Posts by MidanLauert

    I think, it's good as it is now. People wanted stats, coins and cards, they got stats, coins and cards... now ppl want more stats? Do you also want more coins and more cards? ^^ The longer the farming takes, the longer the instance isn't overfarmed. I think, we got enough pve content for now, until the next custom instance is being released &)

    I'd really, really like to see another nostalgia instance though. Hoto is really fun to me and more content is always better than less :saint:

    Lol I always thought that there was an elemet value on this game ppl aleays told me that for example on DN light dmg was more effective that any other element. And I supossed that was true cause they play more than me xd.

    And for exmple then the mage buff skill that gives u more fire resistance how is that not an elemental defense or something like that.

    Thx for your answer

    some (mostly level 35-50) monsters have some resistances. Elemental resistance, if not shown as a percentage, is just dealt dmg - resistance = damage taken

    wd/m is completely broken.

    Just put out your cenedril, buff it up and watch it DESTROY rofl. All the buffs for the pet work on the cenedril too. The class itself sucks but the cenedril interaction is just... bad. Not sure this is intended. From my tests it deletes bosses.

    I must say that the card system is very difficult to get properly into.

    The layered RNG is annoying to say the least:
    -> The correct card has to drop
    -> additional cards must drop for materials
    -> stats must be added

    -> stats must be rerolled

    The last three steps are repeated ad infinitum to gain the best cards. Considering the card system is supposed to be widened throughout all the zones, imperfect cards will then cost about ~2400 attributes and ~10k attack (unbuffed). Mind you, this is when all zones are introduced.

    Remove some rng with rolling the stats. Remove the entirely of rolling the attribute values or at least narrow them down to whole numbers. Get rid of the commas, please.

    In addition, a mechanic that let's people target-farm some materials, not cards themselves, would make it much easier for the average joe to get into the game (and if it's an early game friendly thing, even help newbies get into CoA.)

    Merkur and many others are 100% correct when they say that there is too much RNG. This randomness needlessly complicates an (otherwise) pretty damn good system. The idea is really great and the feeling of reading in a direct card upgrade is damn nice.

    To condense the (EDIT: MY PROPOSITION. Merkur posted something while I was writing and I am not referring to his post!) proposition:

    1) Remove the decimal point of the card values

    2) Add a mechanic where players can targetfarm card currencies

    These two things would make the system much more accessible without directly impacting the grind that the system is supposed to be.

    This. 100% agree. In addition to the boss sometimes bugging out and counting people as not eligable to enter the boss when you went into secondary equipment but are now on your main one again is just the icing on the cake.

    Boss is peak annoyance.

    Thanks a lot! I hope the class will be playable now! :)

    I would like to bring up the ch/p again. I love this class, it's really really bad the in endgame.

    Could we get at least something for this class? :D

    But to be realistic, in the other hand, most of DPS are reliant on tanks and their pull style, if your tank doesn't want your class deal damage, you won't deal damage.


    This is what I've been preaching this entire time. The feedback here is omitting nearly all the context needed to properly assess things.

    Yeah ch/wl is insane if you do mass pulls, but it kinda blows when you have slower pulls and not all DPS are bursting at the same time. This is just one of many examples!

    D/R with a little bit of above-overage crit is probably only slightly worse than the best single target magic class, the M/WL.

    The what now? Pretty sure Warlocks are good in burst and lets not speak about our 2 mdps scouts.

    I'm not saying they aren't, in any way shape or form. I should have made myself clearer that I specifically mean in a standalone scenario (like jeraths organs). I've not seen any other class than the m/wl kill nearly three full organs. :3 Sorry for the inaccuracy.

    Die Klasse ist komplett basierend auf Glück. Wenn du jetzt Schaden draufpackst, hast du nachwievor das Problem, dass nicht-critten deutlich mehr schaden kostet als sogar auf jeder anderen Klasse. d/r mit etwas Kritglück ist im Einzelziel vielleicht minimal schlechter als der Magier/Hexer, die vmtl. stärkste, magische Einzelklasse die es gibt. Mehr Schaden bringt's da nicht. Mehr crit, bringt da deutlich mehr.

    Dazu kommt leider noch, dass du als D/R inhärent support mitbringst einfach weil du ein Druide bist - etwas das die Power ohne weiteres ausgleicht. Ein Mini-Zwergenbier alle paar Sekunden boosted jede Klasse enorm, keine Ausnahme. Dein Heiler könnte auf einen WL/D oder einen WD/P wechseln um mehr support in die Gruppe(n) zu bringen, da die Druidenbuffs bereits vorhanden sind. In diesen Kombinationen sollte der DPS der gesamten Gruppe deutlich steigen - klar bist du dann im direktvergleich immernoch unter den anderen DDs, jedoch ist der Anstieg der Gesamtgruppe mehr als genug um das auszugleichen.

