Posts by Madox

    Warden/Druid changes seem interesting, really interesting. Didnt try much but those skills doing magical dmg like charged chop hit literally nothing compared to white hit dmg, its like 1kk dmg vs 9kk. Will need to try more but it seems like those skills dont do enough dmg.

    Also a note, that class had a taunt and now is gone, any possibility to add it somewhere? it was a nice magical tank and with increased aggro to charged chop with tank pet, even more.

    Did some tikal testing, is really depressing how low those skills hit, any support do more :(

    So it should be, magic equipment is designed for classes such as a mage or a warlock and is not designed for a warrior/mage, this class is now the strongest in causing point damage, do you propose to make them even more powerful ?, then it will be a very strong violation of the balance of magic classes.
    f you redo the bonuses of gold sets for the warrior/mage class, normal magic classes like a mage or a warlock will generally become useless in causing damage, why think so shallow, let's then remove all magic classes except the warrior / mage from the game))

    I don’t understand why such a perverted dump as a warrior/mage is useful on this server, it uses only 2 buttons to cause damage, on other servers this bunch is significantly cut
    I remember before closing the Russian server there a bunch of warrior/mage damage was reduced by 75% and normal magic bundles like a mage/warrior were useful there.

    I dont understand this angryness toward my comment, I didnt mention w/m in any moment. Im sure they will manage class balance as they want changing the current meta of the game making casters better than they are now. With or without w/m, % crit dmg is sad compared to chain/leather gear for all magic classes, mages, warlocks, w/m or whatever.

    Seeing the last comments about ultimate bonus set. Leather give pdmg, chain speed attack and magical % crit dmg. I would want to ask if sets being different is intended? Is maybe related to class balance incoming? Magical crit dmg is pretty useless compared to the other options chain and leather have. I would apreciate if someone from the team can throw some light on this. Thx.

    I will share my opinion about Normal Mode (not hard). According to patch notes:

    Adjusted difficulty on boss fights in Realm of Forgotten Legends (Hard Mode).

    As we see there, only Hard Mode shuld be changed but isnt like that, normal mode has been changed in several ways.

    Mobs had same "hitting like truck" version, DEV had to reset the instance. Bosses mechanics have changed aswell, exactly same as they did in hard mode.

    Loot is nerfed, like trully nerfed.

    -B1 gives only 1 piece, not 2.

    -B2 is the same as before

    -B3 gives only 1 piece AND do not give any shards.

    -B4 is the same as before

    -B5 gives only 1 piece, not 2 so we have half purple stats than we had before.

    Right now, for us atleast, normal mode has no use. We liked to go when we had not much people because even without winning 1 core, loot was pretty decent, now is just a waste of time.

    P/S and D/S are currently almost not played not becasue their healing capabilities are to low (any heal class will heal more than enough in this game atm), but because their utility skills are currently less useful than those of regularly played heal combinations.

    I have to disagree, we use p/s in every run.

    - Name of the recipe: Dory Stone

    - Description: Do you want to feel like Dory and forget some things? This stone allow you to "forget" some of your skills. Reset to level 0 the skill you choose.

    - Requires: Lvl 100 in Blacksmithing.

    - Ingredients:

    20 Sanctuary Flower Petal

    4 Achilles Timber

    4 Sacred Sand

    2 Simple Elven Bowl

    2 Simple Elven Flask

    200.000 Gold

    Regards, Madoxx

    Love. What is Love? Love is what people say, you will find one day. Is it that important? Is it that necessary? Well, I thought so. I was ready, I was absolutely prepared for that day, the big day. I was going to meet the perfect partner, the person to spend my whole life with.

    He was smart and kind. We used to talk a lot, writing letters over the last months. He told me a lot of adventures he had done as knight working for Varanas Citizen Protection. Saving people from evil fungus captain in Howling Mountains, bloody leeching bats in Silverspring, furious goblins in Aslan Valley or scary shaggy snow bears in Ystra Highlands.

    I left my house in Elven Island a few days early and took a ship to Varanas so, I could see the city. The city was crowed. People were celebrating the Fire Festival. There was food everywhere, in every corner of the big square you could find a tent with a different kind of meal in it. That night, I went where we were supposed to meet, into the Varanas Citizen Protection Guild Castle.

