Posts by Eneler

    After the patch, we were not in the dungeon yet, but now I see that you haven’t done anything good with this patch, than to do such a “balance"; it’s better not to do anything.

    It’s interesting if you think that the champions are doing too much damage, for which champions do you check this? For those who already have T17-T18 weapons and new equipment?)

    In general, it is unclear how you change everything every day, I remember earlier when there was a balance on other servers there a test server was created where players were given different equipment for tests and tested skills in different conditions, and only then released patches, and then it turns out every day I go into a new game and every day there are mostly unpleasant changes associated with the class I play.


    I have a suggestion for Champion / Warlock
    The skill Dark Energy Strike uses rage, I think this is very bad, in this bunch all the basic skills use rage and none use the focus from the warlock, I propose to replace the use of rage in this skill with the use of focus.
    This skill is the second major one in this class, you always have to first gain rage and only then do damage, it is inconvenient if the rage drops to 0 Shock Overload is disabled.

    Raising unplayable ligaments is very good, it had to be done for a long time, but I don’t understand why you are destroying ligaments with which you can play normally?

    You took all the basic skills from the Champion and replaced them with useless rubbish, an attack on the square with the champion is now impossible, you should at least return something to the champions, otherwise people who play him all the time and who don’t like other ligaments will start to leave the game.

    If you think that the champion is doing heavy damage over the area, it was necessary to reduce the damage from skills and not completely replace the skills with useless garbage, why do this?

    I’ll tell you as it is, everyone with whom I spoke on this topic is very nilly unhappy with this, just not everyone writes about it on the forum . Mostly everyone doesn't like the changes with skill Kinetic Burn and Rune Overload.

    Rune Overload doesn’t work now without a shield shape, and in the form of a shield there is no use for the skill, this is unacceptable, and removing the Kinetic Burn skill and replacing it with useless trash is also unacceptable, most players do not like the changes with these skills.

    You also replaced the skill of Champion/Warrior "Deadland Protection" with a garbage skill, it is certainly not completely useless, but it cannot be compared to what it was before, if you thought that 100% protection was a lot, you had to reduce it to 50% or even less, why Replace core skill with junk skill.

    nstead of balancing playable ligaments, you destroy already playable classes and ligaments; this is not correct.

    It was necessary to reduce the damage from skills and not completely replace them with others, such a change should always be done very carefully and gradually, and not all at once, otherwise it could lead to bad consequences. These negative aspects cross out all positive changes.

    I really hope that part of the changes with the champions will be canceled, they are played by too many players to destroy the class and completely change its task in the group at one point.

    I don’t even know what to say, too many changes, I’ll write that my class is where I play or played
    The expansion of the backpack is just a wonderful change, thank you very much for that.
    But some add-ons will stop functioning correctly, for example, Extended Fusion, have not yet fixed the fSlimUI addon which changed the interface to a more acceptable one.

    rogue and scout
    You have not changed the parameters for calculating the physical attack dex and str,
    str should not give a physical attack like dex, make the calculation so that rogue and scout do not sharpen their equipment with dex and str.
    Scout and rogue should not claim 2 top stats in the dungeon immediately
    , rogue and scout should, like everyone, only sharpen their stats and nothing else, sharpening 3 str and 3 dex is a garbage option, this should not be.


    You have weakened the champion too much, you took it from him. It’s one thing you took the Shield Form from him, you can still take it, but you took the Shadow Explosion from him and made him garbage, and turned one of the useful skills into garbage Kinetic Explosion, which enhances Imprisonment Pulse.

    It is impossible to leave everything as it is, you need to either return the Imprisonment Pulse or strengthen it and Kinetic Burn needs to be returned, maybe they can be stopped, but you can’t remove it.

    Perhaps it is worth reducing the consumption of rage from 15 to 5 for the Rune Overload skill, maybe some other changes.

    An attack on the area is the main thing the champion is useful for, and you completely deprived this class of this, let us then completely remove it from the game, once half done.

    This is only the first impression of the balance of classes, of course I can’t check everything so far I don’t have time, but I don’t think that I’m wrong because now the champion can’t attack well over the area and he has too little physical attack.


    I propose to significantly increase the limit on the purchase of gold from NPS in Atlas city
    NPS are immediately devastated, the current limits are extremely insufficient, more people began to play, daily tasks are no longer relevant to do as before, getting gold has become a problem.
    I don’t understand why to set such a limit, a person has diamonds but he can’t buy gold for them, very many swear and are very unhappy.
    Some other players began to earn money on this, they use their 100500 accounts and buy all the gold from the NPS and sell it more expensive.
    In this regard, I propose to completely remove the limit on the purchase of gold from NPS or increase it by 20 times.



    Has been implemented with class balancing patch


    Here are the coordinates of all the tablets you need to find in the dungeon.

    8,6 - 65,7
    12,8 - 71,8
    29,6 - 53,6
    75,4 - 12,6
    26,8 - 84,8
    49.9 - 27,4
    88.0 - 28.5 - in lava after 5 boss
    34,8 - 44,6
    6,8 - 75,5 or 51.0 - 26.5 there is a portal in which you need to go in and use a tablet, maybe there are more than 2 of them, we did not check.

    Seeing the last comments about ultimate bonus set. Leather give pdmg, chain speed attack and magical % crit dmg. I would want to ask if sets being different is intended? Is maybe related to class balance incoming? Magical crit dmg is pretty useless compared to the other options chain and leather have. I would apreciate if someone from the team can throw some light on this. Thx.

    So it should be, magic equipment is designed for classes such as a mage or a warlock and is not designed for a warrior/mage, this class is now the strongest in causing point damage, do you propose to make them even more powerful ?, then it will be a very strong violation of the balance of magic classes.
    f you redo the bonuses of gold sets for the warrior/mage class, normal magic classes like a mage or a warlock will generally become useless in causing damage, why think so shallow, let's then remove all magic classes except the warrior / mage from the game))

    I don’t understand why such a perverted dump as a warrior/mage is useful on this server, it uses only 2 buttons to cause damage, on other servers this bunch is significantly cut
    I remember before closing the Russian server there a bunch of warrior/mage damage was reduced by 75% and normal magic bundles like a mage/warrior were useful there.

    I would appreciate if all damage item sets would give the same ultimate bonus, ideally %damage (chain, leather) and %mdamage (magic).

    This would at least make further class balancing simpler as each class gets than the same amount of damage increase in the future, whereas critical damage is increasing damage almost not at all with current equip and with attack/cast speed only certain classes profit.

    Why is rogue/mage even more speed ?, they reach a speed limit of 0.5 at maximum acceleration, damage will give them more parameters than speed.
    And with the champions, the opposite is true, they have enough damage and there is little speed, speed will give them more parameters than damage.

    Therefore, I believe that the current bonuses of gold sets are the best option, the balance of damage and speed is good, damage on leather sets and chain mail speed.

    I don't like the fact that if you wanna wear all refined rofl items, you loose the setbonus from Gorge Earring and Cape.

    Most of us will not use the refined lower set unless its ultimate... that can't be your intention. But still its hard to compensate nearly 6k patk with the new stats and slightly better nonstats on the refined

    Why did you forgot about this setbonus.

    Therefore, I wrote so that the bonus from accessories was increased.


    The bonus from the new rings was really very well improved, for which many thanks to the developers, now it makes sense to make rings in t13-t14.

    But the bonus earrings have not changed much, because of this, many will make themselves a gorge earring because of the low cost.

    I must also pay attention that the bonus from the red ring is exactly the same as from the golden one, which means that many will make themselves 1 red ring and 1 gold, for the server this is bad.

    I think there will be 3 difficulty modes for future new dungeons, now I'll try to give an example.

    Easy mode:
    A dungeon for 6 people with reduced resources and simplified mobs and bosses, similar to the one we can solve, for 6 people.

    Normal mode:
    The dungeon, by analogy with the current complex regime for 12 people, in which red things will be created, stats and weapons will fall and there will be no gold objects or materials for them.

    Hard mode:

    A really difficult mode that will be difficult to pass without collecting equipment from the normal mode, in which materials for gold equipment will fall (but will not require a very long time to create it).

    And new stats, for example, parameters exactly the same as in the previous normal mode but a different name.

    For example, the simple and normal mode of "x-stat 1", the complex mode of "x-stat 2".

    But to open the difficult mode not immediately, but after half a year or another period, then it will be possible to stretch one dungeon for a longer period.

    Partially, you can implement this now, for example, adding a third mode is much more difficult than now, adding more resources to it and introducing a new stat that will be exactly the same as the previous one with a different name, and it can be inserted into equipment with the current one.

    And then the mobs will have to be faster even more difficult than in the last change, and the bosses should also become stronger, so that without red or partially gold equipment it would not pass.
    In my opinion, a good alternative instead of complicating the current complex regime.

    I think it's worth looking for an alternative option, but now it turns out that the dungeon is made under one guild.

    As an alternative, you can add a third instance mode where mobs and bosses will be really strong, even stronger than now, and make there more coins, more fragments, and 2 cores one of which can be replaced by a core from the gorge.

    Or it was necessary to master the dungeon in 2-3 months, when many players would wear red gear and new weapons.

    2 boss was already so unpleasant, and now circles appear constantly, it is annoying.

    3 boss mobs hang a debuff that the second tank is barely standing on it, the healer is distracted and mobs kill the tank immediately, and of course now I don’t have any idea how to stand on the mob with a champion without a pumped shield.

    I already suggested introducing an item to reset only one champion shield skill, now such an item would be very helpful, every time resetting and pumping all champion skills for one shield is too problematic.

    I want to make an offer, I see that some players are crying that the dungeon is too easy.
    But other players should not suffer because of them.
    So make a personal copy of the dungeon for them)
    Suppose that in a personal copy of the dungeon for such players each trap kills the whole group in the whole dungeon), and after that hang on the player with cutting all parameters by 90% for 2 hours), let each mob kill the tank with 10kk of protection with one hit), suppose that in their personal copy, players with t17 weapons and above take away 0.5% of the mob’s points per hit, and if they made a mistake on the boss, then in general so that players don’t go into the dungeon within 24 hours. )))
    I think if it seems to them that the dungeon is easy, such changes only for them will immediately cool their ardor, why we should suffer because of them, the complexity of the dungeon seems acceptable to me.
    It's funny that these players began to cry like little girls that the dungeon was too easy when they already made new weapons in t17 and new equipment.
    Then I propose not only to strengthen the dungeon but also to take away all their weapons and equipment from them.
    We understand that they just want the rest of the players to not be able to go through the dungeon and buy everything from them, i do not say "it is not harmful to want".
    They had time to live in a new dungeon and farm new equipment, we are not paid benefits for sitting at home, we do not have so much time, we all go to work and we have a real life.


    Now that we’ve gotten used to the new dungeon, I can say that it’s not so scary as the first time, the problems on the 2 bosses in the beginning were related to bugs, when the bugs were fixed, it’s not so difficult.

    But while there are still minor flaws, the 3 boss becomes invulnerable after removing 10%, if the tanker has a critical game error he can’t agitate him at all, this is a defect, you need to do it like on 1 boss, the boss’s HP does not fall below 10% but at the same time you can beat it and agitate yourself, I hope you fix it with a patch.

    There is a huge flaw with the weapon, if in the gorge you did not know which weapon you would fall and due to this, the price of the weapon stayed high for a very long time, but in the new dungeon you are guaranteed to be able to get 100% of the weapon you need from the fragment, because of this the price will drop very quickly, the players who earn nothing on this and the server owners will also lose from this, since you will not need to buy a lot of diamonds for new weapons.

    The weapon had to be left random as in a gorge, or even if it was pulled from the core it should also have been random.

    And of course the completed gold equipment, I really liked the idea, but a huge flaw is the unknown, when nothing is clear it annoys, there are not enough tips about getting gold equipment, this is a huge flaw.

    It would be much better if the NPCs for improvement are next to the NPS that changes red items in the old way, and this NPC had everything clearly stated what and how much was needed, what was the chance for improvement and other necessary information, then we could understand why players need to strive, and now only the unknown.

    Even as other players say, for red items disappear in case of failure and for a chance of 100% improvement you need 15 days of farming, this is probably too much, although at the moment I’m not 100% sure about it, but on the other hand you can try your luck with fewer gold cores.

    I would also like to understand how long you made a new dungeon, 1 year, 2 years, 3 years or another period.

    It’s hard for me to say anything about gold equipment, we still don’t understand the system of exchanging cores for the final core.

    What would I do, I would leave more clues in the game about getting the final equipment, now there are no clues or it is very difficult to find them, it is the unknown that annoys everyone.

    Players who already understand how to make the finished equipment are annoyed by the required number of trips to other dungeons, which I don’t want to remember, so it may be worth making the cores untied, anyway, as I understand it, you can get only one gold core per day, this ensures that you don't make the final gear too fast.

    You just have to consider that many people want to have time to make gold equipment for other classes, and many more want to earn diamonds on it by selling gold equipment, in the near future this is out of the question.

    Players who for certain reasons will not be able to get new equipment will want to buy it, replenish diamonds and that's it, no one will sell it in sufficient quantities for a very long time, or will sell it for 1 item at the price of an average set from the gorge.

    But in general, I really liked the system, you just need to modify it a bit.

    Hello playernet
    I want to offer some suggestions that may interest you.

    1. Due to the fact that champions have to constantly reset and upgrade their shield skill, I want to propose adding an item that will reset only 1 shield skill and nothing else.
    Now you have to reset all skills for one shield skill, it's just a nightmare, while pumping all the skills it takes a lot of time, personally I have 30 seconds or more freezes, someone takes less time to hang up but many have it. Therefore, nobody wants to dump and pump all the skills too often, it is not only difficult but expensive to do, 199 diamonds for many can afford, if you make such an object it is advisable that it does not cost more than 100 diamonds, then it will be used more often in as a result, they will spend even more diamonds.
    This proposal was liked by all the champions with whom I spoke, I think the other players who play the champion class will like it, I really don’t know how difficult it is to implement, and I will leave the proposals for your consideration.

    2. Pet Tansformation Potion, I want to suggest you add more pet skins and add the appearance of pets inferno, gorge, kingdoms and the rest that are only on the Arcadia server. I see that almost all players change the appearance of their pets, which means players will like these changes, at first they can be made a little more expensive. So I also want to propose making a Pet Transformation Potion from the Legendary Festival Pets, both normal and advanced, the model is already ready for them.

    3. A small bug with furniture, I do not want to write about it again, I will write about this here. The appearance of the penguin in the guild’s castle does not look right, the penguin in the castle looks like a boss from the kingdom.

    4. I want to suggest changes to scouts and rogue, a scout and rogue has an equal physical attack from strength and agility, I don’t remember the servers where it was, for example, when I played scout on a Russian server, agility scout gave 2 physical attacks and strength 1 physical attack, this was not only on the Russian server but also on many others, dexterity gave more physical attack than strength.
    I know that you have already tried to do this before, but maybe then it wasn’t the right time, since many had already made equipment with strength and dexterity, but now, in my opinion, this is the best time for this, everyone starts re-equipping the equipment to a new one and can make a new one equipment with agility without problems.
    Now many scouts and rogue claim to be stat power, which is why players who play the champion don’t like it, scouts and rogue players are not always accepted into the group or are not allowed to take stat power, I don’t even speak about the difference in the price of the stat, it is too noticeable, dexterity is always much cheaper than strength, such a change would level this price difference.

    5.The new gold earring and the ring for the main bonuses are worse than the earring from the gorge and the old Aot ring, because of this, everyone will leave one gorge earring and one ring of aot, I think it makes sense to significantly increase the parameters of the new earring and slightly raise the parameters of the new ring, if not to do, players will put 1 Aot ring and 1 gorge earring, it will be better if players will make more equipment from the new dungeon.

    On the ring you need not to decrease but increase the critical damage bonus, on the Aot ring t12 a bonus of 85.2% and on the new T12 ring a bonus of 84%, no one will make a second new ring and earring.

    It’s good for the server when the players drag as much equipment as possible, it turns out that here 2 items will leave the old ones that are easily accessible to everyone.

    I will leave all suggestions at your discretion

    Thank you for your attention.

    Many thanks to you for improving performance, now I can play normally, although I have not yet been able to check the performance in the gorge, but the difference is already noticeable.
    For beginners, too, good changes, now they will not complain that the mob is killing them with one or two hits.

    New dungeon
    I don’t even know where to start, so I’ll start in order from the beginning
    First, I want to note the beauty of the dungeon, everyone liked it, without exception, here you are well done 10 points, in this dungeon the best for my taste.
    Traps are very annoying and delay everyone, it’s very bad that you can’t remove the negative effect, but in principle, given the horror that goes further, the traps bother me the least.
    The first boss in the last phase requires two tank classes, he will not be able to beat one tank, it turns out that only because of the first boss you need to make a second knight or constantly pump or throw off the champion’s shield, this is very bad, uncomfortable, annoying and discourages all the desire to walk into this dungeon. I really hoped that you left this practice after inferno 4 bosses and we won’t see this in the game anymore, but unfortunately there are 2 bosses in the new dungeon.
    The event on the first boss cannot be done by champions, they cannot get skills, I understand that healers can not get or knights but why can not champs, I propose to fix it.

    The second boss, in principle, will go, the only thing on it is to increase the aggro limit, we killed him 2 times and each time in the end there was an aggro search, it’s like Glasis in the gorge, a very small aggro limit. He won’t be able to quickly kill him because of the events, which means that with the new equipment aggro will be sorted even faster.

    We didn’t like the 3rd boss at all, it needs 2 tankers again, it turns out that on the first boss you pumped the champion’s shield, on the second boss you reset the champion’s shield and on the third boss you pumped the champion’s shield again, this is some kind of nonsense, this should not be to be in the game.

