Posts by MidanLauert

    Ok, let's get one thing straight. Playing tank is boring because you only press 2 buttons as a tank.

    Point 1. If you only press 2 buttons as a tank (or skills) then you are definitely doing something wrong and then it's no wonder that you don't hold aggro.

    Where are you even getting on that people only press two skills? Even the newbies I have talked to about this and given them pointers on how to do things never once were like "lol I just press two buttons". Not a single one. They just didn't know the pace, didn't know when to properly press what, their muscle memory wasn't developed all that much yet for tanking. Skills develop with time. Time they can't get because nobody wants to run with a bad tank.

    Point 2. What do rouges, scouts, champions, mages do. Do you feel the presses more? If you think that you are hopelessly lost and you should see how many skills really change and that usually only a few elite skills are added (depends on the class) - I'll fade out that almost every DD with Kitty, Lua or anyway similar plays.

    What you're arguing here is pretty far away from what I am expressing: the point I'm making is that new players have a too hard time getting into tanking. It's (unlike dps) actually harder now to get aggro than it was - granted, it's still easy once you get the hang of it. Is it still unclear?

    Point 3. If we compare. Players with gold gear and end-game stats, then we shouldn't compare that to a new tank player who might not even have all set skills, etc.

    So.. go out, find new players, talk to them what their difficulties are. Do what I do. You will soon find that tanking is hard to get into. It's easy with experience.

    Yes, tank classes have been the same for a long time. But as your guild member wrote, you can also refuel with other classes. (If you like that, gladly, not me - but that's just my opinion)
    Why weren't they changed? Quite simply because it is simply not necessary. You can easily keep the aggro, apart from the fact that the mobs fall over within seconds anyway and you don't actually need a tank.

    Yeah, but do we really need 13 tank classes (7 knight-tanks, 2 warden tanks, 3 champ-tanks, 1 warrior tank) when practically 3-5 are meta-defining good? Why not rework some of them into a more diverse set? Why not make a really, really noob friendly tank so people can get into it much easier?

    On the topic of the new player leaving the game because they can't keep up or can't get into the game. I wouldn't say that it's because of balancing. I think it's more because of the toxic community that screams at every little mistake someone makes. For example in Rofl. (I definitely count myself among them)

    They mostly leave over frustration; this frustration comes from many sources, balance being one of them but by far not the only one. The other is the fact that newbies do not have a natural way of progression anymore - the minigame-sets, which were once the way to progess are no longer there.

    I can understand that you would like to have variations in the tank class and maybe not just play with the same rota all the time or sub class. But then, make suggestions and don't argue the class is boring because xxx.

    But I would like to change skill x, y so that he maybe does that (for example, disarming).
    Because in the end, only a few buttons are pressed on each class.

    I just genuinely want things to be more diverse. As a consumer it is not my job to provide these reworks; it is my job, if I want a good product, to tell the team what I want - then I'll happily spend a ton of money on this game. What I want is a knight DPS in plate gear, what I want is for plate fragments in rofl to not feel like wasted loot.

    My entire point in one sentence. Thanks.
    If you've not "grown up with" it you won't get into it very well. Without getting into it you won't learn it. Catch 22. Talk to any new person trying to become a tank and they can tell you exactly that.

    I think that all people who play at a good level understand thoroughly, that's why they play at that level. And for new players, the whole principle of the game at the initial stage is to understand all the nuances

    Exactly! I am not arguing against that in any way - I am arguing the facts that
    a) plate classes haven't gotten a piece of balancing for a loooooooooooooong time now

    b) general nerfs have affected tanks (disproportionally the newer ones) heavier than the DPS

    -> Frustration for anyone apart from the endgame <-

    I'm not here to advocate tanking being braindead/super easy. I'm advocating for finally balancing out plate gear and possibly giving newbies a switch to a safe, easy and clean tank that overall isn't as useful for the raid for those players to gain some experience with. It's the "5 years minimum experience in the field"-entry level job conundrum.

    These players cannot gain experience when they are not good enough to run instances while at the same time they won't get any better cause they cannot run instances -> they quit. We had a wave of german players coming form the other servers to CoA, many of them have left again because they couldn't get into the game. What a shame.

