Posts by Noodlez

    I see new meta again

    Yea, me too. I'm not that much active these days anymore, but just looking at the patchnotes, I predict that the current mage meta shifts to a "mage & champ" one now.

    Since the release of s/m mage classes where completely obsolete since s/m was able to do everything a mage could but better. (better and faster aoe burst, almost as good offburst and a lot better boss burst dmg)

    I mean you cant really know because you have been inactive right? So maybe stay away from making a comment like that then? The only playable mage classes where those that provide some party support or have rly good offburst.

    These past patches it was go wl or go home rly. If it was different in your guild runs maybe try to bring some more support classes, as pdps scales a lot better with support than mdps does.

    ~kind regards Noodlez


    First of all the class has a really really cool design and is a lot of fun to play.

    There are two issues in my opinion:

    -You are not able to compete at burst bosses because your buffrotation takes to long. So maybe making both of the buffs from Electrical Explosion(id: 498756) and Flame(id: 498755) only one stack while giving the benefits of the previous two stacks would help a little bit with that. This would also help with offburst as it makes it easier to keep your buffs up during trash.

    -The second thing is, that it is better to use Soulpain(id: 498746) over Fire Lightning Burst(id: 498759) in almost every situation. Soulpain(id: 498746) is a mandatory skill because of the focus regeneration and shouldnt be changed. However Fire Lightning Burst(id: 498759) needs a big buff in damage so it is actually worth using.

    All in all i dont think these changes would make the class overperform compared to other really strong classes, but it would make it more fun to play a supportive mage.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    I wouldnt suggest buffing Wl/Ch.

    Just dont use the champ secondary skills in your offburst rotation and you will notice a big increase in dps.

    They are a trap in my opinion. :)


    The class has literally nothing aside from a little bit of burst dmg. The offburst is abbysmal compared to other classes, the aoe is one of the worst i have ever seen for one the highest mana costs i have ever seen.

    At the moment there is zero insentive to play the class unless you want to troll your guild mates and want to play some warmage for the good old times sake. :)

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    It does not matter what you change, you will always spam the strongest skills. Some classes have something extra like the M/D you mentioned so you forgot some things. The rather monotone rotation comes from the cast mechanic, which has always been a staple in runes of magic and should not be changed in my opinion. The "skill" is about correctly timing the buffs and ISS in the right order. The playable Wl classes all spamm different skills while bursting, so i dont know where you are coming from.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Warlock in general:

    Would it be too much to ask for the removal of the gcd trigger of Beasthowl(id: 498547)? It is really important to be used in large trash groups as it does dmg and helps trigger Soulcrusher after the rework. 2 of the other aoe spells are casts anyway and the skill has a 30s cd.

    Another idea would be to remove the movement speed decrease from the lvl 99 ISS Traces of the Void(id: 491191).

    This helps a little bit with positioning and mob kiting which in itself is a cool mechanic. It also makes it just a worse version of the lvl 98 mage ISS so it wouldnt be too strong or anything. As a compensation the duration could be changed to 20s as in the mage variant of the skill.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    so you mean using m/s pet makes no sense? because my cenedril is always doing similar damage either as mdps or pdps. (approx. 400-600kk in a 70 min run)

    The scaling of Belrog is from your physical stats. Magical stats are worthless for the pets, since they dont have any magical casts (afaik)

    Uhm, the m/s pet has a cast? It does insane dmg (if it wants to, kinda bugged) and should probably be nerved. Its stats are also through the roof.

    I forgot to add 3 points:

    The first ties into my third question: in my opinion it is a must that the player is able to collect multiples of the same card for this reason.

    The second one is a suggestion: make some stats not available on a specific category of a card. (For example remove intelligence and magical attack from the physical attack category). -> this ties into what Merkur said about removing a lot of the existing stones as this would make a lot of them obsolete anyway.

    And one last thought i had: make the maximum amount of wisdom available in the defense category, as it helps healers and wl/m players a lot. -> fixes Nightys problem.

    (edit: he said it himself i just cant read i guess, but i wanted to underline that. xD)

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    The planned change log sounds really nice. Less rng, easier to max out cards, less frustration for the player -> big win, thank you very much! <3

    Few questions:

    -All of the changes will apply to newly implemented zones and the already existing ones will stay as they are right now?

    -Will the card category be mob specific or does every mob drop every category?

    -If so, will the player be able to collect 3 cards (one for every category) from every mob?