    The place was huge, high walls, full of canyons. Outside, someone prepared a lovely spot for us, with a couch, some candles and appropriate lights. I did wait there, with my best dress full of anxiety and happiness. Time passed, moon was up in the sky with millions of stars and night became cold. He didn’t show up.

    I spent the night eating and talking to lovely people in the city. I didn’t want to be sad. I returned next day in a ship to Elven Island. I will never forget those days. Love isn’t what I felt for that knight but, love is what I felt for that city and its people.

    Regards, Madoxx.

    Confused, is the word I would use for this new ini change. People complained about 2 things that was making the new ini not worth it: so easy and crap loot. After two days of server being mostly down, you guys hear us and change one of those things, make it harder and as a bonus reduce card drop rate to a 10% (ofc, loot remain the same useless as before).

    To be honest Im disappointed, If before we would bother to spend there a week to get the cards now I dont even want to bother. This game isnt a game with good graphics, isnt a game with insane tactics or with millions of people. Endgame players love this game for its endless possibilities to upgrade, gear, skills, pets, runes, etc. Right now we are tired of it, 2 years between instances wont work anymore for a 10 years old game like this. We need more endgame instances, we need more new stats, im terrified we will farm earth ini and in 6 months will be geared and waste another 18 months playing other game or waiting inside our houses every day praying for any miracle new content to come.

    As other people said, our hype was too high and sadly, this ini tryout system didnt reach what we expected. In my opinion, we need new ini with new stats every 6-12 months. Im not asking for a impressive 4h new Gorge, I just want that we got gear to build constantly as we always had in this game. Another output for this, bring back 6 players inis, give us the chance to do partys when we arent full of people please. I loved Grafu + Sardo times, we had both inis at the same time, both inis had something we needed and most importantly, we could go one of them when we werent enough for the big one, why cant we have that here?

    Beside my thoughts about the instance, the rest of the patch is insanely good. There are a lot of changes I didnt know I wanted and now I love them. Some others are the one I requested, so thank you for that part too. Keep working with this new little fix ideas because there are some really good ones.

    Regards, Madoxx.

    yes, select the full page of the bag you want to send. My addon doesnt have that feature atleast, have to click each item inside the page.

    First of all, thx for doing this :D Beside new filters which can be op, i would like to have a way to send many items fast and not pick one by one (idk if this exist in the current addon) like select X pages of the bag or pressing ctrl and moving the mouse we select a bunch of items (like we do to select folders in windows).

    I wish healers could stat like any mage or champ, with 6x pink wisdom stat and that would help your healing but not, wisdom is useless atm. A change like this would require a lot of balancing and time... but since class balance is coming, who knows, they might reconsider this. Bring wisdom and HoTs back xD

    Well since Grox suggested me to use this post for the suggestion... here it is. I know (gms, devs, everyone) told us item shop weekend offers and happy hour are scheduled but we need to improve that schedule.

    -Every 2 months we spend 1 week without guild and home 30 days rune, how is that even possible when is something scheduled.

    -Puris. Every time you put puris in happy hour, they appear too 2 days later in weekend offer, whats the point of that? Same for extractors.

    -120% speed potion, Provisions Courier (14 Days). We finally have that item, although i still think we need 1 month one. Even being expensive as hell how it is, give us the chance to buy it, dont bring it once and wait who knows when to put it again.

    Happy hour is supossed to be something excited, something you cant wait to see every wednesday. Right now is mostly useless because we will have the same in weekend (like the puris for exactly the same price if we dont count the rubies) or we will see this items which are crap or like before, same price as in the weekend: Advanced Aggregator, Advanced Bind Lifter, Mirrorworld Ticket, Chocolate Cookie Mount (Permanent), Equipment Swap Expansion Ticket.

    I hope we can get some good Happy Hours with good items and/or good offers worth to be bought.

    I would vote to increase the duration of those buffs, specially in weird gorge runs where you need to take them again for just last boss, is insane.

    Hey, as you might noticed some ISS are bugged. I dont know which ones did people report so, these are mine for mage:

    - Lvl 95, skill isnt increasing any dmg although is decreasing my movement speed.

    - Lvl 80, this aoe is doing like 30% of the dmg it should do.

    A suggestion acording to this subject, please increase the number of spaces to use ISS, 5 of them was fine at lvl 60 but with these brand new amazing ISS is not enough.

    Regards, Madoxx.