    P.S. but one point should be said: dps gets buffed over and over again -> more dmg/aggro. Tanks (knights) doing same aggro like class balance started. just saying

    My entire point in one sentence. Thanks.
    If you've not "grown up with" it you won't get into it very well. Without getting into it you won't learn it. Catch 22. Talk to any new person trying to become a tank and they can tell you exactly that.

    1. Lower geared tanks (and for that matter, I mean tanks with "just" red rofl gear) can barely hold aggro during dps burst, even then they themselves "burst". How again are 50-60k dps plate tanks supposed to gold the aggro of 35kk+ DPS at bosses? It's by all means literally impossible.

    Apparently i am a lower geared tank with my t10 statted red gear, Aoth accesoire set and only t12 sword, but I can't understand in any way that you can't hold aggro against very strong dps classes.

    You have:

    • A Maxed Pet
    • High Cenedrils
    • DPS in your Party you can fully rely on
    • Pretty decent cards
    • A ton of experience

    Especially the second part of the paraghaph should give away that I am talking about players at least not having a ton of experience. I am criticizing the way the skill floor and ceiling work. You either suck balls as a tank or you are fast and good. There is no in between. Tanking is hostile to people learning it. I can't make it much clearer. Yeah, ROFL is an endgame instance, but these issues are elevated in lower instances, too, by a lot.

    So I personally think that's absolutely worth it to have gold gear. You may not do Damage as a plate tank, but still has a Threaten which can reduce attack by 59% of your target with all Knight classes, which is very valuable.

    Valuable to yourself as a knight. It still doesn't change the fact that knights, by large, all play the same - hell, even the k/wl and the k/wd, physical DPS, play largely the same. My point is that your aggro, by in large, isn't high enough if anything isn't sitting right.

    This has no other "dmg tank class". In particular, I would like to say that with new content plate tanks are needed and find such changes in no case useful. It was often written in the thread that if a tank can not hold the Aggro, he should rethink his playing style or switch to a "more aggro tank class" (like K/R e.g.).

    Yeah, and I am not advocating against plate wearers being tanks, at all? What are you getting at? My point is to make plate more diverse, give them more options, as all the other gears have. The typical off-tank is missing, something that brings some (not much) damage to the table. Something that, as you describe, has much more aggro but doesn't have the utility other knights have. Something that makes learning tanking for newbies much easier.

    Some people do not have issues when they do anything cause their character play time counter reads enough for them to fully understand everything.

    Frankly, tanking is pretty unpleasant on this server. The plate classes kind of all play the same: activate aggro buff, run in, aoe, repeat. For bosses it's activate aggro buff, run in, hit stuff, repeat.

    Knights suffer from this the most. Plate gear is strikingly indiverse. They're tank only. The classes basically play all the same, apart from maybe one exception, that being the kn/wd, due to weapon swapping.

    Plate gear isn't worth much for that reason. You have 0 damage potential and all you have is aggro-multipliers - which, in a world where DPS get more and more options to deal damage tanks are left behind and struggle for aggro at times unless you're overgeared to all hell. The solution: Just play chain (or right now also cloth), have a 400-500k dps with a slightly lower aggro multi.

    To remedy this, there's need for certain things to happen:

    1. Diversify the plate classes. Make them play completely differently from one another and give them differing functionalities. One should be offensively oriented, one should be supporty, one should be extremely defensively and so on.
      Who the hell plays wd/k? wd/ch? k/s? k/p? k/w? Why would you play classesthat do literally the same as the k/m in their functionality but so much worse?
    2. Give plate some non-tanks, please? Healers can swap in lower instances to dps and are primo supports, mages can swap to a heal and a tank now (cause that's fun) and chain is flick of the wrist tanking with champs. Its time the scale will be tipped again, giving plate gear some viable DPS (that actually wears plate!) to create some more viability.
      Just turn some of the useless tanks right now into actual damage classes, hell, even turn the kn/m into a mDPS if needed.
      Versatility becomes immensely important in the midgame and doesn't stop being important in the late/endgame. Plate can not hold a candle to it.
    3. Make (more) buffs raid wide. Lower geared tanks (and for that matter, I mean tanks with "just" red rofl gear) can barely hold aggro during dps burst, even then they themselves "burst". How again are 50-60k dps plate tanks supposed to gold the aggro of 35kk+ DPS at bosses? It's by all means literally impossible. Chaining taunts and praying that the DPS can stand a hit or two? This can't be the intended way to play tank when one starts out, right? The learning curve is steep, yet the mastery curve is really flat. Doesn't make much sense.
      Excluding the second group and by proxy always the tank isn't fun for anybody and doesn't make any sense at all in a world where group switching macros and addons exist - especially when you consider that the competitive nature of buffs in the first party cripples the viability of some otherwise pretty nice classes (looking at the warden and his nature crystal specifically for this.)