    I finally get my hopes up for the new system. It seems to go in a direction where it doesnt kill class variety as much anymore. Also cards giving less attributes is probably a good thing in general, because that makes the cards easier to max and players have too many attributes anyway (at least if you are a DD or healer).

    For once i am actually excited for the changes. Thank you for working on it!

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    So i made this post a week ago. Is there any chance i get some feedback? Like if this how it is supposed to work? A lot of players around me are going inactive due to lack of new content and frustation with the system as it is.

    Another thing that really bothers me and brings a lot of toxicity to the server are the camping for stationary mobs with a lot of macro stuff and other things going on.

    You asked and i can deliver:

    (disclamer: it was right after the first patch to the card system, so diamond prices, possibilities etc. are from the old system.)

    I will refer to "Soulstones" as dust and just call the colour when i talk about specific shops and such.

    I didnt really farm cards before so i had 0 blue dust and decided to farm for around 2 hours and see where it gets me.

    After two hours of farming the instance for blue and purple cards i got 120 blue and 20 purple cards (was farming with over 1k drop the entire 2 hours). I decided to try and make myself a nice blue card.

    After making all the bad cards to durst (118 blue and all of the purple cards) i ended up with this as my dust:

    I play as a mdps and therefore i need intelligence and magical atk primarily on my cards with something like lp or durability as a bonus. Out of the 120 blue cards i farmed i kept 2: One with a high magical attack Value and one with a high intelligence value. I decided to upgrade the card with the high Matk value. That meant for me to add intelligence as a stat and make it as high as possible. So i started rerlolling the shops until i found the stone that added a random attribute as well as the stone that locked my matk value and saves it:

    The next step now was to either get the stone that changes physical defense to something else randomly or the stone that changes it to intelligence. I was very lucky here after rerolling a couple times. (11 times maybe) i got the stone that changes physical defense to something random which i used and got magical defense. I also found a stone that changed magical defense to something else and it got me intelligence.

    At this point i was already almost 3 hours into card farming and rerolling and got pretty frustrated (granted i didnt really know what i was doing at the time, needed to read all the stones descriptions and probably rerolled some stones that i should have kept).

    I then decided to go for at least + 10 intelligence on the card and started rerolling my purple shop. After rerolling the purple shop a couple times i bought around 10 of the stone that changed all my attribute values at random on any of my cards. Because my Matk value is locked it only changed the intelligence value. After rerolling my value a couple times i ended on this:

    But thats on me i guess i got too greedy?

    So after approximatly 3 hours i was very frustrated and i spend around 2k diamonds in total on one card which ended up bad anyway.

    I also saw that some of the problems are adressed in the patch notes, thank you very much for that. If i understand correctly getting the correct stones wont be that much of a pain after the next change.

    But i want to summarize what such a system means for me:

    Even after the changes this system will be a huge time investement. This is fine (or at least i think so) when you exclusivly play one class. If you like to multi class and play both pdd and mdd or even heal or tank there is nooooo way in hell that you do the card grind for all of your classes. Even doing one to an accaptable level seems very much like an impossible task. So even if there was a system in place that lets you input one card multiple times (for your other classes) there is no way that you can do the grind once more.

    -> with such a system in place one of the biggest strong point of this server dies for me.

    (and there is no way i spend any of my resources on another gear)

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    I dont know if or how you should nerv static field.

    In my opinion the 2 "problem childs" are mage/druid and mage/scout. The main aoe dmg for mage/druid comes from lavablade and not from static field. The mage/scout has an op pet and is able to spamm lots of skills in addition to static field. The classes that only or mainly rely on static field (like m/p or m/ch) arent too strong.

    I am open for other opinions tho. xD

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    But in general I didn't see rogues beating mdps even in single target.

    I only talk about mages as mage class, not mdps. So when people in this thread say "mages" what is it? mages or mdps? Isn't the same thing xD. As mage (the class), only m/s has good single target (thx to the pet), rest are pure trash.

    I have very good results on single target bosses as mage/priest, mage/druid and mage/scout as well. I tend to end under the rogues and scout players, but not by much. After that in trash groups it equals out at least or i out dps.

    Are the changes implemented? Because i tried this new system and it took me 3 hours, ~5k diamonds and a lot of frustration to get 2 remotely accaptable cards for my class. Both dont even have all 3 but only 2 of the good stats for my class.

    This system reminds me of those cash grabbing mobile games where you do nothing but spend money.

