Quorthon Community Manager

  • Member since 30 Jun 2017
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  • Hey mate, just filled a translator form. Reckon I was to write here to you. Cheers

  • I need to ask - are you a fan of the band Bathory?

    • Yes, I am!

    • Hell yeah! What's your favorite album by them? Personally I'm more a fan of their viking-esque phase; I really like Twilight of the Gods and Blood on Ice, but that's just me.

      Love 1
    • I’d say Hammerheart is my favorite, it’s such a masterpiece of their Viking era. The epic storytelling and atmosphere are unmatched! That said, Twilight of the Gods is phenomenal too, and Blood on Ice really captures that mythic vibe, it is pure magic 🤘

      Love 1
    • Absolutely agreed!

      Love 1
    • I’m really happy to meet another Bathory fan! It’s awesome to find someone who also appreciates their epic music! 😊

      Love 1
  • Как я могу связаться с тобой насчет вакансии?

  • Hallo, entschuldigen Sie.

    Es ist nicht mehr schön, es nervt langsam. Es ist zum wiederholten male. Gilde Sâcrêd / Lùtine meldet Belagerungskrieg an. Sobald er los geht (belagerungskrieg) wird kapituliert. Es kann nicht sein, andere Gilden wollen auch BK machen wegen Karten, Gildenmaterialien etc. Diese Gilde nimmt anderen den Platz weg. Bitte was dran ändern, es kann nicht so weiter gehen. Livinglegends /Lutine spielen BK und bekommen Karten etc, warum sollen andere Gilden das nicht bekommen? Ich glaube mit permanent Account darf ich alle Features des Spieles spielen, liege ich da richtig ?

  • hello, sorry to bother you, any chance to find out who the winners of the Easter Screenshot contest are? thank you!

  • Please write to me in the game

  • Hi Quorthon,

    thanks for the quick response and fixing the error, just wanted to check in for the reward.

    I have 36 approved card descriptions.

    Best regards

  • Hallo Quorthon, nur mal eine Nachfrage zur letzten Bewertung des Monster-Karten Kontests VI, kannst du mir bitte erklären, wieso Asragon und Zeus bei den Beschreibungen ausgewählt wurden, wo doch nur von Zeus und ShadowMoon Beschreibungen und keine von Asragon dazu abgegeben wurden.

    Das verstehe ich nicht.

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen ShadowMoon

    Hello Quorthon, just a question about the last evaluation of the Monster Card Contest VI, can you please explain to me why Asragon and Zeus were selected for the descriptions, when only Zeus and ShadowMoon had descriptions and no Asragon.
    I do not understand that.
    Sincerely, ShadowMoon

    • You right, my bad.
      It is fixed now, thank you for reporting!


  • Hi

    There are a few cards in the Ystra Labyrinth that don't drop no matter how many drop buffs we have. For weeks 3 people have been trying to farm the cards: Chaosbringer ID 770280, Frost Energy Guardian ID 770270 and Storm Energy Guardian ID 770269. the drop rate varies between 300 and 1200% for everyone.
    is it known that they no longer drop?

    Greetings Felline

    • Hi Feline, thanks for reporting. I will forward your question to the team and give you an answer as soon as possible.

      Like 1
  • Monster-Karten-Contest ist abgeschlossen, ab wann können wir denn die neuen Beschreibungen posten?

    Freundliche Grüße


    Monster card contest is over, when can we post the new descriptions?

    Best regards


  • Danke für die Belohnung für Screen Wettbewerb Weihnachtshaus, Päckchen 1 kann nicht benutzt werden.

  • contact me in game pls

  • and u close my thread without answer

    nice GF politics

    • You already had an answer

    • this is not answer or this is answer with "Celes style"

      now and one week agro more ppl want badge than promo what u give and u not answer why bcs for sure not bcs most of ppl want this i check this thraad and i have no clue what is important to choice item in promotion

      ppl who want item ? for sure no thread who u clean give me this answer

      and this

      Do not request an item if you see that another player has recently requested the same item within the last 7 days or items that have been been in a promo within the last 2 weeks.

      more ppl want badge now and one week earlier

      charges are in weekend promotion and 3 days after weekend promotion u give HH for charges what u give in next weekend ? charges ?

  • nice u deleete all post from ppl who want badge XD

    this thread is stupid pls give in next promo charges all the time charges

  • bonjour QUORTHON

    je me permet de vous contacter car je voudrais relance ma chaine youtube/twitch et j aimerais m assurer de ne plus me faire bannir de youtube pour des raison de copyrigth, suite aux reclamation de gemeforge.

    auriez vous des elements que je pourrais mettre en avant dans le cadre ou gemeforge via ces managers de communautés bloquerait mes futures videos?

    merci d avance pour votre reponse


  • hi, i wanted to know if anyone of the team by any chance saved the videos of the yt contests before the dmca takedowns. I was searching specificaly for mine on my pc but i guess i lost them for good back then. regards red

  • contact me in game pls

  • could You please contact me?

  • Hello, are you planning to resume the video contest?

  • Best Gm/Cm this game ever had! Much love to you ❤️

  • muchas gracias, todo recibido

    Like 1
  • Hola, yo aun no he recibido mi premio, gracias

    Kikekrox .....Kiikekrox

  • Hello, it looks like there was an error with the event. During round 3, comments are closed under the topic

  • Whats the theme of the current video contest which has been extendend to end of march 2020? Is it like players-choice? Will the staff use the video in any form? (e.g. download and distribute) The zoomed in rule does that conser the video editing software or is that about in-game zoom(ego-perspective). Is copyrighted music allowed? Has the video to be set to public on youtube or just listed (available with a link)

  • when my rosolution 1366x768 how can i take 1080p screenshot?

  • Сколько скриншотов мне нужно сделать, чтобы принять участие в мероприятии?

    • 10 maximum screenshots, you can decide amount of them since it is advisable to make several ones

  • Скажите, мне нужно сделать один экран или много?

    • You can make several screenshots as long as they are not more than 10

    • Спасибо)

    • A pleasure to help. Good luck! :)

    • Quo, nito ayuda...….soy el manquete….