Changed Charged Chop to provide 1 Psi under effect of Willpower Construct as long as you aren’t under effect of Willpower Blade under effect of Willpower Blade and Willpower Construct, and provide 2 Psi if you aren’t under of neither of effects. it aprils fools already?!
This only makes it worse.
Charged Chop is one of the strongest skills this combo has, which can be spammed additional and with minor drawback along with all other skills a wl has. I did not test this in any instance, but I believe gaining 2 PSI for tanky wl/wd using the Construct still is no option.
For dps you even pushed the PSI gain, which is insane and contrary to what I tried to point out with my latest feedback...and obviously I am not the only one who has that point of view.
I am sorry to be this direct, but whoever made this decision should reevaluate their understanding of warlocks and their strengths and weaknesses, because with this you eleminate their biggest weakness by pushing their strengths at the same time.
Even for wl/k gaining 1 PSI with EVERY hit of Charged Chop is too much imo, but for tanks who do not directly compete with other classes in a raid this might be fine, yet allowing a dps to have near infinite PSI...I have no words.