Scout Class [Feedback]

  • Scout/Knight in generell still isn't strong,no one plays it since it lakes DMG,playing it with gun feels very bad and the range modifications don't really help,I would suggest they focus on bow/crossbow and increase the DMG of some skills since the defense penetration doesn't rly matter rn,it doesn't deal good dmg in Orkham and the lower the content the weaker the class,at least thats how it feels for me,also there is a skill in the rotation that knocks back enemys what makes it significantly harder for the party

  • Couple Suggestions / Ideas for more fluid Gameplay

    Scout General

    - Remove Cast time of Hurricane Downpour (494970)

    - Remove Focus Regen and add a Focus Cost per second to Concentration and allow it to be permanent (like Target Area)


    - reduce the damage of Saping Arrow and reduce its Energy cost ( as of now feels very cluncky due to its very high energy cost)

    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Pls buff the physical version of Scout/mage testet around with it a bit and it feels like it is very weak.

    Maybe give the skill (ID 1491049) a pdmg modifier (same than other scouts have but little weaker (75-80%?)

    For example

    Rn if i hit Balton with a snipe on scout/druid it hits for 155million while a snipe on scout mage deals 35million

  • - reduce the damage of Saping Arrow and reduce its Energy cost ( as of now feels very cluncky due to its very high energy cost)

    Another Idea for this issue.

    Remove extra dmg portion from 492916 / 493093 and add some energy restoration on hit.
    As of now Exploiting Shot Elite dmg is too low to be usefull in any way , making it a dead Elite Skill


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

  • Regarding Scout/Warrior.

    The class is currently underperforming. Hence I suggest the following:

    -Change Hurricane Downpour to be instant instead of a channel (like Inprisonment Pulse). Atm you don't want to use this skill 99% of time, because Piercing Arrow is much stronger. Other scouts have similar problems and would benefit from this change too.

    -Remove 23% patk buff from Shot and add it to Accurate Targeting. Currently Warrior/Scout is way too slow, since it needs to waste one gcd every 8 seconds.

    -Allow equiping a two-handed axe for more patk/higher corruption mod.

  • About Scout/Mage

    Arrow of Essence skill gives ranged weapon damage and attack speed. But magical scout/mage doesnt benefit so much from this buff. Can you change it to give us fire damage instead ? So, both physical and magical scout/mage can benefit from it.

  • Hi,

    some fancy idea for Scout/Rogue:

    Push it more in the offburst DoT role , would be unique for scouts.

    For this DoT dmg would need to be increased and ways of applying it.

    At the moment it lacks alot of single target DoT options as Combo Shot is the logical way to apply it and DoT ticks for 4s and Combo shot got 6s Cooldown.

    Some option would be to make 493253 to apply to all skills .

    Also an option would be to make reflected shot DoT a small AoE circle around the target , 20-30 range maybe.


    If you identify a UFO as a UFO , then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed , then it is simply an -> O

    Edited once, last by Cruvor ().

  • Hi,

    some thing i noticed while playing scout/rouge:

    The class feels great at first but rn it seems to have MASSIVE problems with focus and energy.

    Even with dwarf alloy and uni pots it still is hard to play and mostly always running low on both ressources.

    Would be nice if the costs could be adjusted or the class gains some skill modifier that would give it a higher regeneration on at least focus.

    Since rightnow the cost seems to be a little bit overkill.

    Greetings Miraiyu

  • Hi,

    I would like to give some suggestions about Scout in generell that would make scout gameplay more fluid,

    since with the burst changes some things dont feel good rightnow and I am pretty sure other scouts feel the same way.

    Give all Scout a instant Snipe:

    (Having to cast snipe before burst feels pretty bad and since the 8% dmg buff its needed for every scout it is needed because many other classes can burst way faster ) -> leads into scouts beeing not so popular

    Remove channeling time from Hurrikan Downpour: (ID 494970)

    -> this would make it way better to use with many scout combinations

    (if a entire removal wont work maybe give it cast time instead would still be better than channel time)

    Make Consentration a permanent Skill that permanently gives focus reg and better shooting while moving

    (ID 490460)

    -> Ofc the focus reg would need to be reduced from 50% to around 20% - 25%

    I think those changes would help many scout combinations alot and make playing a scout more popular again since rn the server has way more people playing rogue.

    #BuffScouts :3

    • New
    • Official Post

    Impossible to manage resources is intended behaviour for this class. It is how class is curbing its own sustained damage scenario and keep it reasonable for burst.


  • I understand that the class needs some kind of restriction since the skills that use energy are pretty good, just seems to be a little bit of overkill in my opinion sadly no other scouts reacted to the post so hard to tell if I am alone with that feeling.

    Mostly its not about the class being to weak its very good actually,-

    Thats why I suggested to maybe do sth with the focus cost since doing sth with the energy cost would most likely break the class.

    Could be implemented via suggestion that i made a post later with the concentration buff :D

    Would be nice to get feedback about those suggestions since mostly those suggestions where posted by many scout players in one or another way to make scout gameplay smother ^^

  • Regarding Distance artefact rune.

    Since this rune isn't used in any capacity at the moment (at least to my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong), I suggest the following:

    Change the item to reduce ranged weapon distance by 30 instead. This way it would be a useful rune for Scout single target damage to maximize Distant Friend damage bonus in instances.

  • Regarding Distance artefact rune.

    Since this rune isn't used in any capacity at the moment (at least to my knowledge, please correct me if I'm wrong), I suggest the following:

    Change the item to reduce ranged weapon distance by 30 instead. This way it would be a useful rune for Scout single target damage to maximize Distant Friend damage bonus in instances.

    Rogue/Scout can utilize Fast Draw more effectively by hitting additional targets or improving accuracy on the same targets due to better positioning with increased range. I have a similar suggestion:

    Since Distant Friend is mainly relevant for single-target skills, let the Distance Rune reduce the range of single-target skills by 30 but increase the range of AoE skills by 30 instead. This way, Scouts can still use AoE skills with decent range and Rogue/Scout won’t be negatively impacted.

    This could also be an opportunity to fix the strange behavior of low-range skills used by Scouts with guns. If the range is too short, it ends up healing the target by that amount: