Gaining TP isn't hard here since TP costs are 10% of official servers, so you can max whatever you want.
Posts by espar91
adf includes your attack rate versus targets defense value while calculating
With no information about physical defense on the end game instance i guess adf tends to be around 1.78 - 1.83
adf(attack/defense factor I believe) includes your attack rate versus targets defense value while calculating so you can't say anything about it xD unfortunately game wiki doesn't have those calculation for publicity, so only way to know such thing is experimenting in my opinion.
PS: adf is a limit that approaches to 0 and 1, to make it close to 1, you must have ( target' defense value x 10 ) attack value, and its being around 0.95 when you have 5x of defense as your current attack, so is increasing exponential -
W/M is best sustained DPS class at the moment, CH/R and R/M is following that. As tank, Knight/Warrior is still has use here or CH/R. Scout/X Classes has decent burst and even small sustain here, but sadly can't say it is much effective in current high-end instance "bosses" due to low crit chances
and some people using Wl/Ch or D/R as ranged magical dps
These comparisons are valid only during equal situations.
warlock/rogue should use magical dagger(selling by black codex vendors) as off-hand, hammer is for druid/rogue dps or healer
v3.2 released
- Updated to current data
- Added weapon range values
- Corrected armor id range
v3.2.1 Hotfix
- Fixed small suit data issue.
v1.2 released
- Updated droptable with last patch
- Added boss spots to instance maps
- Added health values of Gorge/Inferno/Tikal/Sun Temple
v1.2.1 released
- Fixed broken map icons.
It semens like "GetActionInfo(x)" - does not return "name" as second argument anymore if you use it on skills on your Actionbar - This however still works with makros / buffood however - so it semens like the issue is in the Skillset idk.
And all that since you've dropped that latest patches this week.
It was never returning name except for macros/emotes, and vActionBar doesn't need names to save skills
Increasing the player cap to 13.
This isn't fixing the problem, just simply giving players 1 additional limit. My vote is for just fixing the kick issue rather than increasing limit.
If I was a developer for a day,
- I'd create more things to spend diamonds on it, no matter how those are useful, just satisfy consumer should be enough
- I'd create more areas that players could do things alone (ex: weapon levelling area xD)
- I'd add more getting stat possibility to old instances (tikal,inferno), like dropping fragments all over taborea with small chance(10% of regular card drop rate, maybe) that you can trade for stat later without any fee
- I'd make GMs play as player in game, instead of just waiting for questions and doing background work, then I may have an idea about how current state of gameplay is, at that moment, or at least would spy people randomly, especially guild chats to get idea about how current gameplay is, because guild chats usually having good ideas/complainings that you never could see on forum suggestions xD
- And last, would make a wiki page for Chronicles of Arcadia that has all informations about custom content, like lore of instances/bosses etc.
- forgot to add: i'd remove warrior/mage from game
If you are lazy but rich, buy 2nd one xD
Very good changes:
-system of skills of pet
- new tab with titles
- raising the level of the title training
-missions for dwarfs available to everyone
-changes in the gorge (I think, I have not tested)
Mixed feelings:
- no information about changes in the loot in the gorge (mentioned in this thread)
- furniture for coins
- new level 13 runes - despite the fact that they do not give a large increase in statistics, they cost about 750k dias in the promotion(1 eq). Sufficiently to scare new players. If the publisher is already looking for money, the +30 would be better with introduced changes in the upgrade. Game economy (including microtransactions) comes down first to the availability of equipment and statistics available on the AH at prices accepted by players.About t13 runes, as you said they aren't doing much difference, then its not necessary to buy. I believe they have added those as just a further progression for people who want to spend their diamonds in such way imho.
I agree about transaction minority.
My primary reasons on why server is not active as much as back in days are:
- Lesser new player, higher grudge between others ( like kicking people from party because you don't like him even he does his job good > decreasing players play will)
- No demand because of no new players that can afford stuff, leads market to stop because supply won't arrive since noone will want to farm stuff for nothing > will reduce activity by that way
- Impossible high-end instance for random runs, so a new player has no chance to even see beyond of gorge b1 if he isn't in one of the big guilds > discouraging new players
Because it is not reedem voucher button which you are looking at xD
I'd like to see pet reset scrolls on happy hour or weekend promo, thanks in advance
I'll keep itempreview2 up to date on this section, I hope. It is updated for custom content.
Change Log
- v3.0
- Updated entire database
- Added item stats
- v3.1
- Updated to current client data
- Added new runes
- Fixed titles bug.
- Added titles, weapons, armors to dropdown menu
- v3.2
- Updated to current data
- Added weapon range values
- Corrected armor id range
- v3.2.1 Hotfix
- Fixed small suit data issue.
Download Link
I agree with Heddin except getting purple stat on each boss xD
I'd like to present you my revision work over charplan to make it more accurate.
Revision Init Version:
- Implemented calculation values of Cenedrils, Badge Titles.
- Improved percentage calculations, old method was summing percent values, now its dividing sum to percent amount to get extremum value which decreases margin of error to 0.04% from 1.5%~
- Added custom content items, stats, set properties. (Fixed stuck errors about new stats.)