    -> haha yeah i will make sure to run instances or farm mementos after spending my entire free time with card farming.

    (oh wait doesnt work my day only has 24 hours sadly)

    Say what you want but this is just bad game design.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Mage in general:

    Would it be possible to remove the gcd from "Elemental Weakness" (497977) and give it a cd (e.g. 30sec) instead. Right now, this skill is completly useless because you loose so much time and damage. Of course if you just remove the gcd this would be too strong, hence the cd. That way this skill would be good on bossfights but not spammable in trash.


    Is there any reason to why this isnt a thing? It is one of the support skills for the entire group after all.

    Talisman only amplifies fire damage, where on w/m fire damage is dealt by white attack and 1 skill. Everything else deals wind damage. Personally I would suggest changing the talisman ( that would be best) to give bonus to all element types,

    I think most people want this kind of change because the 1h wand is not as "useful" as 2h. But much more class combinations now need the 1h instead of 2h.

    But about making a new talisman with all elemental dmg -> the elemental dmg should be lower than the fire % of the aldo talisman. If it has the same or even higher % than the aldo talisman - the 2h staff will die on this patch. Around t13/14 on the talisman 1h would be as good as a 2h staff on the same tier BUT with an extra statted item (with insane non stats) and a second curse rune for offburst.

    100% agree! There are some classes that would benefit a lot from having a general % elemental boost talisman. There are so many things that boost elemental dmg that it could easily get out of hand and make 2h-Staff completely obsolete.

    So while it would be really awesome to have an all elemental boost talisman it cant be allowed to have the same or more %dmg increase than the aldo fire talisman. I cannot stress this enough!

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    You are correct, static field is pretty much the only reason mage classes are viable. If you "mega" nerf that skill we will be "mega" useless.

    "I'm waiting for m/p corrections, which has been forgotten a bit????" - I dont know what you are refering too? This class has a very powerful aoe in the form of Aquatic Storm and boosts its magic dmg by a lot. This makes you actually be able to compete at the actual bossfights. Furthermore this is one of the few mage combinations that is able to kill more than one organ in one go at Jerath, which is reeeeeally good for a mage class.

    -> it it is really good.

    I like the idea to give players an insentive to farm old instances again for new setskills. Sounds like a lot of fun to me.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Yes, no hard feelings. :)

    Just like any other post, this is just an opinion based on my experiences:


    Warlock classes are in a good spot. They seem quite strong, fun too play and offer some good group support. They kind of ignore the additional nervs to the magic dmg output compared to the physical dmg output because they do the warped charge for themselfes which is a quality that the mage lacks (Jerath). They have good bossdmg, some aoe's and can keep up with the other classes if played well.

    ->fine in my opinion, can stay like this.


    Mages are in a good spot as well, except for a small issue i will further elaborate on at the end. Fun to play, really good when it comes to bursting large trashgroups, okay'ish boss dmg on a couple sub-classes and terrible on the rest. Since there are trashmobs in almost every bossfight these classes are all very playable. So whats the issue you might ask? While you are the mantis killing, staff-wielding lunatic your class is supposed to be by design (casting literal thunderstorms down upon your enemies) there is one class that does all that better. The champion has higher burst in said large trash groups and outperforms mages at bossdmg, offers good group support, is able to heal, tanks with the press of a button and is at 0 risk of dying, because he has a lot of stats from his chain gear and passive skills, as well as a free phoenix. That class gets a full free minute at Jerath just like that...

    -> tldr: i am outperformed at the thing i am supposed to be the best at with my class and i dont have the group support to make up for it (on most mage classes anyway)

    To be honest i dont care at the end of the day. I just want to ask what the point of all the balancing is. Is the goal that every class can do everything? Or is it supposed to be connected to payoffs? (meaning one class is good at something but bad at the other thing) Because champion seems to be good at everything. ^^

    Excited to hear other opinions on this.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Not true from my point of view.

    Every time i play with a really good champion/mage i have no chance at all. It does not matter what subclass i play and it does not matter what support the group has. Most mage classes suck at Jerath and burstbosses while underperfoming against a properly played Champion/Mage in large trashgroups as well. The only time the mage is better than that class is after large trash groups in the offburst phase. So calling out a "mage-meta" is just irritating to me.

    Champion is still the strongest class and it has been for the past billion patches.

    (And it got buffed wtf why)

    ~kind regards Noodlez