    Balancing ist nicht nur ein Vergleich von Damage - und der D/R ist alles in allem gut gebalanced, da er Support, notfalls etwas Heilung und Schaden zugleich bringt.

    Es ist ein bisschen so wie ein Abendessen mit Freunden: einer bringt den Braten, der andere die Knödel und du die Sauce. Joah, der Braten ist an sich geil, die Knödel auch. Sauce alleine würde aber keiner Essen - macht aber alles andere um sich herum besser ohne der Star der Show zu sein.

    The class is balanced around luck. Adding more damage will not fix the randomness problem, where a non crit takes off much more damage than other classes. D/R with a little bit of above-overage crit is probably only slightly worse than the best single target magic class, the M/WL. More damage doesn't fix the "issue". More crit would.

    In addition, the D/R has inherent supporting potential simply from being a druid. This alone would bridge the power gap, as the mini-ale you give your party brings much more damage to your party than another class could. Your heal can swap into a more supportive class (WL/D or WD/P) for that extra damage. Of course, the direct comparison will show you're still "weaker" than other classes, but you bring so much to the table that removing that class from the party not a good idea.

    Balancing isn't just comparing numbers. D/R is pretty well balanced as the class is a bit of a jack of all traits while still dealing passable damage. I'm not going to translate my german analogy, it was cringe enough the first time you read it, regardless of understanding it or not.

    Not to stir the conversation away from the WL-Stuff, but I think it would be cool if the Ch/P could get some buffs/changes so the class isn't trash.

    -> Reduce Light Pulse's Mana costs by 3% and get rid of the heal

    -> Remove the GCD of the rune energy consecration

    -> Let divine retribution reduce the cooldown of REC instead

    -> Let suicidal advance be cast while playing instruments or rework it completely to not interfere with knowledge of distruction (ch/d)

    Class chugs mana pots like none other and still kinda sucks. Magic Fruit Pastry doesn't really help this either, it's 4%+377 of your mana WITH the food active every GCD in trash.

    Would be cool to get the class into a useful state.

    Have a blessed day,

    The reason prices dropped fast wasn't soley due to this change in supply due to increased usability of the transmutor.

    By far the biggest change in prices happened after the 30% patch as market data indicates that a lot of players quit over the following days.

    The general lack of new players created a decrease in demand, as well as the absence of any high-tier diamond promotions let prices drop a lot. The market for common goods is beyond saturated and this would be a temporary fix to a general problem, that leads to further problems down the road (power creep, something that the main audience of this change has vividly spoken out against).
    The proposed change of 1% per additional tier would currently increase the average weapon's (t14) damage by 8% (7% if you exclude the first additional tier), the other option presented is nearly identical.

    As to be seen with rare goods (Golden Wings) though, the buying power is still there - just on the wrong side of the spectrum.

    This problem can be fixed through new players and new player support. What you're feeling is a lack of demand and a strong decrease in buying power of the average player; therefore the market adjusts. The Economy of CoA is pretty much laissez fair. The forces of supply and demand are not adulterated by third party interference all that much; granted, balance changes can be considered such an interference.

    Artificially increasing the demand for tiering gear higher will just lock players into playing the class which is best equipped for that role; and when the metagame shifts away from that gear, players have an even harder time adjusting to the new metagame.

    The change itself is a good idea, but the circumstances we're in right now would not help this problem in the long run.

    The entire point I am making is that different classes will be more or less useful in different instances. Unless you give everyone the same tools, this will never change. Hoto favours ranged dps and those that can consistently interrupt. ROFL favors low CD-Burst classes. Gorge favors classes with instant skills.

    The question for lowering aoe damage are either laziness or lack of knowledge. As you were adamant about the nerfs being necessary I simply assumed you haven't gotten the strategy down. I only challange your point that only specified comps can run the instance as bad thing too.

    I think that a) that's inherently not true

    b) even if it was, it would not be a bad thing.

    Seriously. Hoto brings out the classes that now lean towards a more defensive playstyle, contrary to ROFL. You simply cannot take a w/p with you and have everyone survive through the power of two-skill-immortality.

    The idea of balancing is one that is not uniform across the board; and in a game as complex as an MMORPG it is neigh impossible to perfectly balance everything out. If you try and equalize all damage, players will choose the safest path. If you reward the players with less defenses with a slight advantage in damage they will only play the one with more DPS. Hoto brings out exactly that, where, arguably the strongest class in there (Mage/Knight) didn't see much if even any play in all other instances before last patch.