    Here is my suggestion for 3 bosses - remove the mobs and make 4 effects on the boss that are removed as the event progresses, and after that the boss himself does not die and begins to beat the players like a normal boss, so that you can inflict damage on him.

    The event between the third and fourth boss deserves a separate negative opinion, why do this, it’s complete nonsense that causes irritation, takes time and discourages playing, none of us think positively about the event with a golem between 3 and 4 bosses.
    I would rather demolish packs of mobs between 3 and 4 bosses, for example, there is a golem and during this mobs appear which need to be killed, at the moment this event is very annoying

    Mobs after the second boss are also busting in my opinion, they keep the character in fear for too long, and it’s not right that practically nothing works for them to prevent fear, it may be worth reducing the character’s stay in fear or make other changes, for example, so that the mage could use silence on mobs.

    The last boss is the most interesting of all, on it both interesting tactics and damage can be shown.

    In general, I would say the dungeon is too tactical, the tactics are literally on every mob, the dungeon is very long.

    People come to the game to relax and as a result, such difficulties with tactics only exhaust them even more.

    Too much abuse of tactics did not appeal to anyone at all, but in principle the dungeon itself is very beautiful.

    The location of the dungeon, the drawing of mobs and bosses is very popular with all our players, without exception, but we didn’t like the abuse of tactics.

    Therefore, I can give my assessment on a scale of 10 points.

    The beauty of dungeon, mobs and bosses 10/10

    Tactical 6/10

    In general, thank you for your work, making such a dungeon was not easy, I hope you will continue to delight everyone with a new dungeon in 1 year.

    There are too many egg respawn places, there were only 6 on the Russian server and more than 30 on the Arcadia.

    While you collect all the title, you can improve 3 sets of 9 pets.
    This festival task should not take so much time.

    This is a very very cool idea, I have long wanted to write about it but all hands did not reach), I think it is possible to do it, I fully support !!!!

    It would have been great to expand the space, 500 cells are very, very small, I have almost everything already occupied, and so much more can be placed there, I think 5000 cells will be fine.

    I support, this is a good idea. Weapons can be equipped, but they cannot be used normally, this is not right. I think this is the initial flaw of the game developers, sometimes it seems to me that this game was made in haste in the breaks between other games).

    Hello playernet

    I do not know exactly the reasons, for this I can only assume, for this give your assessment of what is happening.

    After the last patch, just awful lags went to almost all of our players, even on very strong computers with 2080 Ti video cards, before such players did not know what lags.
    With the latest patches, graphic changes were made in the form of sets of equipment icons on each item, I can assume that it is because of them, for some players on weak PC the game freezes when hovering over such an item.
    On other forums of other servers they wrote that the game is not designed for strong graphic changes and this will inevitably lead to lags and critical errors since no one will redo the game engine, I don’t know if it is or not, it’s better if the administration gives its assessment, I can only say that the lags are just awful and it becomes impossible to play, and in front of a new dungeon.
    Of course, I used to have lags in the gorge before, but this has never happened before, on certain bosses there were hangs but not the same as now, now the game just completely hangs for 3, 5 10 or more seconds, and this is not only mine, but almost all the players in our guild, yesterday even in inferno there were lags in our second group.

    I must also pay attention to 2 points in the gorge on 2 bosses and a penguin.
    On the second boss of the gorge, you can’t remove the visual effect of freezing in a circle, the lags begin exactly at the moment when the boss throws the freeze in a circle and, according to the idea, the effect should be removed in the "Hide monster effects" settings but this does not happen, it’s probably a bug, I’m proposing and please add the ability to hide this effect in the settings too.

    And the second problem is a penguin in the gorge, there are no problems with the penguins themselves, but the number of mobs is just awful, there are too many small penguins, many hang and some players have a critical error, for example, our tank has a critical error on the penguin almost every time, and it davolno strong PC.
    Therefore, I make a proposal to reduce the number of mobs by 3 times, you can add HP to them, but the main thing is to reduce their number, and I ask you to never make a similar number of mobs in a new dungeon like a penguin, otherwise problems are inevitable.

    And my third suggestion is to reduce lags, earlier on the now closed Russian server there was a world boss flower, all the players who were nearby received DL, you can imagine what was there, the lags were already at the entrance to the location where he was). The players who killed him find an excellent way to completely get rid of lags, they made a model that completely removed all the players, made them invisible and the lags disappeared, so I ask you to make this option possible in the client’s settings “Hide other players completely” this will help players who very strong lags and will help a lot on boss events and GM events.

    Thank you for attention