticed any bug there. You should be able to get rid of fear if you meet specific conditions.
Fear is not supposed to dissapear when Gargoyle is killed, so you must still figure it out.
Our GM Team is informed about conditions, so in cases of any further issues please call them so they can take a look on it.Then there's the third boss. For now I think I have understood his event and how his shield dissappears. But we have a big problem with a onehit that doesn't show up in the battle log. I had a little time and did further testing but I couldn't figure out when and why it appears. It just seemed random. For me, a person who tries to understand the events and tries to figure out what went wrong after a whipe, it's frustrating when nothing shows up in the battle log. So maybe you could look into it, and figure out if this hit is intended and if it is, give it a prober name.
This hit is supposed to be not show in combat log, it not come from boss/adds, but you should have message on screen about.
It is possible to avoid it with 100% success. -
This hit is supposed to be not show in combat log, it not come from boss/adds, but you should have message on screen about.
It is possible to avoid it with 100% success.Yeah. But somtimes he's saying nothing, just hits and after hit boss just saying something about... his sword?
This event working correctly and nothing is broken with it.
If your party still receiving hidden damage it is mean you not discovered tactic yet.Be aware also that for stay alive you must constantly perform tactic elements.Tonight there was a party who defeated this boss after ~35 minutes of fight.
Be aware also that for stay alive you must constantly perform tactic elements.Tonight there was a party who defeated this boss after ~35 minutes of fight.
I didn't know we had visitors
Yeah was longest boss ever, some of our guys died soon so we did it trio, It was fun. -
You have not had, we have logs