Posts by Noodlez

    But why? We put in the work, time, diamonds etc. Others didnt. So why help those guys out? If thats what this game is about id rather play animal crossing for the "wholesome" experience.

    This is just a guild nerf.

    Wl/Wd: Power of the Wood Spirit(id: 1490952) still needs a target, which is unlike every other warden class.

    This would make the class unable to tank anymore (effectively). The wlwd tank pulls from the distance and stays on its mind rune to stack up the damage reduction properly. Making the major aggro aoe source a melee spell, would break the concept of it at all. So I'm against it. However, there is no need to change its functionality imo, since it's a great range aoe.

    Better increase the aggo bonus on willpower construct and add some magic damage bonus to the willpower blade additionally. The problem is that adding dark damage results in a mess, since dark damage can be stacked up to >1300%. But still its basic damage is not that good, so magic damage could fix it I guess. As a tank, it has a good burst, but if you got no cooldowns to use, the aggro sucks.

    Very valid point.

    But i dont think there many ppl playing this class as a tank, you are probably the only one.

    Sounds terrible.

    For players to stay competetive that would mean:

    a) A very huge time investment.

    b) Or a huge money investment.

    ->i would just quit.


    Artificially increasing the demand for tiering gear higher will just lock players into playing the class which is best equipped for that role; and when the metagame shifts away from that gear, players have an even harder time adjusting to the new metagame.

    I want to underline this more. With a change like this, its just another step AGAINST players that play classes with multiple equipments.

    This was one of the biggest reasons against the new cardsystem. How are you making a suggestion like this afterwards?

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Would it be too much too ask if the stones that changed one attribute to another would change the attribute, but keep the value?

    ->this would result in less frustration in farming, because you could farm a card with a high value, max it and then change it to the desired attribute.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Suggestion for Warlock:

    General: Remove the gcd trigger from Beasthowl(id: 498547).

    Wl/Wd: Power of the Wood Spirit(id: 1490952) still needs a target, which is unlike every other warden class.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Edit: Obviously the range of Power of the Wood Spirit(id: 1490952) would have to be reduced in order for that too work. :)

    not my experience, m/k for example in hoto is way above

    hoto is a 6 ppl instance and not a raid instance. I speak about rofl.

    the main difference between champ and mage is: you need more skill for champ to do good damage. Maybe thats why you dont see many champs anymore

    Yep, this is 100% true. There are MAYBE 3 ppl that can actually play champion. But it is as strong as m/k (for example) if not EVEN STRONGER because it profits a lot more from having more supports in the group.

    Mage is kind of a faceroll class, everyone can play it to some extent. Its one of the oldest class designs in mmo history.

    Hi there,

    I would like to suggest to increase the mana cost for most mage skills. Every other class needs to take care of specific resources, may it be rage, energy, focus, ammo. Even healers can run out of mana, but mage has an almost infinite mana pool and additionally got several buffs/skills to reduce mana cost. But mana cost isn't a thing at all for any mage.

    Maybe consider this for the future, it would be a big change, but also bring some more complexity to the class. (complexity isn't the right word, but guess you get the pojnt).

    I like the idea. It feels so much better to play a class that is harder to execute properly. Maybe mage really needs another resource or something to keep track of.

    I would suggest making a rogue mdps and a champion mdps class as these are the only main classes that dont have real mdps options.

    To make it even the pdps players can have all warlock classes, because those are useless in rofl anyway by comparisson at least.

    ~kind regards Noodlez

    Managing Blood Arrow-type abilities should be a skill that a player develops when playing a class. At least you have to look at the screen when playing the game with a class that uses this skill.

    Would be nice if you shared some experiences then.

    Mine are the following: On mage i get beaten by some chain dps classes (W/R and Ch/Wl). These classes however are either getting beaten by, or are at even with S/M(Mdd).

    I mean this is just from random pug groups, so the results may vary because of the skill lvl and the supports.

    But in my experiences these results are pretty consistent.

    As Mdd you can play S/M, S/Wl, Wd/D and 2 or 3 mage classes and be top dps.

    My problem is, that the best mdd classes are fucking boring. And the problem of the leather players is, that there are very few classes that can compete.

    S/M(mdd) is one of the strongest classes i have ever played.

    It is very easy to play, requires virtually no skill and is boring af.

    That aside it is way stronger than the Pdd Scouts, which is very funny. xD

    Leather has exactly one class that is as strong as the others. The other classes are all memes. I am not saying that classes should be nerfed, but maybe it would be fair to at least buff a couple leather classes, so these players have a few more options like us other DD players.

