Posts by playboy

    i would also like to see house resources just like guild resources where the more you add the more you can upgrade yourself but in small increments &)

    maybe attributes or house pots.. idk just something new and different to add to the game. :)


    ps. i say this because lots of guilds probably dontneed/use guild resources.

    i am happy for your accomplishments :)

    it's not up to me to figure out about 330 elite skills i dont need to know how the sausage was made, i just want to enjoy eating it :P

    i want/like new things to keep my interest. thats why i dont play on offical they're still at lvl 100 with some weak peak lvls and still on new pantheon ;(

    //===================== Edit =====================//

    Please do NOT add 80, 90 & 100 level elite skills contrary to what a few people suggested. For those of you that aren't good at math, adding these elite skills means introducing 3 * 110 = 330 new skills! That's massive amount of work, tons of bugs (as if there aren't enough already) and most likely new imbalance issues. Also, this will decrease the chance for introducing a new class drastically because it will increase the number of the elite skills needed to be introduced for all of its combos.

    would you prefer to stay stagnant and not grow ?

    to me new ideas and changes are fun, think back to before the balance...

    you saw ch/r's w/m's s/dw's and d/wd's and not a lot else at least from my memory ^^

    i like new possibilities and the idea of what can possibly come out of it.

    so with that said please put rofl bosses in boss events :)

    lets keep it real, this server is/was never about F2P ppl and back when inferno was top ini top pieces went for around 50k per and we saw more dias promos over 300% on the regular.

    i was told by a GM the server promos will always stay between 200% -230% to control the market. now for the most part it's been good in AH but now gear is 75k per.

    to me it's not about PTW but theres a good portion of players that put real money in the games just like all other games like this or there would be no need for promos or currency :P

    in imo it's kinda what keeps the games afloat for without ppl putting money in the server would prob shut down.

    there going to do a promo anyway say around 350%-380%, all i am asking for a little boost like they did a few years ago. and imo ppl say they dont want it but will buy dias when it comes out &)



    i dont want it to get lost and not seen by GM/DEV's until after black friday.

    i would like to see a diamond promo of 400% + , it's been years since you went over the 400% mark and i was told it was to control the AH market, but as you can see gear is at a all time high. if you balance the diamond promo more ppl can/should be able to afford some of the things in the AH and the game should be able to make a nice profit off of more ppl buying diamonds.

    greetings :D

    i know but im trying to get every advantage i can get :P

    im weak, i couldnt bust a grape in a fruit fight :D

    i need all the dmg i can get, i dont mean all ppl who play warlock gets it JUST ME. &)

    none of the new up dates.Removed Psychic Arrows distance damage delay.Removed Ruthless Judgment distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Heart Collection Strike distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Puzzlement distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Warp Charge distance damage delay as of no projectile.Removed Weakening Weave Curse damage delay as of no projectile.Changed Knowledge Acquisition to restore 1 Psi every 3 seconds additionallythey all still delay and knowledge acquisition doesnt give the 1 psi

    i think there should be a dedicated times when at least 1 GM is online.

    they dont have to be on all the time but if people on the server knew certain times they could get a hold of a GM/DEV that would be great instead of world shouting over and over without a response sometimes even for days(in my occurrences).

    greetings ^^

    Can I suggest comments?
    Currently my house is too big and enough. So I'd like to suggest you add a punching bag or something like that. That way I can fully training myself inside my house. then we can both training and also +xp and +tp at the same time.

    i asked for that like 2 years ago, i thought it would help out with the lag with all the ppl at the same training areas. ^^

    i agree warlocks need some buffs and maybe less casting spells.

    i would like to see a wl/wd with a pet. i would also like to see wl/s (blood arrow) not lose hp.

    i can dream but would like to see SOME warlocks get a boost for wands.

    ok thanks all.

    i appreciate it.

    btw cruvor, how you edit your post without it showing you edited it ? 8o