    Something has to be done.

    In addition:

    The auction house can only search for 2.500 items at once; filters do not help this. The filters just filter the 2.500 loaded.

    I would kindly ask you to add some categories to the auction house to automatically sort for general, universal, physical, magical and defensive cards, please. It would make searching for cards so much easier.

    Have a blessed day,


    Hello and a happy new year!

    I have a slight issue with some of the event cards, which are supposed to be generally reworked/new cards.

    When event cards drop, there is a chance that the cards dropping will be old cards. I suspect this is is an issue with zone alignment, as some of these cards can theoretically drop in multiple zones.

    This is an issue, as it blocks the player from getting the new cards, as the slots are blocked off by the ancient cards.

    My client is in german, but you can see that one card is an ancient card, one is a general card - both dropped in this current event.

    This should be fixed asap or the ancient cards should be transformed into generl cards.

    Thank you and have a blessed day,



    The class is pretty decent atm but needs a bit of cleanup imo.

    Guidance of nature (1490561) suffers the same issue as Rune growth did before it was made passive. I would really like, just for smoothness of play, to up the cost to 5% mana but remove it's gcd. It's a major annoyance and feels very clunky to have a skill like this in one's main rotation.

    I don't know what special support means for you now, but that champ/priest heals in addition to good damage at the same time, restores resources for the group, increases damage and reduces the damage suffered are considerable points in my opinion xD. Not to mention that every 8 seconds you :D Not to mention that every 8 seconds you :D remove a curse, harmful effect or poison from a group member ^^. I can't really report any disadvantages with this support.

    1) The heal is absolutely meager. Not that there is any lack of heal anywhere anyway.

    2) Suicidal Avalance get's overwritten by ch/d's knowledge of destruction. In addition IT INTERRUPTS PLAYING MUSIC FOR NO GODDAMN REASON. (this is a .gif, click on it pls)

    3) The damage reduction is okay, but again, champion/druid has the same, albeit a weaker version.

    4) Most of the debuffs in ROFL are untagged, therefore can't be cleaned. It's a random cleanse on one of the raid members and will not only target those with debuffs. It can target an unaffected raid member, rendering the skill useless at least half of the time.

    In comparison to the ch/d support it's vastly inferior, in comparison to any champ dps it's bad, in comparison to the champ tanks it's bad.

    The class is clunky, resource heavy, it's entire utility renders you to stay in party 1, it's damage is even lower than the ch/d's.
    The class has nothing going on for it. The only place it can be played is when overgeared to all hell in low level instances where you only get to do one hit on the mobs to get the aggro.

    Of course, I compare the classes with the current strongest classes. Anything else would make no sense at all. It's not that there is only one strongest class, but many different strong classes with different equipment.

    This exact way of looking at the game's balance leads to the circular motions we see since a year now - the ch/wd has a lower absolute peak performance potential than other classes, but it's damage is constant and it's one of the safest classes out there. Ch/wd is perfectly viable to play right now and I can count on one hand how many times I've been unfairly killed since working myself into the class.

    In a Min-Maxed scenario you will always have a very small pool of classes to play, as for one situation they are the best, for another they aren't. It's literally impossible to balance at the very extremes of gear and skill and keep class identities alive. It just is.

    This is why I brought up hoto. Grab yourself a ch/wd in there and watch the instance melt, in parts even harder than with a ch/wl - in addition to having your elven amulet ready at every pull and the two hit immunity letting you tank the deadliest aoes, your spike damage in mass pulls is a sight to behold.