- Added calculation values of Knight's Shield Mastery passive.
- Fixed an issue which making you force to change title to let addon read it, now it will read it properly without needing to change title once.
- Fixed "Equip suit" error.
- Redirected "Open in webbrowser" option to instead of old closed runesdatabase.
- Fixed various UI errors.
- Added XIII Runes
- Added pet skill system to pet egg calculation (90% accuracy)
- Fixed patk% calculation. (ex: Storytelling Troupe Helper title, Destroyer of the Underworld badge title)
1.2.1 Hotfix:
- Fixed minor issues
- Hidden ranged accuracy value and improved "accuracy" accuracy
- Fixed "going outside of screen" issues of item tooltip after last patch
- Made compatible item preview with current tooltips
- Updated to current content
- Fixed invisible descriptions of spells.
- Corrected colors on tooltips.1.4:
- Fixed various database bugs
- Corrected minimap button icon
- Cached databases removed, added dynamic databases instead. Thus database load times are increases so added slow-load mode which is loads data base in approximately 2 minutes (still can do insta-load with clicking to minimap button or simply via /cp)
- Adjusted search-item tooltip position.
- Forced item tooltip to show stats instead of stat icons.
- Fixed an issue causing frame buttons thats hiding unusable/unskillable skills was hiding set skills forever.1.5:
- Corrected percentage attribute calculations
- Fixed broken database structure which is preventing addon calculation functions
- Corrected maximum levels of spells
- Increased letter limit of level editbox from 2 to 3.
- Now skills are using default CoA tooltips instead of CharPlan'.
To-Do List
- Create more accurate damage calculation formula (it has around 5%~ margin of error on current version)
Download Link -
I'll try to keep DungeonLoots up to date on this topic, feel free to report bugs/errors here so I can fix them as soon as possible.
- version Arcadia Revision Init:
- Added Arcadia Custom instance drop table
- Added World Boss Aldo and Salifus to their spawn zones
- Added Sun Temple of the Eternal Sleep with custom loot
- version 1.0
- Fixed a few errors causing unnamed cards on list
- Added missing cards from custom instances- version 1.1
- Added boss/instance entrance coordinates to map.
- version 1.2
- Updated droptable with last patch
- Added boss spots to instance maps
- Added health values of Gorge/Inferno/Tikal/Sun Temple
- version 1.2.1
- Fixed broken map icons.
ToDo List:
- Wait for some kind of tikal map fix to add boss positions on map xD
- Add attack/defense/crit resistance of bosses
P.S.: Be sure you have deleted your old DungeonLoot folder before installing Arcadia version to prevent possible conflicts.
Download Link
It's nice, will take sometime to adapt.
- Nice and bigger look
- Suitable with website theme
- Don't have page buttons on thread list, we was able to go last page on old engine without entering to topic.
- Don't have page buttons on top of the topic when you enter, so we need to go far bottom to get other pages. It wasn't like this on old engine.
As I know you have a based crit chance which you can see on character frame, your actual crit rate which depends on your targets level, adding/subtracting from that chance. For example we are level 104, against level 107 bosses I'm losing crit rate around 20-25%, but again, against 90 level boss it is gaining 3-4% (values are for me, not an actual calculation, all about statistics of mine.) So I believe that formula is giving change of chance against your target.
It couldn't limited as 2 hits for both weapons per sec because with a bit lesser attack speed, it does way more hits. Like 3-4 per seconds, as you can see in video. Problem is my attack speed buffs making me do lesser hits which sounds dope xD
Hey Guys,
I don't know if it was discuss before in this thread (if yes sorry I'm tired of reading everything xD) but i like to ask why there aren't fragments for stats like in inferno (Protector/Agility/Pain/Knowledge Fragments)
Because that will make it way easier to get stats, Inferno got that feature approx 1 year later than it's release AFAIK -
I'd like to see titanium hammers and badge of the worldwide fame (240737), thanks in advance
- Boss 2 has nice event, good thing you reduced amount to let small guilds such as mine run instance too.
- Boss 3 nice sedative after cancer of b1
- Boss 4 nice simple event
- Outpost: Was nice riddle (we have tried all combinations at start to get through it, I won't lie)
- Boss 5 probably most insteresting event I've ever seen in this game, congratz on that.
- Crit resistance of instance is too high.
- Physical defense is way higher than magical defense unlike usual end-game instances, warrior/mage is strong enough already with 2kk matk lol
- Boss 1 is cancer> Corollary:
- First boss is cancer, rest of bosses are fine and interesting. -
I don't know why that happening but I've fixed that on my addon with saving variables on SAVE_VARIABLES instead everytime it saves bar, It was losing some bars sometimes, probably because of trying to save before SKILL_UPDATE event
By disabling vSaveActions function on EXCHANGECLASS_SHOW, you removed functionality of saving default setting of current class combination, It was saving and restoring your actual skillbar when you change class, now you have to do save/load always to restore skillbar in this version