    Every single AoE can be countered. And let's be completely honest here, too: Ranged DPS get enough shit in their faces too, with assassins jumping to the furthest away targets and warriors jumping to a random character - the longer they charge, the higher the damage. This can be countered by stunning the monsters. To prevent oneshots that way, we e.g. use a lasso of the scout or a thunder of the mage to keep the enemies at bay.

    Your entire point, if I understand you correctly, boils down to the fact that melees need to pay more attention than ranged dps. They kind of have to, I agree. Lowering the AoE trivializes the content and increasing it's range makes it incredibly punishing - especially when you consider that one of the best strategies you can take in the instance is to wait out the casts of the aoes and then destroy the monsters safely.

    HOTO rewards you dearly if you take the time to think about a sensible composition, know your class and communicate well. If you do not do all three and aren't insanely overgeared the instance will feel bad. Getting rewarded for playing well and improving is a good thing.

    Your rouge with your level 99 ISS, Immunity food, interrupts and perhaps a well built team will be safe. This is what we experienced daily in hoto since release. If your groups can't do that then you simply don't know how to play that instance.

    I get that you're pissed that ranged characters have it easier in hoto (and frankly, in general) but your approach is flawed as hell. The problems you're describing are bigger than just hoto, by the way: Rouges have the lowest defenses of all melees - and citing the notable outlier of the m/r as a point for comparison is as dishonest as it is foolish. Rouges in general need a good and worthwile source of damage mitigation added to them that isn't too busted with the added dodge rate.

    The answer isn't in making hoto brainless, the answer is in buffing rouges, namely giving it the defenses it sorely needs.

    You're arguing semantics here. Hoto itself is not the most exciting instance, I am very aware of that and probably everyone else is. Asking for the removal of the last bit of spice in the form of the aoe being reduced is not a viable solution. Neither is increasing the rage to 300 - as the ranged classes lack the defense to actually survive anything. That's their whole thing.

    I'm saying that you need to play with some tactics and not run in blindly. That's literally the entire hoto tactic. If people can't do that - they won't be able to play much more complex events like the instances you've mentioned.

    Please don't pretend we decided the instance. You don't like hoto. You've made your point. Trivializing the instance is not the answer though.

    I absolutely oppose the idea of assembling a team from specific and right classes in order to do content, that was not the idea of balance.

    Aoe should be lowered drastically.


    so you want a generic, easy, bland instance that can be run by literally any combination of tank, supports and dps?

    cool. balance > fun is not good for the health of the game. hoto is fun as building a good team is part of the experience. There are plenty combinations that are very viable, all you have to do is look for enough stuns and interrupts to survive. If that is enough for you to say #fake_balance then I wonder if you're acting to pursue your own agenda in the veil of balance rather than the health of the game.

    hoto is fine. it's an endgame instance. you're supposed to optimize.

    Unfortunately, in some classes it is impossible to survive even when the reduction is around 60%. Every call of a rogue practically falls there with the bigger trash.

    We do not have this issue, even with just red leather gear. Some of the AoEs are meant to be oneshots and some of them are meant to be intimidating when hit multiple times (e.g. the aoe of the mantas). I would recommend to adjust your strategies as both a team and individuals. If you'd like, you can contact me in game. I am happy to give you some pointers! :)

    In my opinion, dmg from aoe are far too high, should be reduced by at least half to even out the chances of melee and distance beats. I think just immobilizing, fears, and stuns are enough.

    I honestly see no issue with the aoe of the monsters. We've been farming this instance consistantly with champions and d/ws. All you have to do is to know what to interrupt. All the AoE has counterplay - especially if you have a knight you can block a lot of damage for the group. Imho that's what makes HOTO so fun.

    I don't understand this sudden huge effort to change blood arrow. Many classes have it (not only main scouts) and there are other bleeds in the game. Not a disadvantage in any raid.

    Blood arrow is just something you need to get used to. It's good as it is. I can see how putting trust in other people might be hard for other people. Champions have a mini-blood arrow mechanic, warrior/champ uses it's own life to attack and the above mentioned classes have a bleed. They don't need a rework either.

    Perhaps I do not have knowledge as far as you are. However, I remember times when it was not such a difficulty. I also think that the number of people not playing with blood arrow calls may indicate that this is not a well-liked system.

    I can only speak from scout as a secondary class, but I must honestly say that any DPS or Tank for that matter feels kinda bad to use with the blood arrow. The classes are over-reliant on it. Reworking the blood arrow would definitely make for a more interesting scout, as the current one is pretty boring. That being said, this is just my opinion. I would like to see a change but it is not as important as other matters right now.