    Vertical balance (all classes competitive in one instance) is impossible, horizontal (each class has instances where they are good at) isn't. Classes shouldn't all be shoehorned into being super good in one instance when more than one is required/regularly ran. Different classes should be good in different instances. This is why I find the idea of nostalgia instances so darn intriguing - as multiple, same level instances allow the balancing team to diversify classes more and keep them strong in their aspect that makes them special without that aspect being useless.

    Maybe there'll be an instance where the ch/ps random cleanse will be exactly what's needed. Maybe there will be an instance where the k/wds aggro juggling is actually good. Maybe there will be an instance where s/kn will be good (but probably not).

    Let me get this straight:

    - You're comparing a pretty good class with the absolute top end classes with maximum support (guild runs)

    - You're disregarding a portion of the endgame cause it doesn't align with your view

    - You're considering values of the obviously weaker class, ch/p, as a support DPS even though it has nothing special in terms of supp (It's main support gets overwritten and has a massive downside.)

    Sorry mate. Your arguments are all inherently flawed as they (as is a trend in this thread) portray subjective experience as objective fact.

    Ch/Wd maybe need's its GCD removed and the cooldown-reduction amped but otherwise the class is fine.

    ch/p wants to know your location

    Oh okay, thank you very much :D ranged dps you mean physical or magic? or are both good options?

    That really depends on how much you want to pay into the game. Scouts have the tendency to dominate when you are overgeared due to their massive scaling on damage; if you are looking for something more linear, I would recommend you to go mDPS.

    The main reason I am against that change is the fact that the atypical playstyle forces you to adapt into a much more aggressive one, where you are basically the shadow of the tank and placed in the smack dab middle of the entire fight. For your explosion wave to hit as many people as possible, you cannot play the ch/wd like a regular champion - if you do, the class will pretty much suck. If you create the right circumstances for yourself, you can outdamage many other classes - especially considering that in raw numbers, no other champion can measure up to you.

    Changing shock overload to be triggerable by axes would remove exactly that aspect and make the class a boring, run of the mill champion. The class could use a buff, mainly in aspects of usability (e.g. smoothness of play) so you can create more opportunities for yourself.

    This would be done by removing GDC - though removing it from explosion wave would give the class potential to escalate insanely hard in situations of 15 or more monsters present. A more sensible change would be to simply boost the skills cooldown recovery, whereas every additional enemy beyond one reduces the CD by two seconds, not one.

    The class will be fine then - not too broken, but fine. It's already one of the strongest classes in hoto with the myriad of defensive cooldowns it posesses.


    i have a suggestion for champion/warden. For now, I would like to mention that this champion class is by far the worst (regarding dps).

    Would it be possible to modify shock overload so that it can also trigger with 2h axe. In addition, I think that the Aoe damage is much too low, especially for a champion. That you can not keep up in the single target, I think completely fine but the strength in the Aoe should be preserved in my opinion. Shock overload is important for damage on every champion class, so please allow us to use them.


    I completely disagree with this. As someone that almost exclusively plays ch/wd this would strip the class of it's identity and just make it a run of the mill champion like all others. Shock overload would also just strengthen the AoE further.

    If the class is supposed to get buffs, removing the gcd on "Führung der Natur" (Guidance of nature? ID: 1490561) and maybe "Rasender Hieb" (Raging strike? ID: 1490561) Would suffice.

    Have a blessed day,


    Hi again!

    I really like the new card system, but I think there are some flaws in the pricing of the stones. Layered RNG is one thing, but what annoys me the most atm is the relation between the stones Chance, Persistence and Shell; purely economically speaking, the best way of getting your cards ready is to reroll with Determination, add the stats with Chance, then reroll with shell until you have a majority good rolls and finish off with Persistance.

    For this sequence, on average one needs approx. 3-4 Determinations on average to hit a single wanted stat, which will then be followed up by three Chances. One would then roll for at least one high roll with Shells, which takes about 3-4 again - followed by, about 4-6 Persistances per remaining stat the player wants to roll.

    From then on we can extrapolate Persistances are too expensive for what utility they offer, as they carry the same price tag as other card stones. Their price should be lowered in accordance to their utility.