    Another thing: Warlock is very useless in rofl, so maybe help that class out a bit when it comes to offburst trash phases or something.

    Edit1: I also really really disliked the changes made to the mage level 98 ISS "The Wise". Yes it is a lot stronger now than before obviously, but before the change it used to be skill that needed to be timed correctly on order to get the most use out of it. I would rather have a buff that plays a bit into the skill expression of the player rather than just the buff and burst style it is now.

    ~kind regards

    First paragraph: I agree that it helps a lot, but it kinda feels like you are saying that your mages are better than ours because you have more optimized rotations. I mean maybe? But you dont really know how we have our stuff set up so that would kinda miss the point.

    Second paragraph: I will not deny the possibility of me being wrong in this entire discussion. It was more about the way you guys are representing yourselves on the forums. But whatever this is a discussion thread so lets keep it at that.

    Third part: Totally agree. But still people(guilds) would need to work together since different setups(raid combinations, support etc.) would just yield the same variet results we have at the moment. But yeah maybe a really good step to finally get balancing peace. ^^

    But hey, being part of the guild Ascension means you are intellectually above me and your opinion is worth more than mine even tho you contradict yourself.

    I'm genuinely sorry that you're getting that impression from us. I can guarantee that none of our guildies feel that way in regards to other guilds - we're a pretty chill bunch. Please do not take the fervent defenses as aggression. Misunderstandings in these threads happen all the time, as you know. I am sure, just like me, Zyrex didn't mean to personally attack you.

    Most mages can actually be played by hand, i have legit zero clue what you are talking about.

    In regards to staying on topic though: You can basically play any character by hand. Won't be as good though!

    -First part: I just see you guys acting all high and mighty on the forums while not really delivering ingame, but i cant check your internal guild runs so whatever.

    -Second part: Do you really believe we play by hand or kittycombo?

    Anyway the point was you dont really have to play mage classes with a script or addon unless it is something like m/wd that spams multiple non gcd skills. Otherwise the dmg will be roughly the same.

    Well it is just me and Zyrex having different opinions while Zyrex is admitting that he isnt even active and afterwards liking posts of his guild members which appear to have the exact same opinion as me so idk mate. xD

    Or am i missing something?

    I see, my post was completely understood correctly... ^^ Well.. whatever. I think it's a huge difference to play a mage class with kitty vs lua, but there also opinions divide. ;)

    Sure lets be ironic and passiv aggressive towards each other.

    Most mages can actually be played by hand, i have legit zero clue what you are talking about.

    Well it is just me and Zyrex having different opinions while Zyrex is admitting that he isnt even active and afterwards liking posts of his guild members which appear to have the exact same opinion as me so idk mate. xD

    Or am i missing something?

    Basically the rest of my post, but this also includes the other discussions (like in laishas post) going on, hence the generalized wording in the part you quoted.

    I can't really comment on the rest of your post. In my opinion this server isnt really advertised anywere and the people joining are either people that played way back on the original servers or people that get in touch with the game via social contacts that play here.

    So yeah, i dont think the mid game you are talking about really exists and all balancing decisions should be for the end game.

    So many posts in here are going in circles and splitting hairs. The general sentiment is that there is a huge disparity in the mDPS-Scene, nothing more. You agree on that. The nitty gritty is something that the development team has to take into their hands.

    Well it is just me and Zyrex having different opinions while Zyrex is admitting that he isnt even active and afterwards liking posts of his guild members which appear to have the exact same opinion as me so idk mate. xD

    Or am i missing something?

    I mean you cant really know because you have been inactive right? So maybe stay away from making a comment like that then? The only playable mage classes where those that provide some party support or have rly good offburst.

    These past patches it was go wl or go home rly. If it was different in your guild runs maybe try to bring some more support classes, as pdps scales a lot better with support than mdps does.

    Well, we had always more support classes than actual dps classes, but however mage was always top tier in our runs. I wasn't talking about S/M bcz such broken classes first need to more adaption before being able to be compared to others. But yes, S/M is the very better mage and if it stays as is, we would probably rely on that one.

    But yea, here we are again, 2 different opinions and no way to find out what is the actual "objective truth". So if you say, mage is weak these days, fine, buff mage. Our guild will not suffer from that, just the opposite :D

    I agree. :)

    Maybe i just play with imba op pdps players, maybe i am just a worse mage player than your mages or maybe your pdps players need a bit more practice. Anyway it is almost impossible to make a scientific comparison.

    But i am curious if your warlocks are doing less than your mages?

    Edit1: Last patches has been chain>wl/leather>mages 100%. But on this patch its probably not like this because the wise changes seem a bit strong so ill give you the benefit of the doubt.