    Precisely: Persistances offer about 3x less useability than other stones, which leads me to the proposition of increasing the buyable amount of them to thrice what they currently are while cutting the price by three.

    The game itself has become hostile to new players over the last year. In addition, many other, older players have quit.

    I can't comment on what has been before, but there aren't even any more "newbie" guilds that just harbour a large group of people that just want to play for fun. The game needs some catchup-mechanics and some real endgame that requires a lot of skill and gear to grow properly again.

    I'm following it and seen the game is under attack again... Well I should be lucky that I got a free Zodiac pet for one of my alts from the Spin the Wheel game at least, (before the game got hit again) which I thought I would never get.

    Look, ddos attacks are out of the hands of the devs. They're working on it, it's not their fault.

    I don't like the idea with stars. You are really combining a lot of changes and the effect is the same. Still no one likes it. Make it so that a card once dropped can be used in 3 decks and, above all, reduce the price (the cost of making a card is the biggest problem of this system). Instead of giving new entertainment to players who try to maximize everything, it only causes frustration and reluctance to play. It should probably be the other way around :)

    I can spend diamonds on upgrading cards, but in a decent amount

    I dont have a problem with spending diamonds in card upgrade. but... the main problem is.... RNG if your PAY for something. if it is free (only ingame currency) I understand it, but give us the ability to pay for it to maximize the card without randomness luck casino effects. Nobody wants to go in a shop, paying 20$ and get a random amount goods

    I 100% agree there. Stuff for diamonds should be guaranteed or cheap enough to make sense. That being said: The fixed rate from gold to diamonds practically converts gold into a paid resource too.

    There should be a stone for a pretty big price tag that just maximizes stats on cards, honestly. 75-100 per card would suffice.

    The main issue in this thread is the fact that cards are no longer feasible to become all-stat-perfect. The probability for that to happen is astronomical (2 main stats have a 1 in 4.900 chance to come out perfect, 1 in 343.000 with three stats). Throwing this at the massive volume of cards creates the picture that the system is a cash grab, as FOMO hits hard. Rolling just one point lower per stat on 1.000 cards is the equivalent of about half an item missing in terms of stats. It's a massive difference!

    The system has become pretty good, if I am being honest. I've spent about 20k diamonds and gained ~1.000 Strength and about 2.000 pAtk, alongside ~5k life.

    The things that need tweaking now are the roll ranges of stats and a way to aquire currency without as much trash filling the inventory. Here is what I suggest:

    • Remove all the decimal points in the rolls.

    Primary cards (Physical/Magical/Defense) have roll ranges of 1-8.

    There is a 1/70 Chance for a stat on a card to come out perfect. Removing the decimal will increase this chance to 1/7.

    For off-stats (pAtk, Def, mAtk, mDef, Life, Mana) those rolls will come down form 1/450 to 1/45 (or 1/250 to 1/25)

    A perfect card would then still have 1/99.225 chance to come out perfect (1/15.435 for Rouges), instead of a 1/992.250.000 (154.350.000) chance

    • Give us a way to properly deal with the trash of farming


    • Give us a place to ONLY farm card materials

    Both of these options are viable. I would recommend the first one, as it could be as simple as an auto-selling tool included into the travelling merchant, pre-built loot filters for the loot-addon of one's choosing or anything else. The major instances these days already do not drop any trash items, so the exploit of passively gold farming just isn't there.

    Alternatively, a zone or a minigame being reworked to give the materials neccessary would give all players an avenue to farm them directly if they so choose, though they still will be able to buy the materials from other players. There is no downside to this.

    Still: The card system is much better than on release, so actual, good progress has been made here. I truly like the idea, though the amount of randomness should be reduced further - but not on the side of the cards. Influx of materials is the issue now. Rolling the cards is insanely fun (and addicting), so giving us more of that while eliminating the uncool rng-stuff is the best mode of action.

    S / ch

    Change the range of the skills 490420 and 491292 on firearms from 50 to 200 (just like on a crossbow and a bow) so that it makes sense to use them and s / ch should already be playable.

    it's especially odd to me that they're seen as lower range than a crossbow when you consider that firearms, especially rifles, excel at long range shooting. If you had a small pistol I could understand that. :D